
Dear F*cking Diary

This story is from the POV of Cookie. Have you ever wondered if anyone else is going through the same thing you are. No doubt. Think of this as a lil blog post from the POV of Cookie. Me. Hear the thoughts going through my head as they come, a public diary. And it's all about my life aren't you intrigued. it'll be interesting don't you think... screw the world, fuck society and fuck me. ----- it's a new story or whatever u wanna call it. I try and post twice a week or maybe more. what u doing reading the blurb go read the fucking book. off u go I'll see u in the comments~ -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger Warning: suicide, depression, death, divorce, and a lot of sensitive subjects.

Jisooily_Cookie · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Lesson 1: Crush Coincidence

𝐷𝑎𝑦 1 𝑜𝑓 «■■■■■■■■■»

If u wanna skip to the story mode, scroll a lot further down until you see the words: STORY MODE. lol


Lesson 1

Create your own story: My story

❝Dear F*cking Diary,❞

𝙻𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗… 

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    𝙴𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 108,939,853,724…. 






. . . . . ╰───────╮

╰┈➤Alias: Cookie


ღAge: - ✎

ღGender: Female

ღHeight:182cm ✎ 

ღZodiac:  ♉ 

ღPersonality: Introvert ✎ 

ღDay:  6100 ✎

╭─────────╯ . . . . .

…𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 


POV: Cookie

Dear Fucking Diary,

All I wanted was friends, some minor fucking confidence, and to be happy and I'm not gonna lie maybe a boyfriend, bc that would make me happy, I suppose. Someone who could genuinely love me ~ an empty existence.

I'm a reader

An observer

A listener

I'm like the fucking Watcher, you know the one from the Marvel series. (If u know, u know)

I have no effect whatsoever on whichever storyline I'm in, all I simply do is watch other people's happy lives in jealousy.

Well thats not healthy, is it Cookie. Thats what social media does to do you I guess. Or does to my mental health, and then my mental health screws me over.


I'm also a complainer, a procrastinator.

I never get shit done, and when I do its last minute. And unfortunately for everyone else even though I put the smallest effort in, I usually get the most out of it. Lucky I guess. 😉

Not that I have much of that since here I am crying in bed because nothing goes the way I want it to. But that's about the change.

I've heard a lot about scripting and manifesting, I've been in the community for 2 years now, nothing spectacular has happened, but there are somethings I do believe I manifested.

Like my GCSE grades, I didn't expect to get a grade 9 in anything to be honest. (Highest grade = an A\*).

But the subliminals paid off. Eventually I guess.

My lowest grade was in French. (Ofc🙄) Fuck French. 🖕

One can only pray for the best, and wish myself luck, on the days that drag before me.


So I take Chemistry, Biology and Psychology for A-Levels.

Not the worst combination, but not the best.

I hate chemistry. You would too if you did it. And if you like it your simply madman.

It has a lot of maths in it, which I flop at. I did surprisingly well in my last test tho. But I got mocks in 3 weeks and I haven't even revised. So I'm literally gonna die.

Lets not even start about psychology, I haven't even touched it. It's literally a blank, untouched page. And thats not good.

Biology is whatever, but I'm still literally freaking out, even though all I spend my time to do is read, read, and read 📚. And then watch some kdramas. Fuck school.

And tbh my studies isn't the only thing that makes me feel like shit. In fact it's not even the biggest contributor.

Friendships, people, school. I hate people.

(For context, I hate everything)

The fact that I have to even worry about who I'm gonna sit with at lunch is annoying. I realllllly wish I didn't care but I do care. I really do.

I wonder what people think of me all the time. I always try to look pretty, because I have this stupid ideology that people will like me if I'm pretty. I don't even fucking know why my mental state is soo fucked up.

I just came to a realisation. I think I'm a people pleaser. FUCK! I don't even like people. Or maybe it's the other way round. I don't care.

Well you can't escape reality. Even if your like me and the amount of hours you spend reading on your phone is almost the same as the amount of hours you're awake for.

Sometimes I can't belive I'm still here. Literal hell.



As I walk down the hallways, my eyes wonder against the plain, cream walls which I've only gotten familiar with for the past 4 months. I looked down at my feet, my 3 inch tall platform shoes bolstering my height to a staggering 6"3. It was pretty tall for a girl let alone a guy. Piano music was playing in all the hallways, as a lesson just ended, and lunch just began. I wasn't feeling particularly hungry today as usual. I mean if I don't eat now maybe I'd lose some weight, could just be wishful thinking.

I wistfully walk past the common room, where all the chatty, social kids hang out. To me it look like a death trap, I'd probably drown in it. To me it looked like a place where all my fear could come true, or where they could be conquered.

