
Dearie System

After a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Claudio falls into deep depression. While he's wasting his life away, he encounters a woman at a bar who gives him a business card due to his strifes. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime." Such a deal like this is too good to go to waste so Claudio takes the offer. He has nothing else to lose as his depression makes the decisions for him now. What will go down..? What's the worst that can happen?

WonderSuru · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Spring Memories

Verin picked the last Spring Rose and put it in her basket then walked back over to where I was then sat down on a tree stump. She set her basket down beside her horse and sighed.

"You could've let me help you know..." I said and smiled at Verin.

Verin smiled and stretched a bit. "Yeah, but these roses must be picked in a certain way or they will die if it were to be uprooted. These aren't normal flowers. These flowers were planted and grown by Cecilia's mother herself. I didn't want to take the risk..."

"I guess. So about The Anti." I said.

"Right, I forgot that you wanted to know about them. The Anti is a group of malevolent souls that were lost due to the influence of Luke Rose, or Suxen as he's known by now. Members of The Anti can not be saved no matter what unless The Savior purifies their soul." Verin explained then began to start a fire for us.

"Which would be me in this situation huh?" I asked. "Addis couldn't save them though despite him bring the definition of mankind and the direct reincarnation of Adam?"

"Addis doesn't possess the Soul of the Savior. The Messiah if you will. As strong as Addis is, being the one of the strongest men in the universe basically, he can't purify souls. Neither can you as you are and even if you could...it takes more than building a true relationship with the target because of their Corrupt Souls." Verin said.

"The Anti is vastly stronger than the cult Suxen has going on. The Anti are mainly filled with Fallen Angels and Demons, different from the Angeluses that Tempest creates with her power." Verin continued.

I watched as Verin tossed a few twigs in the blaze then remembered the reports I found with Daisy. "If Suxen leads both The Anti and The Nexus Cult, doesn't both sides contradict Suxen's plans?"

"It does. Suxen is a confusing person all being said. You see, Suxen is confirmed a Demon, but he is also a Fallen Angel. Unlike Nexus who retained his Angelic Abilities after falling from Heaven, the Archdemon that Suxen is the reincarnation of, Belial, fell from Heaven for his crimes committed against other Angels. But Suxen isn't the reincarnation of only Belial, but also a powerful demon named Mephistopheles." Verin answered.

I grunted softly and crossed my arms. "I guess I can see why Dad was so freaked out upon feeling his presence. So basically the Anti are demons and fallen angels and Suxen leads them..."

"Correct." Verin said and nodded.

"Who's all a part of The Anti?" I asked.

Verin shrugged a bit and looked at me. "All we know is Lotus is Suxen's right hand man, but he only targets those who are descendants of the Humans of the Garden of Beginnings. That's all I know."

I nodded and looked at the sky. "Thank you for telling me anyway."

"Now you must hold your end of the deal, but I tell you what I want on this date." Verin said then smirked at me.

I looked at Verin and noticed her smirk. "What..?"

"I gave you vital and confidential information that shouldn't have been told to anyone...basically risking my likelihood for you, so it's only fair you treat me to a very nice date...and more important, before I let you have your dirty ways with Lady Cecilia, I've gotta make sure you can perform well enough for her." Verin said.

"What?" I asked.

Verin chuckled and crossed her arms. "You heard me. Astar doesn't stop talking about the day you and her had sex...in fact...you had sex with her the day you got here didn't you?"

"Was that the day of? I can't really recall." I said and shrugged. "But whatever, I'll do that for you, but I hope you can last. I don't want to have to rank you low on the list.."

"Rank me low?" Verin asked then laughed. "We'll see tonight, hotshot..~"

"You might've beaten me in that duel, but I'm way better than the proficient man in bed. I mean as you can tell, I have my track records." I said.

"Ooo~ I love a confident man, especially a confident System Wielder..~ But I suppose you have the experience to show for it, but at the end of the day, my rating is all that really matters. We'll both see how great you truly are~" Verin said.

I smirked and crossed my arms. "I can already hear you now..~ Tapping out at my mercy."

