
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

One less competition for your heart

"Listen, don't do this, she will never forgive you if you do this."

"That's the beauty of eternity, if I can't get her in this life, I'll just try again in the next one. But one thing is certain, your time is up."

"You're insane; this is an obsession, not love." Kim responded, realizing how insane Morian was; the doctor had always given him a dark vibe, but now it all made sense. He wasn't human.

"And how much do you know about love?" You have no idea what I've gone through in the name of love."

Kim was desperate to survive, and he knew that the only way to do so was to keep Morian talking. "Listen, Morian; it isn't too late; don't do this. "You don't have to murder me."

"I'm sorry," Morian said.

When Kim looked into Morian's eyes, he saw what appeared to be sadness.

"I understand dude, Delilah is a very special girl, I loved her since the moment I saw her too. You mentioned it's been thousands of years, how is that possible? How have you lived so long?" he struggled to push past his drunken state.

"I am not human, as you've seen. I am an entity of nature, I am Death."

And is she like you?" Kim asked, clearing his throat.


"I'm perplexed; does she know who you are?"

"No," Morian said as he vanished, and before Kim could comprehend what had just occurred, his car crashed into a building.

Morian stood there watching the car and building burn, hearing Kim's screams until he died. He watched as reapers appeared and took Kim's spirit to the Netherworld. He breathed a sigh of relief and vanished into the night.

Delilah awoke the next morning to an endless stream of missed calls on her phone.

One was from Kim's brother, and the other was from Felicia, who cursed her out. She called Kim's brother back, and she couldn't believe what she was hearing: Kim was dead.

She felt as if she were in a nightmare.

"No, no it can't be. I just saw him yesterday. He cannot be dead!"

"I'm so sorry Lilah, I have been asked to identify his body, I figured you would want to come, but I understand if this is too much,

"No, it's ok, just text me the address and I'll be there.

She prayed the entire car ride there that it was some kind of mistake. She kept calling Kim's phone but it went straight to voicemail.

There were no words to describe her emotions, the last time they spoke they had the nastiest fight ever. That was the last memory he had of her before he died, she couldn't handle that. She felt like she was losing her mind.

Once she arrived at the coroner's office, her and Kim's brother were shown his body.

She threw up when she saw just how badly disfigured the fire had made him. She let out an ungodly shriek, and she fainted.

She awakened in the hospital, Morian was standing over her, and she looked around.

"How did I get here?"

"A kind gentleman brought you in."


"I don't know, I didn't get his name."

She tried to move and felt the prick of the iv-needle stuck in her arm.

"Delilah, you need to relax. You suffered a concoction when you fainted."

"You don't understand Morian, I need to be with him. I can't be here."

"Trust me, I understand, but I need to ensure that you are ok."

"You aren't listening to me Morian. He is dead! Kim is dead and it's all my fault. I didn't even get to say goodbye."

She sobbed, Morian sat beside her and held her in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Delilah, I know nothing I say can ease the pain you feel. But know that you aren't alone and I am here if you need me."

She pulled away from him; "please leave me, I want to be alone."


"Please just go away, Morian, just go away!"

He nodded and exited her room, standing outside her door. As he listened to her sob in agony, his heart broke and sadness overwhelmed him. He was devastated that he had caused her such anguish, that he had taken someone she loved. But he couldn't take it any longer; he'd spent centuries watching her and Ciaran together. And now, Kim, he had put his desires ahead of her feelings, which had broken him. But he couldn't risk losing her heart to another.

She was shattered, her mind still trying to make sense of Kim's death. Her face was shrouded in sadness. She blamed herself for his death, claiming that if she had been truthful with him, they would not have fought and he would still be alive. She was inconsolable and eventually fell asleep because being awake was too painful to bear. The next day, she was released from the hospital. Morian attempted to contact her, but she blocked all communication with him. She simply desired to be alone and mourn. She didn't want to offend Kim's memory by having Morian with her. She needed space to mourn in her own way.

***Day of Kim's Funeral***

Delilah was numb as Kim's entire family and friends gathered for his funeral. She had cried until her body lost its ability to create tears, and there were no words to describe the gaping void left in her heart.

Felicia walked in and burst out laughing as soon as she saw Delilah.

"You fucking slut!" exclaimed Felicia as she approached Delilah and slapped her. Everyone turned around, shocked by what had happened.

"How dare you show your face here after what you've done. You killed him! he loved you and you killed him."

Felicia was enraged and screaming, Jimmy Kim's brother grabbed her and carried her out of the venue. Everyone gathered around Delilah to console her and check on her. She knew she deserved Felicia's scorn, and she blamed herself for his death. She went to his parents' house to pay her respects, but she couldn't stay any longer; she couldn't bear seeing his funeral through to the end. As she walked out, she overheard some people talking about her and what had happened. She hurried out of the house because she didn't want to distract from Kim's funeral.