

"I've taken the time to read it, in fact, you are the real legitimate daughter of the Lincoln family. The current madam Dawn in the Lincoln now actually used to be your mother's bride servant girl and your younger sister is the illegitimate daughter of your father and the bride servant girl right? Unfortunately, your brother died tragically ten years ago and your mother took you to America in distress. Hence, the bride servant girl and the illegitimate daughter became legitimate members of your family, nobody could take this aggravation, if this happened to them, huh?" Richard whispered in her ears. She clenched her fist tightly but kept a straight face, she must not fall to this shameless man scheme. The first time they met, she caught him murdered the woman beside him, He kidnapped her and tied her hand with a cuff and tied his own hand with a cuff. The second time was when he crashed into a ball happening in her family. He lied to a receptionist that she is wife, which she is not. Shameless bastard.

Mysteriouswrites · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Kidnapped II

Some group of people were standing not far from the hotel, obviously waiting for someone.

He asked her, pointing to a group of people.

"Are they expecting you?"

Arci gave a nod.

"Forget about it all. Please don't let me down." Richard informed her.

Arci gave a nod.

He let her go.


Arci approached the group of people who were waiting on the other side of the hotel.

Richard made his way to his Partner's car, which was waiting for him.

As he walked, he noticed a man pushing a dirt truck and shouting.

"Miss, please move off the road," the truck driver said in English.

Arci quickly moved out of the way to allow the truck pusher to pass.

Richard walked away without a second thought.

She approached the people who were waiting for her.

"Hello". She greeted them.

"Hello," they replied

Arci looked at Richard as he approached the car.

Richard said hello to his partner.

"Is everything okay?" Richard inquired.

"Albert is keeping a closer eye on me than ever before. Richmond is the commander of the General Defense Command. Everywhere I go, I am followed. I got them to leave by telling them I was going to pick up my nephew "The man bemoaned.

"I don't think that's a good excuse, Drey," Richard said coldly.

"I didn't have a choice. He's always trying to get his hands on me. He wanted his guards to take my place. My life depends on the Bush army "Drey exhaled a sigh.

Richard gave a cold smile.

"You can be confident. I'm alone in town"

"You once saved my life on the battlefield; I knew you were a trustworthy person, And since you promise to offer me a higher position after this surely I will listen to your commands."

"You've decided to work with me because you believe in me. I'll treat you no matter what ".

"What about your troops, General?"

"They've been ordered to leave town. Don't be concerned; they are Worthy of trusting."

Drey gave a nod.

"Also, who is the girl who was walking beside you just now?"

"Did you remember Grace Alfred?"

Drey gave a nod.

"That girl ran into us when I was dealing with her, she betrayed us."

"Shouldn't you then kill her?"

They both stared at where Arci was walking.

Richard was taken aback when he realized he had been duped.

The people she called her family are standing where they are to, but she is not there.

And the truck driver clearly speaks English.

She understands English!!

He dashed to the car and opened the door.

"Go after her," he said.

Drey jumped into the driver's seat and started the car.


Arci waited for the chauffeur at the airport.

A car had stopped in front of her.

The back seat opened, revealing the man who had threatened her life. She attempted to flee, but Richard prevented her from doing so.

Richard dragged her into the car as quickly as he could

Drey shut the door.

Richard placed his hand on her neck.

"I'm really surprised that you're so smart," Richard told her in English.

Arci looked at him without saying anything.

"Stop acting, do yourself a favor, and be quiet."

He took his hand off her neck.

He reached out his hand for her suitcase. Arci quickly tried to stop him, but Drey said, "Don't move."

As he pointed a gun at her.

She stiffened instantly.

Richard took her suitcase and opened it to examine the contents.

He saw a black bag and grabbed it.

"Don't touch it," she said quickly, attempting to prevent him from opening her mother's dowry.

Richard gave her a cold look, and she backed away from him.

"Sir, I'm returning to the country to bury my mother." "I promise I won't tell on you," Arci said.

He took her diary and dropped the bag.

He shut her suitcase and took out her diary.

Her name is written on the first page.

"Arci Lincoln," he introduced himself.

"You almost fooled me, I thought it would be fine if you were Japanese," he said, looking at her.

He pulled a cuff from his pocket and motioned for her to bring her hand up.

She extended her hand to him.

"What are you doing?"

He fastened the cuff around her wrist.

"I'm afraid you'll be handcuffed to me for the next few days," he said as he tied the other side to his hand.

"It's to keep you from causing problems, Are you fine with it?"

"General, perhaps we should just shoot her and throw her body in the river," Drey said, pointing the gun at her.

Her muscles tense.

She was afraid to move.

"Drey, put the gun down. From now on, consider her your sister-in-law, let's spare her life," Richard said.

"You have a soft spot in your heart for the fairer sex, Alright?" He put the gun away and began driving.

"Don't get smart with me," Richard warned.


The Lincoln House

A young girl in a white gown walked slowly downstairs, followed by her maid.

"Oh, my daughter looks so lovely," Dawn said to the girl.

The girl hugged Dawn and said, "Mom."

Arci's step sister is Runa Watts.

"Why can't you just be cautious?" Dawn told the maid who was carrying the flowers.

"Mom," Runa sighed.

Dawn locked her gaze on her.

Runa turned around to show off her dress.

"Do I look good in this dress?" She inquired.

"Do you think Bremo and I will look good together?"

"You've been talking about Bremo all day, sweetheart. You are a lady keep yourself reserve"

"Mom, Bremo will be taken away if I keep my reserved manners," Runa sighed.

"Military General Albert is in California to request a favor from your father." "Your marriage to Bremo is a done deal."

"Really?" She smiled brightly.

She has had feelings for Bremo since she was a child, but he only has Arci in his eyes.

She can finally marry the man of her dreams.