[Verin's Trust Increased!]

"Mmmn~ We'll see who'll be the one tapping out..~" Verin said then stood up.

I chuckled and watched Verin, looking at her up and down. She did have me curious and I could she seemed a bit excited from her body language. I was rather excited as well to see how great she'd be with the way she spoke to me about it. I knew I needed to capitalize off her excitement.


Verin and I made it back to the castle and I noticed Dearie flying toward me and land on my shoulder. She smiled at me then waved at Eve. Eve waved back and smiled, flying back toward Addis.

"Have fun..?~" I asked and gently poked her cheek.

"Mhm!~ Eve is fun to hang around~ I learn something new about her every day~ She's the only System I actually enjoy being around!~" Dearie said happily and nuzzled me.

I chuckled and rubbed her head. "I'm glad you had fun..~ Listen, I have this very important date with Verin right now and I need your help. I'll do your hair and everything if you manage to help me."

Dearie looked at me with excitement and nodded happily. "Okay!~ So what date are you going on?"

"I actually have no clue. Verin never specified what she wanted to do. All she said was, we're going to go out together then play a game when we got back." I said.

"A game? Seems like you're gonna be playing chess, have you ever played before?" Dearie asked.

"Barely. I suck at it." I said, laughing with a hint of embarrassment.

"Well this can pose to be a real issue taken you barely have any experience in chess. Well to make it easier, chess is kinda no different from a real battle. Chess as a whole is a very strategical game where you must be ten steps ahead of your targets, but I can definitely help you when you two get back~" Dearie said and smiled.

"Thanks..~" I said and smiled at Dearie.

Verin walked outside in a casual outfit and carried her purse with her. She walked toward me and smiled. "You aren't going to get changed?"

"Nah, I'm fine with what I have on currently." I said and placed my hands in my pockets.

"Suit yourself~ If you get cold, don't cry to me about it~" Verin teased a bit.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just make sure you don't scream at me when you get hot." I said and chuckled.

Verin rolled her eyes. "Sure~"

Dearie smiled and flew off my shoulder. "I'm gonna go see what Aria's up to!~ Have fun out there!~"

I watched Dearie fly off and smiled. "Well, shall we get going?~"

"Mhm." Verin smiled and held my arm.

The two of us made our way to East Spring City and made small talk with one another along the way. I could tell Verin had a lot more respect for me since our Duel and my sparring match against Leo. It was like she saw me in a whole new light, and I felt good about that.

As we made it to the city, a few citizens noticed Verin and I were hanging out. They were surprised that Verin of all people would be with me alone, but they were more surprised that she had come out of her shell.

"All these people staring at us...it reminds me of the time I drove one of my other significant others to her job and it was the talk for a bit, but also reminded me of when I took Daisy with me to Diamond State University." I said.

"I'm not really known for coming out to the city let alone have a date with me...in fact I'm known for the woman who hates to go on dates, but everyone has their exceptions." Verin said and smiled.

"Right, right." I chuckled.

"Alright, we're at our first location~" Verin said.

I looked at the building and immediately dreaded everything. "Come on."

"It's just a lingerie store~ Besides I need some new lingerie anyway for tonight and I want you to pick them out for me...~" Verin said.

"I guess." I shrugged.

Verin dragged me inside and smiled. I looked around the store and looked at all of the options available. It was nothing new to me, but I never really enjoyed coming to stores like these.

"I need something...you know very appealing.." Verin said as she looked around.

I looked around and spotted a black, bowknot lace lingerie set sitting on display. It was quite literally the most expensive item in the store and Verin noticed me looking at it.

She smiled and walked over to the lingerie set. "I see you have your eyes on this set..~ Can you imagine me wearing this..?~"

I stared at Verin then looked at the lingerie set. I began to imagine Verin wearing it and I could nearly feel myself becoming slightly aroused. "Y-Yeah...I can imagine you wearing that..."

"And..?~" Verin asked.

"You'd look...absolutely beautiful with it on..~" I said.

[Verin's Trust Increased!]