As I slowly walk past the room, packed full to the brim with humans. Ew. I peer through the small glass window on the door, and as I did that someone walks out, a hot gush of air escaped the room for the period of time the door was open for. Sheesh, It smelt like sweat, the kind of smell you'd get from a club full of sweaty dancers and drinkers.

From the small glimsp I got inside the room, I saw my friend in there, and she saw me too as she beacons me to enter.

Might I mention one of my only friends. She's a nice person, but sometimes I think she's only friends with me because I was the first person she got to know at the school, and because she's nice and doesn't wanna dump me. Idk I'm kinda pessimistic.

As a last minute decision, I turned to enter the room. The person at the door was turned facing inside the room as I walked up to it, his lanky frame obscuring the view into the open room.

I advanced so I could politely ask him to shift. But just as I walked forwards he turned around and walked right into me. Oof

As he bumped into me his momentum almost knocked me off balance, and so, almost reflexively, he caught me. 💖💗💕

And as in caught me ~ not a romantic kdrama scene, with his arms wrapped around me moment.☠

I mean it can be viewed as romantic even though we didn't know each other that well, all he did was put his hands on my two arms to stabilise me.

And then we made eye contact. And I blushed, he blushed, and we stared at each other under the white light of the hallway. I think our souls clicked. We realised we were soulmates. We kinda stood there in front of each other for a solid minute and stared at each other. And all of a sudden we grabbed each other and made out wit-. WHAT IN THE WATTPAD!

I'm just kidding. That didn't happen. That would only happen in a wattpad story. Duh 🤭

It actually went like this: we realised we were blocking each other and that he was grasping my shoulders, so after like a seconds moment he realised that he should probably let go. And I blushed, I was bit flustered after all.

[For context I went to an all girls school, so imagine here with me]

He looked straight at me, because we were at eyelevel, he looked a bit flustered as well and apologises, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

I also apologised, embarrassed about the whole situation, "Noo. I'm sorry I didn't mean to-. Bump into you." I kinda stuttered there. ☺

The eye contact we were making was me blush, I mean crush, don't give me that look, I might just jump you. I mean I'm much more polite than that, but I'd watch my back if I were you. And your front. 🤭😌 oops ~ I jest.

So after we both apologised, it was a bit awkward, I mean I was gushing that he touched my shoulders, and I guess he was... I don't know, I'd be flattering myself to say he was blushing that he bumped into me. But I'd like to, I mean look at me.

Cookie virtually checked herself out

(Self-confidence +1)

I looked at the floor, in embarrassment, because I don't know if I could handle his intense look anymore. I'll literally melt, why does he look like that.

And as I looked down... don't be dirty come on, eyes up here.

But there on the floor in between our slight awkwardness I suppose was his phone. So I pointed out to him, "Oh is that your phone,"

"Oh yea, thanks."

And like the awkward little introverted idiots we both were, we both reached for the phone and our heads bumped into each other. And it went like this:


"Shit! Ow."

"Shit I'm sorry. We just keeping bumping into each other today.", I said smiling as I touched my head. Fuck my life.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't know you would reach for it." He said whilst scratching the back of his neck.

(Do all ppl always do this when they're embarrassed)

"Are you okay?" He continued.

"Same. I mean Yea, I'm good. Are you okay?" And we both laughed.

[Thinking back wtf did I say]

I ended up picking up his phone and handing it back to him. It was a Samsung phone. She shoots and she scores. Android user for the win, check ✔. Yessss, I thought.

[I have no prejudice against the iPhone users except ur tasteless 😋jk]

And after he thanked me, we both side stepped the right way so we could get past each other. And do he walked away. And I watched him walk away, and then proceeded to enter the common room. And we both turned around and had one final look at each other, as we both smiled at each other. And I waved at him.

Go, Cookie Go!

My first crush coincidence, I guess.


Oh yea you don't know who he is. Lemme quickly introduce you. That man grasping my shoulders, his name is Daddy Long Legs ~ emphasis on the Daddy mmm yes.

(Okay imma stop~ he has rlly long legs tho)

His name is Beanstalk, he's blonde, not my colour of choice buy hey he's cute in a nerdy way and it looks rlly good on him. (I would too)

I don't know what even make me have this small crush on him, I just think his skinny, lanky frame is attractive. And he also has a very sexy, deep and sultry voice. Fuck. I like it. But I have barely ever spoke to him so hey, let's change that. God he's cute.

Because, even though it could be wishful thinking again, I wanna steal his heart, and make it mine.


I'm hungry... 🍜 🤤

What would you like to eat right now. I want ramen. 🤤

. . . . . ╰───────╮

╰┈➤Alias: Beanstalk


ღAge: -same as me- ✎

ღGender: Male

ღHeight:185cm+ ✎

ღEye colour: Green

ღHair colour: Blonde

ღZodiac: -

ღPersonality: Introvert ✎

ღDay: - ✎

╭─────────╯ . . . . .

...𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑
