
Deal with the devil.

Everyone around him was getting there powers as the earth was turned into a game like world. But what is this, why is his character screen all black, why are there strange symbols all over it and why is his title THE DEVIL. Follow our protagonist as he becomes the devil and then builds his empire helping hot chicks around the world, in exchange of eternal slavery.

Ash_Blake121 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

How are we doing this then?

There were about twenty of them, including Wayne. Five of them were in the sky, flying and surrounding them completely. They were men and women of different species, Ash felt like he was inside a dungeon and facing a hoard of monsters that's how they all looked to him. He had some exposure to the kinds of people that lived in Shadow Realm, they all looked more like demons than humans, most of the women beside him were like that in fact. Donna was like the Amazon women in movies, Nadia and Claudia both had um-human eyes that were too bright, and Willow had pink-colored skin, but still, they all looked more human than anything else. Some of the people in front of them had much more monster-like features, like the gargoyle-like man flying directly above him, he had claws for hands and wings like a dragon, and another man had a skin full of green scales and he had had a long forked tongue and yellow slit eyes.

"Are all these his slaves?" asked Ash to Maya.

"Yeah, and there are more of them; he didn't come with full force; I bet he hadn't expected that I would be here," said Maya.

"Oh Is that you Maya?" the man, Wayne talked loudly when he spotted them "I didn't expect you to see here, What are you doing with the killer of Gorin, don't tell me you have finally shown your true colors, Oh this is going to be fun, I had been waiting for a long time for this moment, just wait till Salazar finds out about it, you have a lot of enemies that would be really happy to see you finally put in your right place as my slave" he laughed loudly and his men also started sniggering with him. Ash used his God eyes to see their power levels, they were varying most of them were around level fifty, a few of them were at Donna's level, and Wayne himself, well he was a devil all right his level I80, and he seemed to overflow with much more energy than that, no doubt from siphoning from his slaves. Ash had to learn how to do it.

"I don't think we can avoid this fight," said Ash to Maya.

"Yeah, I guess, but it's going to be very difficult getting out of this situation, and even if we do, Salazar will come next, and then" she stopped thinking things over.

"It's fine; once we'll kill this guy, we'll go straight for the trident, and we just have to find it before he comes," said Ash.

"How are we going to do this then?" asked Maya.

"I'll handle Wayne; you take care of the slaves," said Ash.

"Don't put Wayne in the same category as Gorin; Wayne is a war master; he has faced numerous battles and is very strong."

"I know, if nothing else, I should be able to hold him for long enough for you to join, and two devils against one would have more chance," said Ash.

"Fine, let's get ready then, Thea" Maya called to Thea, Thea came forward and she bent her knee, and bowed her head at once, Maya placed a hand over her and closed her eyes, a few seconds later, he saw her power increase, she was siphoning from him. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"What are you waiting for? Start with your ones already; he is not going to give us free time," said Maya.

"Um, I have never done this before," said Ash.

"It's easy, you just have to close your eyes and concentrate on their mind, once they'll let you in, they'll form the link themselves they are all experienced after all," said Maya.

Ash was still confused but when Willow came up to him, he closed his eyes and focused on Willow's mind. When he closed his eyes he could sense his slaves better than others, he focused on the one closest to him and when he felt no constraint he entered a dark place, he felt like there was someone with him in there, then he heard Willow's voice. They were communicating though telepathy, one by one the others came forward too and entered the link. There was some hesitation with Nadia and Donna, but then they were all in each other's head, and he could talk to them without talking. This would be crazy useful in a battle. Ash hadn't realized his power growing until Donna joined in completely her share was, after all, almost double the others.

Ash opened his eyes and turned to face Wayne.

"Are you done?" he shouted. "I thought I might as well give you some time to get ready, not that it is going to do much, you stand no chance against me no matter how much you siphon from others, a human-like you with soft bones" taunted Wayne.

Ash was starting to get ready for the fight, he moved the carriage aside to create space for fighting, beside him he saw the other women and Maya getting ready too, Maya summoned a sword, and Donna hers.

"Take care of Sarah," he said to Willow.

Ash brought out his wings, his eyes got red and his aura got darker. Wayne's weapon of choice was a grey hammer, it was large and powerful. Ash flapped his wings and he shot forward toward Wayne in a straight line leaving behind the cracked ground, the fight had started. Wayne's men scattered, the gargoyle man tried to intercept Ash attacking from above, but Thea came in on time and pushed him out of Ash's path. She had a tail with a heart-shaped tip coming out of her back and small wings, she was an actual succubus. Ash was getting distracted watching her fight in her succubus dress which belonged more in the bedroom, but it seemed to be doing the work as the Gargoyle was more distracted by her boobs and didn't see her attacks coming.

But Ash had a bigger target in front of him. He had almost reached Wayne, who was waiting with the hammer in his hand. As soon as Ash reached him, Wayne raised the hammer above his head, and it glowed with some energy, and then he brought it down on Ash. Ash dodged it by turning sideways, but Wayne had something else in his mind he struck the hammer hard on the ground and it exploded. Ash was able to bring his wings in front of him, he was blown backward by the impact of the explosion, his wings were thick and powerful, and could handle being hit by a high-speed train without a scratch so he didn't feel much. But the whole battlefield was a large crater now with dust everywhere. The hammer was indeed very powerful, getting hit by it once would be fatal. He might be able to take more than one hit but not the others. Wayne must have thought that the dust would blind all of them, but Ash's God's eyes were the perfect thing to counter this dust. But the other girls might be in trouble, so he had to move fast. But Wayne also somehow could see him because the next second Ash barely dodged another sweep of his hammer aimed right at his head. He bent backward and ducked the hammer.