
Deal with the devil.

Everyone around him was getting there powers as the earth was turned into a game like world. But what is this, why is his character screen all black, why are there strange symbols all over it and why is his title THE DEVIL. Follow our protagonist as he becomes the devil and then builds his empire helping hot chicks around the world, in exchange of eternal slavery.

Ash_Blake121 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Call me Master.

Ash decided to tell Sarah about the contract first.

"There might be something else," he started with that. She looked up at him with hope.

"What? What is it?" she asked.

"It's called a Slave Contract," he said slowly, he had no idea how he was going to react to that. Generally, he didn't care what his client thought of him, his title of the Devil was enough to tell them to not expect any better from him, but since he knew Sarah from before, he didn't want to come across as a pervert.

"Like those slaves the demons have?" she asked tentatively.

"What slaves?' asked Ash. Demons were another title that players received after the system went online; the titles were assigned to the person according to their nature, and demons though not that common, were the worst. And they looked horrible; the system itself changed the physical attributes of the player according to his or her species, especially if there was a drastic change, like if you were an Orc or a Dragon-kin. Ash however was sure he was the only devil on earth, and the system didn't change his physical appearance at all. Although if he wanted with his powers he could transform a little if the occasion demanded so. He had to sometimes deal with some egoistic players who thought they could get famous by killing the devil. His whereabouts and other information were only revealed by the system to potential clients and with conditions too but still, the rumors of a devil couldn't exactly be stopped.

"You don't know? There was an article that went viral a few months ago about the rise in players keeping slaves" she explained.

"Well yes it might be something like that," he said.

"So, I would be your slave if I sign the contract?" she asked.

"Yes, once you sign it, the gamemaster can't do anything about you since you would be under my protection, and there might be some other changes too; I am not sure since its the first time, but the main thing is about becoming the slave and helping me out in my devil work," said Ash.

"What would you have me do, If I become your slave," she asked.

"Well, technically, I can ask you anything, and you will have to agree to do it otherwise, it will not work," Ash said.

"Fine, I'll do anything you want; just please get me out of this mess," she said, suddenly making up her mind. Ash also felt the balance improving a little, which meant he was going in the right direction and Sarah's submission as a slave was the only way to restore the balance. Maybe the overlords or whoever was at the top of this mess wanted to see her treated like a slave.

"If you are sure then sign the contract" Ash switched the contract in her hand to the slave contract. It had the same conditions as Ash had read before, along with some others Ash had thought of on the go. Nothing specific but enough to explain to her what she was giving up.

"Ok, fine, I'll sign it," she said and proceeded to sign the contract. Ash couldn't believe that it was happening, he was going to have a slave, and that too Sarah. He had no idea what was going to happen in the coming days. Over the last years, he had grown fond of his quiet life with the occasional excitement when he had to make a deal with a client, but those were usually not this big. Ash felt the contract register in place as Sarah signed it. Immediately she checked her screen and the timer disappeared in front of their eyes and her titles changed and added the Devil's Slave to them. Her stats went up, and her screen changed to resemble Ash's.

"My affinity changed from water to Dark," said Sarah looking at her screen and observing the changes.

"So what now?" she asked. "Umm, Master?" she said tentatively. Ash again felt the balance improving.

"Yes, you will call me master from now on," he said authoritatively and she nodded. "Go pack up your stuff, you'll be leaving here from now on, and come back in half an hour, not a minute late, you have to cook dinner," said Ash.

"O... Ok, master," she said jumping up in motion and left hastily. After she left Ash opened his own screen to check it and then he saw the new section. He opened it and was surprised at what he saw. It was just like a leaderboard but very different because it was only for the devils. He couldn't pronounce most of those names; the ones on the top had millions of slaves; Ash was way down the leaderboard, his rank in the thousands. What he couldn't understand was that were all these devils from Earth. It couldn't be; if there were so many, he would have known. This meant they were from different realms, but what's the use of having a leaderboard among them if they can never meet? And with over a million slaves, he could never do that on earth; it would be too messed up. And then he noticed the strange rotating icon on the bottom left side of the screen. It looked like the location sign on a map. He touched it and a confirmation box open up; it was asking yes or no, to go to someplace called the shadow realm. He had no idea what that place was or where it was but he had to check it out so he clicked yes on it.