
Dearest Black

In a world where humans are born with affinities to magic, magic is divided into elements: Fire, Water, Earth & Air in addition to Light & Darkness. Humans can act as beacons to gather universal energy in order to compel elements into existence, it can also be morphed into shapes, wielded as weapons or armor & even more genius applications later described in the story. Humans established an empire in the local galaxy with the ascent of technology and magic, alien beasts, eldritch beings & tribal life forms were discovered but nothing indicated another human sized civilization.. Due to the peace and prosperity humans flourished in architecture, science and mystical arts. In the current age of the story humans have culminated a hybrid of magic & tech. Earth is the Crown planet in which the story begins, we are introduced to Maric the main character and his journey. Another civilization has made contact with humans. These beings call themselves Quel’Throrin. Beings who resemble the Elves of legend! After years of introduction and negotiation humanity now formally known as the Scarlet Empire became a player in the galactic stage! This tale will dive deeply into the ecosystem of different cultures through the themes of adventure, war & discovery!

NicoMak · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

A Lesson From Sir Seraph

After the bout between the two young men at the Arelle manor Maric had retired to his quarters for the night as he was physically exhausted.

As Maric's head fell upon his pillow he replayed the two duels he partook in today, firstly the fight with his father was surprising. He had let his guard down to the sheer destructive power of a veteran mage. Secondly in his fight with Ludo he found it to be exciting, he had felt this instinct come upon him from the start that made him feel almost as if victory was assured. He was already several steps ahead of Ludo and was able to respond offensively or defensively.

But there was one instance that stood out to Maric the most, when he was under the oppression of his fathers dual casting his mind had gone blank entirely but for a slight moment he felt a power well deep within himself.

"That blue flame.." Maric whispered as the exact moment played back in his mind. It felt unconscious like the times he would wet the bed as a child, he never really had control during those times and it was not until he grew out of it that it had stopped. As he pondered Maric overlooked one feeling he had in that moment, complete and utter power. He felt that if his small body could produce more mana he could have obliterated his fathers attack.

The young boys mind raced like a bullet train on the same track until the late hours of the night when he fell asleep unknowingly.

The next morning at the Arelle manor Maric was still fast asleep as he was jolted from his peaceful dreams by a familiar voice. It was Sir Seraph

"Young Master! You've overslept!! It's time to get up, please wash yourself and get dressed in your training armor. Your father instructed me to give you some tips and later this evening test your mana quality."

Maric opened his eyes to Sir Seraph looking down on him in a stern manner. Seraph was considered to be good looking in the Scarlet Alliance, His golden blonde hair accentuated his tan skin with emerald green eyes. He donned a set of golden half plate with the Sigil of the Lord's Hall that oozed the imagery of a classic knight. In truth, Maric secretly wanted to be just like him.

"Ahhh I'm sorry Sir Seraph! I was so focused on my awakening that I must have stayed up later than normal hehe.." Maric said as he sat up and scratched his head.

Seraph was amused by the young lord's behavior but he could not encourage unpunctuality like this. Seraph moved towards the door while holding back a laugh.

"Erm.. of course. I was once in your shoes as well so I do understand but unfortunately there is only so much time in the day. Quickly, get ready and dressed and meet me in the training yard."

Seraph's voice trailed off as he closed Maric's door behind him. Maric hopped out of bed to quickly shower and dress himself before jogging towards the training yard. He was excited for his new life and incredibly eager to live up to his fathers expectations and legacy.

"I'm my fathers son. I will never lose" Maric thought to himself as he came to a stop in front of the doors to the training yard and pushed them open.

Standing in the center of the yard was Seraph, Maric could see he was wielding a golden straight sword that exuded a pure aura that circulated the blades edges.

"H-hey Sir Seraph.. Are we training with real weapons today?"

Seraph looked at him amused. He sensed the boys uncertainty but he was ordered by Varys to get him used to an actual blade, including the danger that comes with it.

"Your fathers orders young lord. It is best to start early, that way we can instill a true warriors will in you. You understand!?" Seraph started softly but ended his statement with his voice booming in the training yard accompanied by a golden aura flaring out of his body.

"Steel yourself Maric, You must treat this as a serious encounter."

As those words floated into the boy's ears he took haste and pulled a simple steel sword from the rack.

"Heavy.." Maric whispered to himself while he grabbed the sword with two hands to support its surprising weight difference. When he looked up Seraph had already dashed from his position about 20 yards away, he had manifested a pair of golden wings making him look like some sort of demigod.

"Prepare Yourself!" Seraph yelled out

Maric took a defensive position and Chantlessly casted Yin Flame Body. His body became covered in pitch black flame that seemed to chill the temperature in the room, Seraph had a look of surprise on his face that was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Of course the chief's kid would be this freakish.. Chantless casting already? Sheesh." Seraph thought to himself

Of course he didn't have time to ponder on this fascination, he was already in front of the boy by the time Yin Flame Body came into effect. He swung his sword downwards only to be greeted by a decent defensive maneuver but to his surprise..

"Dark Magic: Phase Rush!"

Maric shouted out as his body shifted at an impossible pivot while dragging his blade's edge against Sir Seraph's. He managed to create some room and realized he had to keep it coming. He materialized the array of black floating flames around himself that he used in his bout with his father, he had aptly named it "Yin Flame Array" in his excitement a few days ago..

When Seraph saw the flames floating silently in the air he knew they wouldn't pose a threat at his full prowess but to anyone on Maric's level they may be a bit perturbed. Seraph made his way leisurely toward the array only to be assaulted by chains launched from the orbs themselves. Five of them lashed out which left Seraph no choice but to react offensively.

"Light Magic: Flashing Smite!" Seraph shouted out as golden Magic circles appeared all around his body launching out great beams of energy completely shattering the chains and orbs.

Before Maric could even process what would happen next Seraph had appeared right behind him.

"That was Flash Step. In an instant you would have been defeated.. But nonetheless, you did very well Maric. I am honestly astounded by your potential. Despite this, You have to work very hard when it comes time to head to academy. There are other great talents out in the Scarlet Alliance and the downfall of potential is hubris my young master."

Maric looked at Sir Seraph with wide eyes as his Yin Flame Body dispersed, The hair on his body was still standing straight up into the air as if he was shocked by electricity. He really was in awe of Sir Seraph's ability as a Knight-Apprentice of the Lords Hall, His fighting style was different from his fathers but still equally deadly. Maric instantly knew he had a lot he could learn from this figure standing before him.

The pair spent the rest of the day doing training exercises and in between tests Sir Seraph explaining key elements to growing your ability as a mage and affinities.

"Now don't get a big head because you're born with a fusion affinity, Say you were up against an opponent who knew several more affinity spells than you? While being in the same bracket you would still end up losing to battle IQ and innovative use of their natural affinity." Seraph spoke softly while polishing his sword

"What it really comes down to is knowledge. In this world knowledge is a powerful tool young master. Once you properly master your Affinity you then must compliment it with a Sutra, Sutra's are external techniques that augment our bodies interaction with our affinity. At times Sutra's can even be practiced solely for physical augmentation, the applications are almost limitless."

Upon hearing this Maric's imagination began to run wild. His father had told him briefly about Sutra's but never this deep of an explanation. Now his training with the Elemental Sutra made complete sense, he was preparing his body to interact with the affinity that had laid dormant in him since birth, day in and day out he circulated raw energy throughout his body to have it be an appropriate environment for the Yin Flame.

"Sir Seraph.. Thank you so much for teaching me. I will do well with your instructions!" Maric said this with a bright smile and cheery demeanor and Seraph couldn't help but to be proud.