
Love Bush

"Bremo, Uncle Albert will arrive soon. Let's wait downstairs to greet him. My sister also needs privacy to freshen up" Runa smiled gently at Bremo.

Bremo stared at Arci, Arci nodded at him indicating that she was fine.

"Okay, I'll come with you" Bremo said

He stood up and walked out of the room while Runa tried to catch up with him.

The maids are still standing there with the clothes and hairpins.

"I need to get changed first" Arci told the maid as she stood up.

She sent the maid away.

Arci sat down in front of the mirror after she finished dressing up.

She looked at the suitcase contemplating whether to check what was in the fake bottom or not.

She stood up and closed her room door.

She sat down in front of the suitcase and opened it.

She removed the fake bottom and saw a map, she examined it and recognized it.

'It turns out to be a deployment map of Los Angeles'

'What exactly is this man's background?'

Los Angeles is under the jurisdiction of the military Governor office of Albert.

Bremo was walking downstairs while Runa tried to catch up with him.

"Bremo wait for me" . Runa shouted.

Bremo stopped and looked back at her.

She smiled when she saw this.

She ran towards him and put her in his.

"Let's walk together" She said


"Bremo, do you like my dress today?"

"It suits you," Bremo replied.

They walked for a while before Bremo stopped at the guest room that he usually stays in whenever he comes to the Lincoln residence.

He saw his assistant standing outside of the room.

He turned to Runa, "Miss Runa, it suddenly occurred to me that have got something to deal with"

"I'll be waiting over there," Runa said.

Bremo nodded.

Runa smiled gently and walked away.

His assistant walked closer to him when he saw that he was alone.


"Keep close watch tonight. Have some soldiers to standby on and off the field" Bremo told him.

He has a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen tonight.

"Is there something wrong?" Richmood asked

"I feel something is about to go wrong. Something might happen, ``he told him.


Lincoln Residence

A car stopped at the Lincoln residence, The door opened, two young men walked out.

The girls standing at the park lit up when they saw the men.

They ran over but were stopped by some soldiers.

"Calm down ladies, calm down" Calvin shouted.

"Marshal look at me" some of them screamed.

"Marshal can I bear your baby"

"Marshal I love you so much"

"Calm down everybody," Calvin shouted.

The men looked at the girls and smiled, making them dizzy for a while till they left before they snapped out of their daze.

"Marshal Stanley smiled at him"

"No you got it wrong, he smiled at him"

"Nope, the both of you are too ugly, he smiled at him" A girl smiled smugly.

"Did I see it wrong Marshal Michael just smiled at me too" A girl held her chest while her face flushed red.

"Tch, you are too ugly. He smiled at me"

Both of the men entered the Lincoln residence.

One has brown hair and the other one has a black curly hair.

They both looked handsome.

The one with the brown hair is Stanley, his father is the military general of San Jose while the one with the black curly hair is Michael, his father is the military General of San Diego. They are childhood friends with Bremo, Bremo's father is the military general of Los Angeles.

Although their children are friends, their fathers just befriended each other for benefits.

The next car parked.

"Who will come out from the car?"

"It looks like flower yoyo car"

"It can't be right? She doesn't socialize right, shush the car door is opened"

A beautiful Lady wearing a pink gown and high heels, her hair was let down and combed neatly walked out of the car.

"It is really Flower Yoyo, my goddess"

"Flower yoyo, look here"

"Can I bear your baby?"

Flower yoyo smiled gently at them and walked into the hall with her head high.

As soon as she walked into the hall

She stopped a maid.

"Have you seen a girl of this stature, wearing short hair and a cute look, wearing a school uniform?"

"No miss"



Stanley and Michael entered the Lincoln residence, They were welcomed by Dawn who was receiving the guests at the living room.

"Marshal Stanley, Marshal Michael welcome. You should have let me know in advance so that I'd come out to welcome you " Dawn smiled at them.

A young girl appeared from a corner.

She had short hair and a cute look wearing a school uniform.

She looked at her Marshal Stanley Lovingly.

"Ma'am you are our elder. How can we bother you? Besides we have just come over from the Paramount with no entourage" Michael said.

"Ma'am, is Bremo here?" Stanley asked.

"He got here early, he was just greeting guests with Runa just now" Dawn replied

"Ma'am, don't bother to entertain us, we'll help ourselves' ' Michael said.

"Okay, Okay, take your time and enjoy yourselves. Have a good time" Dawn smiled at them and left to greet another guest.

The young girl with a short hair and cute face who has been peeking and looking at Stanley for a while came out after she saw dawn left.

She walked towards the young looking Marshal.

"Marshal Stanley '' she stood in front of Stanley.

"I'm Love Bush from Star Glory school, nice to meet you" She stretched out her hand towards Stanley.

"Do you need something?" Stanley asked coldly.

She dropped her hand disappointedly when he didn't accept her hand shake

"I am here to say hello to you and take this opportunity to inform you of something"

Stanley stared at her.