
No Longer Human (3)

**Warning for Language**





Drip… Drip


Drip…Drip…Drip. Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip.


The slow drizzle turned to a hard downpour of rain, clanking on the metal of the abandoned factory. The dirt turned to mud, rain water dripped down inside the building, through the holes of the roof, creating puddles.


"The news got it wrong again… what a surprise!" Francis sarcastically exacerbated but suddenly went silent. "What am I doing…" He scratched his head, "That wasn't me…"

Everything's going wrong… but… ill make sure it gets back on the right track.


Francis looked at the window as the rain struck it and dripped down and off it, with determined eyes on his face and shadows obscuring it. He continued to look on to the rainy sky.


Ken's taps the shoulder of Francis, "Hey."


"Hey…" Francis responds.


Ken gets worried as Francis wasn't like his usual outgoing self.


Francis sees Ken's worry and starts getting jumpy, and starts doing jumping jacks.

"AISHHHHH! Okay okay!"


"Heh. Okay okay… are you sure you wanna do this tho? The dude's kinda like a spoiled little shit."


Francis stops and looks down. "Don't doubt me now."


"Fu- tsk." Ken scratches the back of his head, annoyed. "Yeah yeah…"

"I hate how our conversations always end up like this nowadays. Fuck…" he thought.


"Are you doubting me? Do you want my Naoko to die?"


"Yeah yeah im sorry…"


"Your still doubting me you son of a bitch…"




Francis grabs Ken by the collar, "THEN TELL ME YOU ARENT DOUBTING ME!"





Francis lets go of Ken's collar, and places his hands on his hips and looks up at the ceiling. "Fuck…what am I doing…" he thought.





They walk up the wet emergency exit stairs, at the side of the building. The stairs are rusty orange and puddles forming from the dripping of the rain. The downpour of rain continue to hit the metal, creating a rhythm.


Ken, watches the back of Francis as they walked up.

"…You still haven't answered my question."


Francis, leaps to the next platform. "Which one? You ask a lot of questions."


Ken puts his index finger on his cheek, thinking. And then says, "The one where I asked "Are you sure about this?"."


Francis stops to sigh, but continues to walk up. "Naoko once said… I can do anything if I put my mind unto it. So… I have to try, you get me?"


Ken smiles… "Yeah." He stretches his arms groaning and stops. "Yeah… I gotcha." He said with a more confident smile than before.


Francis chuckles as he turns his head to look back at Ken who was falling behind, "So… How is your girlfriend?"


Ken pulls out a thumbs up with his usual bright smile, and then skips two steps of stairs to catch up to Francis. "Still good obviously!"


"HEH Okay okay… Well, we are here." Francis points out as he looks back up what's ahead of him, the last floor only below the rooftop.


Up ahead, stands Harris. Six-foot-tall, wearing his red blazer, with black folds on top of his white polo. His three left eyes on top of each other, stares menacingly as his smile reaches ear to ear.


Harris then claps his hand before saying, "OKAY! Lets do this!" He said, hyping himself and everyone else up.


"…" Ken scowls at him while Francis just walks over up to Harris, trying to hurry the situation up.


"So! What do I gotta do?" Francis asks.


"Hm? Oh yeah well, just go up to the table over here behind me." Harris turns to the table, leading the way.


As Francis heads over to see what's on the table, Ken stands next to Harris and asks, "Where did you even meet? I don't trust your bitch ass." He said with a harsh tone.


Harris whispers to him, "Your quite slothful you know that?… I just met him through work ofcourse."


"…" Ken silently thinks.

"Francis did say that they first met when this suspicious ass mother fucker randomly came up to him after people gave their condolence at work, and that he was a friend of his boss." He thought.

Ken leans up to Harris' ear and whispers, "And your quite sloppy. I'm just allowing this to happen cuz it might work."


Harris chuckles, "Okay." Before he walks over to Francis.

"I already prepared the materials for you." Pointing at the crow feather, vial of crow blood and many more.

"You can throw them in any order you desire really."


Francis stoically walks up to the chalk drawn Summoning Circle. "…"


Ken looks on and thinks, "What has he been thinking?… Hes more silent than usual."


Clank. Clank. Clank. ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank ClankClank


Francis pours everything in one by one, and as he turned, for a second, everything around us turned pitch white void ,the ground turning invisible 'til it didn't and everything went back normal with a huge huge, brown bird about 6 feet tall with a white wooden mask appears during that 1 second of pitch whiteness.


"You summon the great titan, Myooncho" The bird spoke with a beautifully calming and serene sounding voice, a womanly and motherly voice.


Francis with his back turned to the bird, about to say something to Ken, but stopped himself and turned to the bird and stood stoically with a face of great determination, that created great pressure for the ones that stared at his back, as if something was forcing them to kneel.

"Whatever your name is… I DON'T CARE!" He yelled out. Ending it with a smile that shined brightly like the sun.


The bird laughed boisterously. "And what do you desire from me HUMAN!" It suddenly flaps its wings, intrigued.


The strong breeze from the flapping of its wings, almost blew Ken away, while Harris just stood there, focused and listening to every word.
