
[Title at Bottom]

Beial's POV:

After the long look into my past with this 'Goddess' next me, and receiving a somewhat MAJORLY needed yet modest explanation that I could've gone without as she was just reading back to all I just went through and what happened. I've decided to move on with the conversation. And I'd rather not remember my own death, it was rather embarrassing. Dying in the arms of a lady, the lady I fell for at that.

"So? What do you want?" I practically stared daggers at her.

She then looked me in the eyes, with an honest look of surprise. Pisses me off.

"You sure adjust quickly." She said.

I quickly explained to her my thoughts.

"I wouldn't have taken this very seriously if I hadn't seen what you just showed me... Besides as a professional, adjusting my mind is quite easy."

She chirps in.

"In denial?"

"OF COURSE NOT!!!" As if I would deny all I had seen and went through. But even if she had probably seen weak willed beings use the same excuses as me doesn't mean I will!

For acting out of her boundaries I merely stretched her cheeks… They had surprisingly stretched a good bit due to how soft they were.

"Mmmuuunnnyyyuuu!!!" She cried out in pain while flailing her little arms. Cute.

Now back onto topic.

"Anyway, so now what?"

While pouting and rubbing her reddened cheeks she yells out...

"AAHHH!! FINE! What I wanted was to use you to reincarnate into another world. Simple right?"

With that line I simply smiled. Yet it wan't a smile.


"What… What is with that grin of yours?!"

I probably looked horrifying, considering the fact that while alive. It was a match for that of a Demon King.

While the Goddess moved back as if to run away. I moved forward in pursuit.

I slowly raised my hand. All in preparation to strike.

But then the Goddess spouted out...

"WAIT!WAIT! When I reincarnate you I'll. I'll… Uuuuu…"

Interested I of course lowered my fist. Yet it was still clenched.

"I'll give you a few unique skills! Yes! I'll do that, okay?…"

"Tempting… Hmm… Fine I'll take the offer."

After some quick contemplation, I of course accepted.

"REALLY!! YAY!" She jumped in joy, like a child.

"That's only because in every single light novel I read, it clearly stated that there is no way back through you." I had a look of disdain in my eyes while looking at her.

The Goddess then laid down on all fours as if crestfallen.

"You're right I don't." She despaired telling me.

"Anyway let us move this along." I forced us along.

"Okay… Here."

While still dispirited the Goddess waved her hand. And suddenly…

A yellow screen appeared. It was my status. All that came to my mind while reading it was…

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!" I shouted out.

"WHAAAAA!!!!" Obviously scaring her. She crouched down and covered her head.


While reading my stats I yelled out what I thought. Better watch myself.

While thinking this I scratched my head while apologizing.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's fine just don't do that again. Okay?"

I lowered my head while saying...

"Yes. I'll be careful."

While saying this I again look at my status...


Name: Belial Ignis

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Assassin

Evolution: Waste

Level: (0)

XP: (0/4)

Active Title (AT): <Crazed Lunatic>

Hp: (470/470) Mp: (0/0) Str: (50) Per: (45)

Wis: (66) End: (47) Agi: (70) Int: (60)

Status: <Reincarnating> / <DEAD> / <Soulless>

Titles: <Arch-Devil of Blood Lust> <Reincarnated> <Human Slayer> <Organization Leader> <Hard Worker> <Overlord> <Butcher> <Hero>

Spare Classes: <Organization Leader> <Master Hunter> <Thief> <Beast Tamer> <Warrior> <Shield Barrer> <Master Swordsman> <Gunman> <Bounty Hunter> <Slaughterer>

Blessings: <Goddess of Reincarnation> <???> <???>

Skills: <Bloodlust(17)> <Advanced Math(3)> <Strategist(3)> <Martial Arts(12)> <Sword Arts(9)> <Heroic Strength(5)> <Crafting(5)> <Last Stand(2)> <Cooking(8)> <Staff Arts(4)> <Bow Arts(4)> <Spear Arts(4)> <Knife Arts(7)> <Writing(MX)> <Reading(MX)> <Shield Arts(3)> <Thief Arts(13)> <Sneaking(MX)> <Barter(6)> <Gun Arts(9)> <Appraisal(MX)> <Taming(3)> <Dismantle(9)>

Race Skills (RS): <Muscle Condensing(2)> <Classification(MX)> <Immense Vitality(3)>

Unique Skills (US): <Ultimate Student(MX)> <All Language Acquisition(MX)> <God's Luck(2)>

Resistance: <Pain(10)> <Physical(4)> <Mental(MX)> <Slash(3)> <Smash(3)>

Subordinates: <None>

Equipment: <Other World Hoodie> <Other World Cargo Pants> <Other World Boots> <Other World Knife>

Body Mods: <None>

Danger Level: (E / C)



<Soulless>?!?! I don't have a soul?! I turned to the damn Goddess and asked for an explanation.

