
Dear Dia; My Sweet Sixteenth Diary

This isn't your typical high school tale...  "The 'Divas' messed with the wrong Bitch" St. Nicholas High-'The Column' Annabel Mace just turned sixteen, five years after "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" ALL for short took her mom away. Turning sixteen is supposed to be sweet but to Anna, without her mom it was anything but. Having no friends, dad always away, stepmom- a bitch, stepbrother - a pain in the ass, she chose to confide in her long lost confidante, Dia whom she stopped speaking to after her mom's demise. Entry after entry she poured out the  emotions that came with this new age to Dia who never judged her, whom she trusted with her dirtiest and ugliest secrets, including her crush on Liam Denvers, the hottest boy in school. A modern Greek god. St. Nicholas High- all time sweetheart, captain of the football squad. The boy who makes her heart race. And her hate for Felicia Burner, a single divorcée, her father's former secretary, Henry's mom and the gold digger her dad had married three years after her mom died. Even her disdain for Henry Burner, the stupid stepbrother she got from the wedlock. And her adventures as she crosses items from her 'Sixteen-to-do-list'. But when the notorious 'Divas' of St. Nicholas High (Mia Hover, Susan Sams and Alicia Stones) gets wind of their deepest secrets, sixteen became an age she would never forget.  What will beget of Annabel Mace, will the pain forever mar her, will she be able to rise above the pangs, will Dia become a memory of the past, will she forge ahead with their friendship, will Liam Denvers keep his promise of being her prom date after realizing her infatuation towards him, will Felicia Burner ever forgive her, will Henry Burner ever speak to her again, will Daddy be able to look at her again, will she be able to face the school again and will her life ever know happiness once more? Find out in the book "Dear Dia; My Sweet Sixteenth Diary".                                 Josephine Boldface.          

Henry Raggins · วัยรุ่น
25 Chs


22nd March, 20??

Post-birthday trauma.

Dear Dia,

Surely you would think that writing to you the evening of the day after my birthday meant that all went well… far from that actually. Things has been so bad that I couldn't hold a pen, talk more of writing.

After mom's death, birthdays lost it's meaning to me. It became a reminder that she's no more with me. I find myself counting how many years it's been rather than how old I am. The first three years has been horrible but at least I had grandma and grandpa. I was living with them since dad couldn't take care of me and handle his business at the same time. They really tried to help but they weren't mom, on my birthdays grandma would bake an amazing chocolate cake with few candles unlike how mom makes sure the candles reflect my new age.

I would smile for them and the neighbors they invited only to cry myself to sleep later that night. Then Felicia came into the picture, like every new lady of the house or should I say gold digger, she tried so hard to make me like her. But one thing they don't get is that they can never ever replace the former lady of the house. Dad was there during those two years with Felicia when I celebrated my birthdays. With him around, I had to behave, keep my attitude at bay and smile at everyone.

None of them, not dad, not Felicia, not even my grandparents, knew how exhausting it is to smile when inside you're broken. Mom would have understood and I think you understand, Dia.

I wasn't planning on smiling yesterday, I was ready to make Felicia regret every effort she put into throwing my party. The party had started by 6pm but I didn't come downstairs no matter how many times she banged on my door until it was past 7pm. It had taken me time to get ready especially after talking to you. Felicia had suggested for me to wear my pink gown but I was planning to do everything she wants in opposite. I had dressed in my red flared gown that ended on my knees. It's bodice was styled with red jewels, one shoulder was sleeveless while the other hand was flared like my skirt. I was wearing the complete set of personalized jewelry, mom got me. Yeah, I wasn't exactly patient as to open it after my birthday party, inside the box was a necklace, a pair of earrings and a bracelet. All in gold with my name ‘Anna’ as she liked to call me engraved in each. I even had my curls pulled up to a bun just for my earrings to be visible, I mean who wouldn't like to show off. Dad had gotten me a designer watch, the best any daughter would ask for but his gifts won't make me forgive him, so I didn't wear it and probably never will.

As I walked down the stairs as majestic as I can, my black stilettos clicking on the tiles, one by one every eye turned to stare at me. I knew I was beautiful with my blue eyes, raven hair, red lips, gorgeous body and all but descending those stairs with my head held high like a princess, and confident that my mom was with me through her gifts, I felt powerful. I watched as mouths dropped, jaws slacked, drool escaped, drinks fell, cups overflowed and movement froze. Did you know the best part, Liam Denvers had just come in when I started for the stairs and even he froze with the door halfway closed, even the Divas were struck speechless.

The spell was broken when the bitch Felicia grabbed my arm to question why I took so long. After which, she had the guts to tell me that I look as beautiful as my mom, who the hell does she even think she is to talk about mom. I left after that rather rudely to go greet some guests. I forced a smile as I greeted our neighbors, my classmates, my teachers who were obviously there to chaperone, even Michelle and her odd group-the only people who treats me nicely at school, came.

Felicia the gold digger, sure knew how to spend my dad's money. Everything was… too perfect. There were balloons, ribbons, confetti, birthday cones, etc the entire place was decorated to perfection in hues of blue, pink and purple. My favorite colors. Outside the pool was full, so was the hot tub. She even had a barbecue and ice cream stand set up. One long table, the size of a conference table held displays for various types of snacks and confections ranging from cupcakes, chocolate bars, candies of all sizes, color and shape, biscuits and even chips. Another table held birthday cards and gifts from all these people I don't know, I think that if it was up to them they would probably have brought nothing but the demands of society which dictates what we do had them wrapped around its ethics.

I was on my way to the punch table when I saw him. Standing there like a hot modern Greek god was Liam in a black leather jacket unzipped showing off a black tee that clung to his perfectly sculptured body and black denim jeans, it's edges were stuffed into his black glossy leather boots. The strangest thing was that he was looking at me, of course he was looking at you, dummy. I was hot, beautiful and smart, the perfect girl anyone would want as a girlfriend just as I have always been until mom died and I lost all my coolness.

He said as I ignored him to scoop a drink from the punch bowl;

“If I had known that you were this beautiful, I would have brought a gift but I hope this will do"

He handed me a card he had confessed that he stole from the pile on the table. I had looked up as I collected the card from him. His dark hair was messy like he just raked his hands in them and dear God, his eyes-black like a deep hole sucking me in. I have been crushing on him right from the very first day I laid my eyes on him even though he was in eleventh grade with a reputation for being a player but staring into those dark pools, I fell in love.

He ensnared me more when he gave me that devilish smirk that brands his reputation. I don't know how long I stayed staring like a moron unable to utter a word but it felt like forever until damned Henry snapped me out of it when he told me it was time to cut the cake. He had left still grinning after he said;

“See you around, Mace"

I have always hated my surname, but hearing Liam say it, it sounded so sexy even though it felt like he was talking to a guy.

Whatever plans the Divas had, they were yet to put it in action and I was scared of whatever twisted plans they had in store. My cake was vanilla flavored with chocolate frosting. And I was allergic to vanilla. I didn't know and the dumb bitch didn't ask, (Dia don't even give me that crap about never talking to her cause that's bullshit). She should have asked me if I had any allergies before running to play mummy.

The cake was shaped like a heart with sixteen candles, she must be desperate for my approval seeing as she stole mom's tradition. All it took was a bite to wipe that genuine smile I had after listening to strangers sing me “Happy Birthday" and blowing out my candles as I made my wish. Immediately, I tasted the vanilla I screamed. In a matter of seconds, the symptoms ensued, my mouth tingled, my body started itching, rashes started appearing, my lips swelled, my lungs felt closed up, I couldn't breathe, my skin turned into cherry and my stomach got really upset that I heaved right there and then all over the cake.

People screamed and made for the door, but my plight was far from over. The Divas blocked the door as Mia took the microphone and began;

“Well, well, well, what do we have here, should have known this was a dysfunctional family, daddy is always away, mommy is dead and stepmom wants to kill her stepchild. Typical Cinderella story but next time Felicia try to do it with more discretion, that’s it party's over guys, BOUNCE!!!”

I watched as Felicia rushed to do what I don't know exactly, what was she thinking that she can lay hands on the mayor's daughter and not regret it. Mia wasn't even afraid, she just stood there daring her as Henry held his mom from making the biggest mistake of her life. People ran, some fell, more screamed as my throat swelled and I turned redder. After a while with her signature devilish smile on her face, Mia dropped the mic and catwalked away.

Stupid Felicia now turned her attention to me, she kept asking me if I was okay when the bitch clearly knew I wasn't. She instructed Henry to call 911 and that's when everything turned black.

I woke up today to voices I knew well, dad's. He was here but he was yelling at someone… something about if anything happens to her, you will not live to tell the tale, before I dozed off again.

I had awoken again to see Felicia standing on the end of what was not my bed, biting her finger. I was wearing a dull green coat known for patients in a room that wasn't mine and smelled like antiseptic. It didn't take long before I figured that I was hospitalized and daddy was here. So, my anaphylaxis had scared him out of his busy schedule. The first thing I had requested as soon as I woke up was you and dad has been hovering around since wondering what I was writing when I should be resting so I have to end our chat here, Dia.