Verin smiled even more and looked at the employee. "Can I ask you a favor?~"

The employee walked over to Verin. "What can I do for you, Lady Verin?"

"My boyfriend here is offering to pay for whatever I please and I want this set here. Is it possible to get it shipped to the castle by tonight?" Verin asked.

"Of course! Anything you ask we can do! We'll even throw in our Royalty Discount for you on us!" The employee said.

"Thank you~" Verin said and smiled at the employee.

I watched as the employee grabbed the mannequin and began to take off the set then placed the naked mannequin in the back. Once she had the lingerie set all packaged up, I paid for the set and it was all ready to ship to the castle.

Verin and I left the store and continued on our date. For the time I've spent here in East Spring and been around Verin, I've never seen a smile so genuine from her. To keep her in good spirits, I decided to spoil her with many gifts that were set to be shipped to the castle by tonight. I could tell how much she appreciated it by watching her Trust Meter increase by the minute.

Verin stopped and pointed at an arcade. "Let's go in there~ I've always wanted to try to get better at some games other than chess..~"

"Chess is really the only game you play?" I asked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Verin asked and looked at me.

I looked at Verin then smiled. "Nah, it just shows you're smart. Smarter than me for sure, I'm not really good at chess taken I've barely played it."

"Smarter than you? I doubt that taken who your father and dad are, and your duel with me proves that, but I wanna see your skills in other games! How often did you play?" Verin asked.

"When I was younger...probably nearly all the time." I said and grunted at Verin pulled me into the arcade.

"Well, let's see!~ I have to know how great you really are! I have yet to meet anyone who can beat me at any game I play." Verin said.

I let Verin drag me around the arcade to find games to play together. I noticed the arcade had VR and the two games that were sponsored in the Arcade was an interesting game called S Class Deity and a fairly poorly reviewed gamed named Monster Girl Index. I was surprised to see Monster Girl Index taken the...contents of the game isn't really child appropriate, but they did have an employee checking for IDs to play either game so it worked out in a way.

"Let's play that game." Verin pointed.

I looked at the game she pointed to which was called Dance Night: Party Edition. "Ehh—"

"C'mon!~ You have two left feet or something?" Verin teased as she pulled me toward the machine.

I stood on the machine next to Verin and watched as she picked a song to dance to. I looked around and noticed no one looking. This was different from being at a party where you're already known since I wasn't too well known around East Spring aside from my incident.

The song started and I watched Verin trying to find her rhythm as she tried to follow the dance moves shown on the screen. I snickered a bit as I watched her dance and she heard me then playfully pushed me with a smile on her face.

"I don't see you cranking down some moves!~ Come on, let me see those moves!~" Verin laughed as she danced.

"Oh you want to see some moves huh?~ Stand aside..~" I chuckled and put my hair in a ponytail.

Verin looked at me and watched me dance. She smirked and watched my footwork. "What is that move? I've never seen such a move before."

"Ahh you've never seen this one before? Watch and learned." I said and smiled then hopped up and down then began to shuffle. "This one goes back to the ones back home~"

Verin looked at the screen and noticed I was getting all Perfects. "Wow your rhythm is insane..~"

Verin noticed a crowd forming to watch me dance as my form of dancing was unknown to Royal Greens. She smiled and looked at me then noticed me tap dancing then spin around and stop. I pointed at Verin and she blushed.

"You have two left feet or something?~" I teased and smirked.

Verin was a bit surprised then pushed me aside then snapped her fingers then began tap dancing herself. She bit her lip as she began to feel the rhythm of the music then spin around like I did and stopped herself. She looked at me and began to shuffle her feet and clapped her hands together.

"Is that Lady Verin having a dance battle with a human?" A woman asked.

"I've never seen her dance in such a way. Is this what humans call freeform dancing?" A man said.

I watched Verin and smiled. "Okay, I see you picked up my moves that quickly~"

Verin pointed at me and panted softly with a smile. "I guess you're not the only one here who can dance..~"

I chuckled and crossed my arms. "Mmm~ Okay, okay..~ I see you..~"

"Encore!~" A woman called out.

