
Dear Mommy, Let's Win Your Stern Boss's Heart!

Emma Valentino, a hardworking single mother recovering from a traumatic past, faces the challenges of her job while raising her 3-year-old daughter, Eve.    Her encounter with her stern boss, Oliver, shook her confidence. As she arrives to meet his high expectations, she discovers hidden depths in both herself and Oliver.    Trust and reliance on each other shaped their evolving relationship.   Will Emma's determination to heal and succeed be enough to overcome the obstacles in her path, in addition to her trauma from her past, or will her encounters with Oliver lead her down a different path?

Daphne_Ba · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

An Unexpected collision

I walked down the busy street of New York, with my daughter Eve's small hands clasped tightly in mine.


The morning sun cast a warm glow over the city, but my mind was far from serenity, anxious about the loads of emails and tasks awaiting me.


'Today is going to be so cra—'


"Mommy, can we get ice cream today?" Eve's voice interrupted my disturbed thoughts, filled with innocent excitement.


I smiled, pushing back the weight of my worries. "Let me think about it, my love," i replied with a gentle yet strained voice.


We got to the daycare center, a colorful building close to a skyscraper.


I bent down to Eve's level, giving her a little kiss on the forehead.


"Have a great day, baby," i replied softly.


With eyes beaming with expectation, Eve responded with a smile, "Okay, mommy, I love you!"


'I love you more, darling.' I subconsciously responded.


I watched as Eve skipped into the daycare excitedly, with my heart aching with pride and joy. I straightened up and continued on my sorrowful journey to work, steeling myself for what was to come.


'Hell, here I come.'


I inhaled deeply as i approached the transparent door of the building and pushed it open. The familiar, sweet smell of coffee and the sound of clicking heels enveloped me.


"Good morning!" I greeted the security guard with a smile and made my way to the elevator.


As the elevator ascended to the second floor, my brain raced through the loads of tasks awaiting me—emails, meetings, and a lot of deadlines—making me sigh painfully.


'It is going to be crazy in here today,' I thought.




The door slid open, and as i stepped into the open-plan office, the intense activities hits me like a wave: colleagues walking about, their voices blending into a jarring uproar. I slowly moved to my desk, took a seat, and turned on my computer to start with work, only to encounter inbox icons.








All those sounds reminded me of all the emails that needed to be addressed. With a resigned sigh, I quickly dove in, typing nonstop.




I decided to grab a cup of hot coffee after hours of working on several spreadsheets and reports, but a soft chime signaling an incoming call interrupted me.


I glanced at the caller ID, and my heart sinks at the sight of 'Lizzy Matthew'. The office respected Lizzy, my supervisor, for her sweet yet blunt demeanor.


Taking in a deep breath and i answered the call, my voice steady yet nervous.


"Hello, Lizzy. How may I help you?"


"Emma, I need you in my office." Lizzy's voice creaked over the line, but it was a little audible and urgent.


My heart skipped a beat. I has been on edge ever since the Chesterfield project hit a snag, and the thought of facing Lizzy only adds to my anxiety.


I rose from my desk and made my way to Lizzy's office, my footsteps echoing in the quiet corridor.






I knocked softly at the door to Lizzy's office, steeling myself for whatever happened.


"Come in," Lizzy's voice called out from inside.


I pushed the door open, revealing Lizzy's stern expression, her features set in a mask of professional detachment.


"Have a seat," Lizzy said, gesturing to the chair opposite her.


I sank into the chair, my hands folded in my lap, as i waited for Lizzy to speak. Finally, the silent barrier between us broke.


"I want to talk about the Chesterfield project," Lizzy started with a firm voice. "The deadline is fast approaching, and we've not been able to come up with any ideas, Emma."


'As I expected.'


My heart sank further at the mention of the project, with mind racing through all the obstacles preventing us from finalizing it. The Chesterfield project was a stepping stone for the company to solidify its reputation in the industry.


"I am aware of that; we've hit some roadblocks, but we're doing everything we can to get back on track, and I promise to personally oversee everything to the end." I spoke to her with a voice full of determination.


Lizzy raised her eyebrow and sharpened her gaze.

"I understand the challenges that come with this project, Emma. But the client expects delivery by the end of this week, and if we are unable to complete it, it will cost us a lot of money, as well as the contract."


The weight of Lizzy's words hit me so hard; i had poured countless hours into the project, sacrificing time with Eve and countless sleepless nights just to bring it to perfection. However, the prospect of potential failure instills a well-known feeling of uncertainty.


"I would do anything I can to make sure we deliver on time, I promise," i said.


With an unwavering gaze, Lizzy studied me.


"I know you will, Emma. Just know that you're not alone. I am always ready to help."


"Thank you, Lizzy," i said with a little smile.


As i was about to leave the office, i bumped into someone.


"Oh!... I am so sorry."


I exclaimed with embarrassment.


"Watch where you are going," said a deep, husky, yet empty voice.


Finally glancing up, I meet a hazel eye filled with disgust.


"I... I am sorry," i stuttered, ashamed as i tried dodging his gaze and going back to my workstation.


"Maybe you could do us all a favor and concentrate on not bumping into people like a blind bat next time!"


I couldn't understand why i was the target of this stranger's irritable personality.


'Who the hell is this guy? Also, why does he seem familiar?' i narrowed my eyes, burying my confusion.


I shrugged and shook my head, needing to hurry back to the workstation.







After two hours of brainstorming and putting together different ideas, I was able to finally finished the project.


"Oh my gosh! This project will be the death of me!" I exclaimed.


"Oh, Emma, I guess Chesterfield is kicking your ass," said my deskmate Lydia with a smile. Lydia, my closest friend, consistently provided a refreshing change of pace in the otherwise stuffy work environment.


Lydia's comment made me laugh. "I think I could use a cup of coffee—actually, three cups of coffee," i responded.




I turned to the familiar voice, which was Lizzy.


"Hey, Lizzy."


"I just got information from the Managing Director, Emma, and he wants you to submit the Chesterfield project to him in the next 30 minutes; please see him after 10 minutes." Before strolling out of the open office, Lizzy said it casually.


"WHAT THE HELL?! Lydia, tell me I am dreaming." I pulled at my hair, with eyes wide open in shock.


"Girl, the Lord is your strength. Hold on. Do you have any idea how many people cry after coming out of his office?"


"Wow! That's really comforting, Lydia." I sarcastically responded with a deadpan face.


Lydia shrugged. "Just giving you a heads-up, girl."


"What should I do?"


"Well, go in there with all your confidence, and I hope he doesn't roast you and feed you to his dogs."




After minutes of compiling the points and analyzing them a billion times, i walked out of my cubicle and went straight to the managing director's office.


"Oh God, save me from this crazy demon," i said in a muffled voice.


Upon arriving at the office, i knocked on the door, only to hear a familiar voice.


"Ahh, you're finally here, Emma Valentino."