
Dear Author: Please Change The End

A fantasy world, where people who gain magical powers are called Ascenders, the Ascenders are decades of fighting against the army of the demons, won, they defeated the demon king and an era of peace reigned. And their function and goal lost it's meaning. Now in a world where Ascenders fighting against monsters became enterteiment, a show for mundane people watch and enjoy, Ascenders became celebreties, where most only strive for fame and wealth. But an era of terror is coming, and the Ascenders are not ready to fight against it. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ That is the synpose of [Tales of Outer Worlds] the best novel that our main character has read, but unfortunaly for him, The ending of [Tales of Outer Worlds] was the worst that he could ever imagine. However, he is given a chance to change it when he is transmigrated into the body of Iske Grace, a second-rate villain from the novel. With a goal in mind, he is determined to alter that horrible ending. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ The art on the cover is not mine, if you are the owner just contact me and I will gladly take out. Discord: harry1315

HarrY · แฟนตาซี
90 Chs


"So, where are you guys taking me?" Leo asked as he kept walking, being pressured by Eliza behind him.

"You'll see," I answered.

I could tell that Leo was getting worried about the situation, he trusts Eliza, and that's the only reason that he's still here, because if it was only me, he wouldn't have come.

After what Eliza made me go through, I demanded compensation, and told her that I needed Leo for something, I needed his innate magic, and she agreed after hearing my reasons.

Leo will fix that weapon for the Sky people. In the novel, Liam and the others managed to hold on against the White Whale attacks, and after researching for a lot of time, they found a way to fix the weapon, but it took too much time. 

Without mentioning the time he lost trying to convince Jarrid to give him the weapon, it simply took too long, and I don't want to extend this exam any more, and Leo will resolve that for me.

With his magic he will fix the weapon, Eliza agreed because she will be able to create a relationship between her and the Sky people, which will help her later on in trying to unite these two groups.

It was a win-win for all of us, except Leo, who knew nothing about our plan.

As we were walking, I felt something, a connection between me and my marks, it was coming from the sky.

We are finally here.

I stopped on my track and looked at Leo, "Look, once you got there, ask for the weapon"

Leo was even more confused, "What weapon?"

"You'll see" I answered

Leo was about to shrug me off, but I was faster, "Exchange"

He disappeared and in his place, Ian appeared, he looked around confused, then understanding what happened, he said:

"Man, you seriously need to warn me next time"

I didn't answer anything, and Ian turned his attention to Eliza, "And who are you?"

With a smile she answered, "I'm Eliza, it's a pleasure"

Ian was about to say something, but then his eyes widened as he remembered what was going on in the sky.

"We need to go to the Sky city, the White Whale is attacking"

"We know" Eliza answered

Confused, Ian asked, "You know?"

"Yeah, the Serpent died, it's naturally that the White Whale would go after the Sky city"

"The Serpent died?"

Eliza nodded, "Yeah, we killed it"

"You what?"

I sighed, "We don't have time for that, are you well enough to create some potions?"

"Yeah, I'am, why?"

"We'll need you to create some potions for us"

Ian saw no problem with that, "Ok, but what about the Sky city?"

"We already did what we could, they can handle themselves" I answered as I turned around and started walking back towards the Ground folk.

"What do you mean by that?" Ian asked, totally confused as he followed Iske.

Iske didn't answered and continued to walk away, "Man, you seriously need to start explaining things to me"

I continued silent and could feel that Ian was getting irritated. Then I heard Eliza's chuckling behind me, then she answered:

"We'll use the potions in the battle against the Hidden Worm" 

And her words made him come to a halt, "WHAT?"


"Who are you?" Liam asked with his hand ready to draw his sword.

Leo saw that and raised his hands, "I'm Leo, I'm also an ascender, and I'm here to help"

"Help with what?"

Remembering Iske's words, Leo said, "Well, I'm looking for some sort of weapon"

"It is broken"

Liam said that in a serious tone and expression, but Leo laughed, "So that's why he sent me here…"

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing" he cleared his throat and continued, "Let me see the weapon, I can fix it"

Liam had no much options, and he was running out of time, so he simply gave Leo the weapon.

The boy caught the item and started analyzing it, and after a few seconds he said, "I can fix it, it will take a few hours though"

"We don't have that time" Liam stated.

Turning around Leo saw the White Whale in the sky fighting countless ascenders, "I noticed it— 15, no, 10 minutes, I'll fix it in 10 minutes"

"Perfect, we'll"

Liam was interrupted by the sound of a thunder that resonated throughout the entire sky, he turned his attention to his friend fighting in the clouds. The battle was intensifying.

"We need to go," Liam said and started running towards the battle.

Leo followed behind as he used his magic to reconstruct the weapon.


The battle continued, how much fiercer than before, the whale recognized the students as enemies, and now is using his all mighty to destroy them. And the ascenders with many coordinated attacks are managing to prevent the whale from using its ultimate attack, that ray of light.

But that's all they can do right now. They are using all their energy to prevent the whale from using that attack, and they are not able to approach the beast. None of them has the ability to fly, which makes it almost impossible to deal a fatal blow to the beast.

Watching from far, Lucas was starting to get impatient, "Where's that guy?"

"Without the weapon, we won't be able to do anything at all, if we focus on causing damage that thing will destroy us, but if we keep on the defensive, it will soon drain us all, and that thing is coming closer and closer to the city, if it reaches here…"

Julie didn't even need to finish her sentence, Lucas knows very well what happens if that thing reaches here, they will be killed. Something needed to change, he was waiting for Liam to arrive, and flip the battle to their favor, but he couldn't count on that anymore.

Lucas turned to Julie and said, "Keep focusing on preventing it from launching that ray of light"

Julie nodded, "What are you going to do?"

"I'll try keep that thing away from you guys"

He went towards the edge of the city and took a deep breath.

"First phase…"

As he said those words, his mana surged suddenly, transforming into crackling electricity that surrounded him in a shimmering aura. But he didn't stop there.

"Second phase"

Then, all the electricity around him resonated like thunder, as if lightning had struck the place. Instead of sparkles, the mana around him now crackled like small bolts of lightning.

Lucas opened his mouth to continue, but he lacked enough strength, the second phase was all that he could reach for now, so he contented himself with that, and prepared his move.

Then he disappeared followed by the sound of a thunder, he moved through the sky towards the whale like a lightning, appearing above the monster and preparing his attack.

He charged the palm of his hand with lightning and plunged toward the monster, landing on its back and piercing its flesh, sending bolts of electricity throughout its entire body.

The whale's actions came to a stop as it felt the shock in its body, but it was not enough to defeat the monster, the beast moved its body very quickly and threw Lucas away.

The boy in the air drawn his sword, "Medici style, first move, Slash"

Everything happened too quickly; the speed of his attack was nearly impossible to dodge. Transforming himself into lightning, Lucas crossed to the left side of the monster and completely severed its left flipper.

The White Whale screamed in agony as blood left his injury, Lucas took advantage of the opportunity and retreated back to the city, crossing the sky like thunder.

Lucas fell on the floor near Julie, and was barely able to move at all.

"Can you do that again?" Julie asked.

Lucas shakes his head, "No"

Both of them shot a glance towards the whale once they sensed a great movement of mana, as their eyes reached the beast, they saw the monster using mana to regenerate its flipper, bones, flesh, blood in a slow process.

Both were in shock, and Julie muttered, "That's Renewal…"

"That thing is almost reaching Grade 4"

Renewal it's a technique that allows a being the capacity of regeneration through mana, usually it's only accessible to ascenders or monsters from Grade 4 and above.

But the White Whale is an expectation, being a creature created by an illusion, it was possible to give the ability of Renewal to the monster.

Then Lucas looked towards the beast side and noticed that the wound that Liam made in their first encounter was not there anymore.

'Fuck, I should have noticed that'

Then rain of arrows flew through the sky towards the whale who was focusing on using Renewal, they all exploded as soon as it contacted the beast, but caused no damage at all.

"We need to kill that thing right now" Julie says with a sense of urgency in her words.

Lucas understands that, if the monster in front of them reaches grade 4, then it's over, it will be impossible to defeat it.

Lucas got up, with his magic burned out, and with his mana pool almost depleted, but he couldn't back down right now.

'We need to hold on until Liam arrives with the weapon'