
Dearest Black

In a world where humans are born with affinities to magic, magic is divided into elements: Fire, Water, Earth & Air in addition to Light & Darkness. Humans can act as beacons to gather universal energy in order to compel elements into existence, it can also be morphed into shapes, wielded as weapons or armor & even more genius applications later described in the story. Humans established an empire in the local galaxy with the ascent of technology and magic, alien beasts, eldritch beings & tribal life forms were discovered but nothing indicated another human sized civilization.. Due to the peace and prosperity humans flourished in architecture, science and mystical arts. In the current age of the story humans have culminated a hybrid of magic & tech. Earth is the Crown planet in which the story begins, we are introduced to Maric the main character and his journey. Another civilization has made contact with humans. These beings call themselves Quel’Throrin. Beings who resemble the Elves of legend! After years of introduction and negotiation humanity now formally known as the Scarlet Empire became a player in the galactic stage! This tale will dive deeply into the ecosystem of different cultures through the themes of adventure, war & discovery!

NicoMak · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Natural Born Rivals

As Ludas and Ludo approached they had seen the climax of the skirmish, Ludas was shocked at the display of courage Maric had shown and was even briefly taken back to his soldier days exploring the star system with the scarlet alliance facing unknown ancients and unfair odds often.

"That there is your rival Ludo. Today couldn't have been a better day for you to awaken." Ludas said with a mischievous grin on his face. Ludo looked towards him confused but he nodded nonetheless. Roughly around the same time that the Arelle father son match began Ludo had actually managed to awaken his affinity and rank while practicing the Elemental Sutra after training. He was astonished but ultimately humbled as his rank was only C.

Earlier that day at Cadus Manor..

"Father, how could this be?!" Ludas cried out. He was slumped against the wall of the Cadus Manor after finding out his initial rank was so low he was immensely frustrated. The only lower it could be was D, although rank could be increased it was rare without the aid of alchemical potions or rare Sutras. Among the rarest of methods would be Rituals but this particular method was complex and required not just materials but also magical power.

"Worry not.. these things can be changed. Never lose faith over a challenge that seems daunting, these things are never easy for those who strive to be extraordinary. Ludo you are my blood & your mothers blood as well.. you will never let us down until you've done so yourself. Be proud." Ludas softly said. Ludas sat next to the boy and patted his back, the two sitting in silence.

As the two began to head into the manor when Ludas stopped halfway into opening the door. He sensed two magical signatures, although he wasn't good enough to tell rank one of them was scary but restrained and the other was akin to a quiet storm, quite flashy but lacked power. Still the only mages nearby were the Arelle's.

The pair approached the actual entrance by the time Maric had woken up and the training seemed to be over, as they were led by the servants Varys and Maric were seen in a hugging position both smiling and laughing at the outcome of the fight.

"My lord, the Cadus lord & young master are here."

Said Sir Seraph, who was nearby observing the bout.

Varys got up to greet Ludas & Ludo and Maric did the same. "Ah I expected nothing less of the Firelord's boy. I see you have awakened the fire element!" Varys said as he patted Ludo's shoulder. Ludo looked at him with genuine happiness and thanked him, this was a man even his father admired and spoke highly of. The thing that Ludo respected most was strength.

Ludo continued as he scanned the arena. As soon as he locked eyes with Maric he shouted

"You! Arelle boy! You will be my rival! And today I challenge you to a friendly duel. Only steel can sharpen steel my friend. My father sensed two energy signatures when you were dueling with Lord Varys so I know you've awakened too!! Let's get right to it." Ludo spoke with a determined look in his bronze eyes.

Maric stared back and felt that there was no hostility; it was true sportsmanship and competitiveness that drove Ludo's heart. That same outstanding courage. Maric then smiled while simply replying with a bow and a short reply

"It would be my honor. Rival"

The two took their respective places in the ring. Maric was wielding a wooden training sword and Ludo was wielding a wrapped curved scimitar, the two squared off silently as they each waited for the opponent to make a move. All of the sudden Ludo took the offensive!

"Come out! Phoenix Flame!" Ludo yelled while charging.

He took a lowered stance with his arms adjacent to his sides like wings. The airflow around his arms became flames and he picked up great amounts of speed.

The two fathers watched on and chatted about the two boys in combat.

"Looks like Ludas has C rank quality and quantity but has great control and output.. If he works hard he will become the second coming of the Firelord" Varys said while winking at Ludas.

"He is my son after all. But nonetheless, Maric is a threat. His swordplay and instinct is astounding and not to mention his fusion affinity. He is a genius to be molded. Be wary of what he is exposed to." Ludas replied seriously.

All too often there were mages who wandered. They took no affiliation or interest in the Scarlet Alliance or sharing research they have accomplished on their own, the train of thought commonly among these mage's is that the benefit of prestige and wealth isn't worth liberty and freedom to pursue the mystical unknown. Much like Varys had been in most of his early life, but for some reason unknown to those who know him he was appointed to the Lords Hall as a Captain. This title typically only bestowed upon those who have committed years of honorable duty..

Varys shrugged and said quietly "He will choose his own path. It is only my job to guide him to the truths that exist in our world.."

Before Ludas could speak he sensed a spike in mana from the arena. Maric unleashed the same exact technique Varys used in their own duel!

"Dark Sheathe!" Maric yelled as he raised his blade to parry the incoming attack from Ludo. As he raised the blade from his side a purple flame flowed from the blade in an arc shooting towards Ludo.

"Dodge!" Ludo thought as he barreled his body to the side, narrowly dodging the attack.

His body was drenched in sweat, that move was truly dangerous. He quickly chanted as he gathered his mana and shot out three fist sized fireballs as he ran to get distance towards the outer edge of the arena.

"Flame Magic: Multi Fireball!"

Maric was still standing in the same spot. He felt excited but it was still awkward to fight someone other than his father, he didn't want to hurt Ludo but he also was not used to holding back. He regained his clarity when he saw the fireballs head his way, he quickly dodged and whispered something under his breath that Ludo couldn't recognize. Suddenly black chains made of flame shot out from behind Maric towards Ludo in 3 great arcs, Ludo tried to dodge the first but the second and third entangled him as he screamed.

"Arghh!!" Ludo yelled through his gritted teeth.

"Flame Magic: Fire Shield"

Ludo managed to summon a weak looking red shield but the chains tightened and melted through the shielding rapidly. These purplish black flames were able to burn through practically any defense that is what made Yin Fire so dangerous to stand against.

"That is enough. The victor is Maric." Varys yelled

As his voice boomed the chains that bound Ludo were released. In the Arelle household there were rune formations to dispel magic, in this instance Ludo was saved from being seriously hurt due to the arrays wracking and dispelling the spell Maric casted just in time. The injured Ludo held his right arm as it had been bruised from being bound in those wicked magical chains. He looked around to meet his fathers eyes first but crossed over Maric first.

"Arelle.. I'll see you tomorrow to train again, I don't plan on letting you win so easily all the time" Ludo scoffed as he made a pompous expression. Ludo placed his sword on the ground and brushed his red hair back from his brow and extended his hand to Maric.

Maric slowly smiled and looked at Ludo's extended hand, he had never felt camaraderie before and upon hearing how Ludo wanted to train more in the coming days actually pleased him very much. His father would often be either off-world at the Lord's Hall or at the capital issuing orders to the local military.

"It was well fought Ludo. I hope to see more from you in the days to come!" Maric said excitedly while taking up Ludo's extended hand.

It was at this moment these two boys, these two young mages, had formed a bond. Whether it be thanks to the fathers who sought to instill competition in the boys or the natural born affinity for brotherhood bringing the best out of one another..