

17 year old Trae hasnt had the greatest life. While she lives in the slums the "guardians" are out defending the world...or are they?

SJOfRivia · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

To the concrete castle

[{Warning! Nsfw content ahead}]

Finishing off my cigarette we were told to line up outside of the van. Exiting the van I finally got a good view of the compound. Tall stone walls with guard towers at each corner. Searchlights on the towers lighting up both the inside and out.

I think that i can cross of the 'make a run for it option'

Looking at the man who took my blindfold off I noticed a group of 3 in front of the crowd of slaves I'm in. The man in the middle from here on out is named "bossman". The reason for that is he is wearing a nice ass suit and stands with that "im better than you" posture. The two men next to him look like plain bodyguards, standard slacks with a vest and handgun.

"Good haul boys, take them in and make sure they know where they are" Bossman says

"Aye sir!"

The two men then proceed to take me and the rest of the slaves (all women by the way) to the concrete compound. We walk through the barren halls with only the sound of our footfalls to noisen the hallway. During the walk I managed to see through a doorway to what looks like a theater with a stage in the center.

Bumping into the fellow slave in front of me I've realized we stopped. Leaning over i noticed we have reached what looked like an empty shared holding cell.

"In ya go" Guard 1 says

Getting in line we all make our way in the cell. When It was my turn the guard stopped me.

"Cause I know for a fact you're gonna bug me about it" he says handing me a pack of smokes and a lighter

I smile as I take them "Now this is some premium slave treatment" I quip

The corner of his eye twitches at my comment giving me immense satisfaction. I make my way to the corner of the cell. Sitting down I search my person with my finally free hands to see if they left anything on me. Sadly it seems that they didn't, so with that in mind I sit and light a cigarette in the corner.

Hours pass without much happening other than some of the other slaves finally breaking down and crying their eyes out. Me? I'm just chilling in the corner playing with the little pocket knife that guard 1 put in the cigarette box for me.

I have no idea why he would do that but I'm not one to throw away chances. Folding up the knife i stuff it in between my breasts to make sure i have it on my person. Leaning back against the wall I drift off.

Im woken to the sound of a guard baning on the cell bars. Groaning I open my eyes to see what he wants

"Everyone up, Boss wants to see the merchandise" He says with a smirk. Oh how I would love to wipe it off his face

Standing, he opens the gate and moves us all down the hall into another room. Walking through the door im met with a empty room except for the queen size mattress in the back and the distinct smell of sex.

Cringing I try to back away but I get pushed from behind. "Oh no you dont, I have a feeling the Boss will want a taste of you girlie"

I shudder with even the thought of some man touching me. Shuffling to the side I try to make my 5'7 body as small as possible by hiding in the crowd.

Minutes later a man in a white suit colored with a red tie walks in. His blue orbs scan the crowd before stopping on me. Whimpering I try to hide myself behind the person in front of me. Seeing this he smirks before combing his bright blond hair back and sitting on the bed across the room.

'Fucking prick' I think. I hate being leered after by men, too many close calls in the slums for my taste.

"White hair step forward" He commands

'fuck fuck fuckity fuck' I think, stepping forward I meet his gaze only for a moment before looking at my feet.

"Leave us" He says, once everyone was out of the room he stands. Making his way to me I cautiously step back.

"Stay" He growls

I listen, standing in the middle of the room looking at my feet as he makes his way across the room to me. Once he reaches me he swiftly grabs my chin and makes me look at his.

"Beautiful" He says

It takes all my willpower to not hurl right then. Something about this man just makes me sick in all the wrong ways. Glaring at him, he smirks before forcing his tongue down my throat.

"MMMnNN!?!?" Wide eyed I try to push him off only for him to gather my hands into one arm and reach around to grope me with the other. Struggling to reach the knife in my bosom I try to wrench my hand out of his grip only to fail.

Moving his hand from my ass to inbetween my legs he rubs my slit from behind. Screeching into the forceful kiss I finally manage to flip the blade from my breasts and into the mans throat.

Gurgling he finally lets me go only for me to knee him into the groin. Falling to the ground I watch the light slowly fade from his eyes.

Falling to the ground I stare at the blood that is slowly pooling on the ground. A sob forces its way out of my throat as i sit there staring at the corpse. Shaking I slowly crawl over to his body to search for a weapon.

Finding a handgun In the mans back pocket I feel the weighty metal in my hand and a smile wills itself onto my face. Finished searching the man I stand and not even 5 seconds later an alarm blares red into the building.