I looked back then noticed there was a small crowd around us, watching us dance. I looked over at Verin. "Well?~ We can't disappoint our fans~"

"I suppose~" Verin shrugged.

Verin put on another song then together we danced to the music as th crowd cheered us on. It was truly an experience to dance with Verin and see a side of her I never knew I'd see from her. I was somewhat glad at the fact that Verin dragged me into the arcade. The both of us were having the time of our lives on the dance machine.


Verin and I made our way back to the castle together after a long afternoon spent together. I could tell Verin was happy with the way I spoiled her today and I enjoyed spoiling her, even if I spend double the amount Detre and the others spent on our outing.

"I really enjoyed today..~" Verin said as she held her giant plushie close to her.

"Yeah, I did as well..~" I said with a soft chuckle. "Never knew you were really a party animal inside."

"The more you know..~" Verin chuckled then grabbed my hand. "The date isn't over just yet though, we have one last thing to do...the part of our date I'm most excited for..~"

I followed Verin into the castle and we snuck our way to her room. Verin didn't want anyone to know our plans for tonight and she made sure no one spotted us. Once we got into her room, she closed the door then locked it. She set her plushie down then walked toward me and gently held my jacket. She pushed me over to her bed gently then sat me down.

"I'll be right back...~" Verin said then walked over to her closet.

I watched her and waited. After waiting for a minute or two, Verin clapped her hands then the lights turned off and her candles came on, using only the candles to light the room to give the room a more intimate feel.

Verin walked out of her closet in the lingerie that I bought her. "I'm ready for you..~"

I looked at Verin and blushed noticing how pleasing she looked in my eyes. "Somehow, you look better than how I imagined..~"

Verin chuckled then walked toward me. "Mmmn~ Well..?~ I'm practically naked, so why don't you strip down as well instead of sitting there fully clothed..~"

I smiled and stood up. I began to strip off my clothing for Verin. Once I was fully naked, I could see her gazing upon my shaft with delight.

"Ahh...you've got quite the package..~ But I don't know if it'll please Lady Cecilia enough..~" Verin said as she walked toward me. "That's why we're here..~ If you can't please me, you can't please her.."

I watched as Verin took hold of my shaft and stroked it slowly. I gazed upon Verin and chuckled softly. "Really..?~ You still doubt me huh..?~"

"Until you're inside me...I'm doubting you..~" Verin purred and looked up at me. She bit her lip as she felt my member growing harder by the second. "I can tell you're excited though..~"

I softly chuckled and stroked her hair. "How can I not be when there's a beautiful woman standing in front of me practically naked..?~"

Verin pushed me down on the bed then crawled on top of me. "I hope you can last longer than a few seconds..~"

"I can tell you're projecting..~ Don't tap out too early..~" I cooed, giving her a sultry chuckle.

I held Verin's waists then scooted back on the bed to get more comfortable. Verin gently splayed her hands on my chest then leaned down to kiss me. She stopped before our lips touched then rose her hips slowly. She pulled her panties to the side then took hold of my member.

"Ready..?~" She asked softly.

"Do your worst..~" I softly answered.

Verin pressed her forehead against mine then slowly guided my shaft inside her. She softly grunted as she allowed more of my length inside her. She took some time to catch her breath as the initial action took her breath away.

I could feel how tight she was and knew from there that she was a virgin. Her eyes told the entire story...but even through the pain she initially felt, her body wanted her to continue. She could feel the waves of electricity surging around her body, allowing her to feel sensations she never knew she couldn't feel before.

"Looks like you already can't handle it..~" I chuckled softly and flipped the position, laying her on her back.

"I-I..." Verin stuttered and looked up at me shyly.

I grabbed a pillow and raised her hips, placing the pillow under her. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle..~"

I began to slowly move my hips, letting her feel my soft gentle thrusts. Verin made soft sounds as she felt my shaft moving inside her. I made her open her legs wider, slowly pushing my member deeper inside her.

"Does it feel good..?~" I softly asked.

"Yeah..." Verin answered in a submissive tone.

"Think you can handle more..?" I asked.

"M-Mhm..~" She responded.

