

Hello, my name is Alysha Bella. I'm 14 yeras old soon enough since its not my birthday yet😬. I've joined band for 2 years. It's actually very tough for me to stay in band but I love it 🥰... I've found so many friends that are not only my age but older and younger than me.. It teach me to be tough through life so that people can't just do one thing and make me give up. So basically I don't give up easily. I have one elder brother and one younger brother. It's hard to get through life. But like what I said I don't and I won't give up easily. I love my family (sort of) and my best friend ever which is Sara. She will always be there when I need her... Well yeah thats all for my introduction.

Ouh by the way I forgot to tell you guys that I've never had or have a crush. Hahahahaha. ( I know what a sad life right 😂😭)