

after I kick down the doors to the base

lo and behold what do I see but the sissy himself helmeppo surrounded by guards coming our way this must be when he comes to taunt zorro in the show damn thank God I chose to come here instead of going to conami islands as otherwise luffy would've gotten zorro already.

helmeppo: hey who the fuck are AHHHHHHHH

yep you guessed it I shot him in the knees I left him alive for zorro wouldn't want to kill steal my new crew mate now would we a second after that zorro cleanly beheaded the fucker aahhh beautiful. what did you expect him to hesitate or not kill psssh no he was a fkn pirate hunter how many times do u think hes beheaded pirates to get their bounty he for sure wouldn't hesitate to do it a guy who was planning to execute him the only reason he didn't kill in the anime was becouse of luffy.and even then I still think he did with some of his fute aoe attacks theres no way people didn't die they just didn't show it in the anime

after that both zorro and me made our way upwards killing any marine we can find it was basically a cakewalk we were both still unscathed the marines who had swords were basically swinging then like retards by our skill standards and those with guns were beyond east to dodge for someone with enhanced speed and super reflexes like me even zorro dodged them easily becouse of how shitty and ancient the guns in one piece truly were I mean how can a world that has pacifistas have such shitty guns?

unlike then my revolvers were true beauties


unlimited ammo

upgradble :gets stinger in tandem with the owner (when host reaches rear admiral level strength addition effects may be added)

I mowed down the marines like they were fish in a barrel my bullets never missed and went straight through swords and armour

until the captain iron hand Morgan showed up and deflected one of them with his axe at that point both me and zorro stopped

wade:oii zorro go and get you swords I'll deal with this guy

zorro:then I'll leave it to you captain

Morgan:you brats think I'll just let you do as you please?

Morgan tried to stop zorro but was intercepted by me

I shot at him but he dodged and swiped his axe at me which i ducked under and quickly shot at him from beneath at an upward angle 4 times

Bang bang bang bang

he dodged the first one while the 2cnd scraped him and the last 2 hit him straight on 1 In the head and one in the shoulder which makes sense as in the one piece world most guns only have one shot while some may have 2 so he must have been surprised by the second shot but was still able to dodge it albeit he still got scratched now the other 2 shots caught him completely off guard for which he paid for with his life

bang he dropped dread

wade:wait...it was that easy...huh a bit disappointing really,but whatever.

after that you can see both wade and zorro leaving the now empty and silent base with zorro happily cradling his swords

wade:hey zorro you know of any good restraunt around here I'm a bit hungry

zorro:yeah there was this girl who visits me her mother owns I restaurant I think

SoMe tIMe lAtEr

you can see both wade and zorro happily patting their tummys fully stuffed in the restraunt they ate till they were full this time since there were no marines to tell them to leave due to being pirates...mostly because they killed them all

it was then he saw a orange head in the crowd

he immediately jumped up and put his money on the table

wade oi zorro got the fuck up our navigators here.

zorro:wait what I thought u said that I was the only crew mate you had right now and that we didn't have a ship ya shitty captain.

wade:dont sweat the small stuff mate also shes definitely out navigater she just doesn't know it yet.

zorro just looks at him with a deadpan face.

(  ̄ー ̄ )(  ̄ー ̄ )

wade runs after nami and shouts:" oii you orange women yeah you orange golddigger stop "

nami turns around and gives wade a wtf look

nami:what did you just call me ?

wade:ahh nami forget about that and join my crew

nami gives wade a disgusted look and scream "NO piss of you masked wierdo"

wade.:now now nami I expected you to say that not the wierdo part tho that was mean us weirdos have feelings to you know.

but dont worry I have the perfect plan you're going to join me to conami islands where I'll kill arlong and save your village due to which you'll fall in love with me and join my crew so what do you say

namis look had gone from disgusted and weirded out to shocked,scared,confused and disgusted and weirded out .....that's progress if u ask me

after that nami just turns around and tryst to run away to which I ofcourse just knock her out and throw her over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes

then i just walk towards my ship like everything's normal "yo zorro let's go we got our navigater"

while zorro just there staring at everything and questioning both the sanity of his captain and life itself