I pulled back just a bit then gave her a hard thrust. Verin moaned loudly and gripped the covers. The sudden burst of pleasure rushed around her body, making her brain short circuit. I began thrusting inside her with a quicker rhythm, slowly strengthening my thrusts with each movement.

Verin gripped the covers tighter the harder I thrusted and whimpered loudly. "C-Claudio..!~ Haah..!~ Haah!~"

I listened to her submissive moans, knowing how much she enjoyed this moment. Verin tried her hardest to keep quiet, but as she grew near her climax, controlling her voice was the last thing on her mind.

"Ahhhn!~ Claudi—" Verin couldn't finish her sentence, covering her mouth to muffle her intense moans as she began to cum. She arched her back and panted heavily.

I slowed down and chuckled softly. "Mmmn~ Already..?~ We haven't even gotten started yet..~"

Verin continued to pant and catch her breath. She looked into my eyes, finally catching her breath. "I-I haven't...tapped out yet..~"

"Yet..~" I said then leaned down to kiss her lips.

Verin kissed back, moaning within the kiss as I began thrusting again. I pulled away and made her look at me as I continued to violate her. I wanted her to know who was the dominant one in our new relationship, I wanted her to feel my dominance.

With each thrust, her voice grew louder and she became desperate for more. She reached up toward me and I grabbed her hand. She sat up slightly to pull me down to kiss her as I fucked her. Her body ached with pleasure, not wanting me to stop. She truly enjoyed the moment, loving how I progressively became more rough with her.

I pulled away from the kiss and placed my hands against the bed, thrusting even harder. I panted and gripped the covers, loving how her insides felt. She had the perfect tightness to her that made me desire her even more..

"Don't stop..!~ Don't stop..!~" Verin begged, feeling herself growing close to her second climax.

She held me close to her as she couldn't help, but cum again. I felt how tightly she held me, gripping and pulling my hair out of instinct. I began thrusting faster and harder, bestowing upon her a sensation she'll never seek from another man. I made sure to let how know that she was mine with every thrust.

"F-Faster..!~ Faster..!~" Verin whined loudly.

I began thrusting faster at her request then felt her wrap her legs around my waist. I grew closer to my climax, slowly losing my rhythm in the process.

"I'm... getting close..!" I warned, panting heavily.

Verin closed her eyes tightly and cried out with pleasure. "Yes..!~ Yes!~"

I grunted loudly then slammed my hips against hers, shooting my load inside her. She grunted and gripped my hair tightly as I finished inside her. Her entire body tensed her and her inner walls constricted around my cock, gently squeezing it as I finished.

I pulled out of her then she let me go. I panted softly and gently stroked her hair. "Mmmn..~ Seems like you really needed that..~"

Verin slowly began to relax and panted softly. She felt her womanhood pulsating, pushing out my fresh nectar. She couldn't even speak, let alone feel the lower half of her body.

"I-I give up...I give in...my body is too inexperienced right now.." Verin said and looked at me, still panting softly.

I chuckled softly and sat up. "Shame..~ You talked such a big game..~"

"This isn't...over...we have many...days to finish what we started..~" Verin said softly.

"I'll be waiting for that moment you make me tap out..~" I said then kissed her cheek.

Verin noticed I was about to get off the bed then stopped me. "Where are you going..? You can't leave me alone like this..."

I smiled at Verin and knew she wanted to sleep with me as well. "Alright, alright..~ I'll sleep with you as well..~"

Verin smiled at me then let me go. "Thank you..~"

I began to help Verin under the covers then got in bed with her. Verin rested against me and held me. I could tell how tired she truly was after our session.

"Thank you again...and I guess you're good enough for Lady Cecilia..." Verin said softly.

"You guess..?" I asked and smiled at Verin, gently rubbing her hair. "Seems like you're too stubborn to admit that I can please you and her..~"

"Shut up...I'm going to sleep." Verin said and closed her eyes.

I looked at her and noticed her smile. Although she didn't want to admit anything, I knew she was satisfied. I closed my eyes as well and drifted off to sleep with her.