"Well, when you agreed to receive the strength your soul was taken as compensation. And it was placed in the Heaven's Vault where they keep treasures and the like."

I was absolutely floored to the point where my Texas-like accent came out while yelling. "What in the damned HELL does that mean?!?! My soul is a treasure to these God damned DOGS?!?!" I practically screamed out. This caused the Goddess to shake.

Even though her existence and that of other Gods were cursed by me, nothing happened and it seemed that the surroundings drop in temperature and only grew more silent. I drew in my anger and bloodlust.

But in the end, I left it as is. "Well it's too damn late, I'll go get it some other time then." The Goddess was genuinely shocked by what I said.

'He wants to go and get his soul back?' Is all that ran through her head.

After all this happened I quickly moved on and looked through everything… 'What's this?'

I saw an icon in the lower right corner that had four different squares…

'A Map, 3-D Body Visual, Friend list, and Q&A?'

The map is as you would expect it, but currently it is blank and i received this message when trying to use it…


Cannot show Map of another person's territory without permission of owner or ability to force usage.


It said all this in a robotic, yet feminine voice. Cool.

I decided to test out the Q&A by asking it how to force the usage of the Map function and it said clearly…


To force the usage of Map onto another person's territory will require the owner of Map to be friends with the owner of the territory.

Or for the owner of Map to expend usage of enough MP to cover the territory size.


'Oooohhhhh! Makes sense.' I validated to myself.

But wait… Where is my Luck and Charisma? I literally just took notice that they are not in my status like they would in most other systems and games. I asked the system and got a very simple response. It stated "These do not exist in this world's system as they are decided by your face and social skills for Charisma and the will of the Universe for your Luck." I was genuinely let down at such a sentence.

Now to check the Body Visual… This caused a new screen to open. It had a picture of me and plenty of buttons to press allowing me to change myself at will. Even allowing to have presets i can switch to at a moments notice.

Interesting, it shows not only my body but also my proportions, height, weight, and even injuries.

The following even included a few options. Namely… Changing of the body, gender, facial structure, etc. Perfect for disguises.

I quickly used the function to adjust my body, I also set my old body as a preset.

I went from a twenty year-old Caucasian with dark-brown hair and brown eyes, with a lightly toned body due to my time training in the sun, that had muscles unbefitting of a person of 5'11" very tough skin full of callouss' and scars. To a Caucasian male with jade white skin smoother than a baby's the muscles remained well defined but due to being covered by my clothes they were almost unnoticeable, some of the scars on my body remained, they served to show where my skill and strength originated otherwise people would ask questions; my body height also reached that of 6 foot (Finally!) and my hair was reaching my shoulders but was changed to be pitch black similar to my eyes.

[Insert picture of Belial's body. Before and after.]

(AN: I will have to make this later on, just use account pic for reference)

I looked over my new body very much impressed. The Goddess looked my way with eyes full of wonder. 'Seems she never knew of this function' I thought to myself as if my system were normal and all Gods would at least have one.

This'll be useful. MUCH more in my hands than another person's.

While I was off thinking to myself of this I felt my instincts kick in and I glanced toward the Goddess with a look in my eyes only she lived to see. And when she saw my eyes she began to quiver. I slowly asked "What were you just thinking?" in a calm yet cold tone. This caused her to shake more and she spoke out "I,I,I,I I t-though that it might just change that personality of yours… Was all."

I was fucking pissed off. So I of course stretched her cheeks. Yet, after watching her cry a little I stopped and backed up. She was to cute for me to handle. I patted her head and apologized.

To this she started to pout and she began to shed a few tears out of frustration. I smiled a gentle smile toward her, this surprised as I could see it on her face. I backed away coughed a bit and of course became red in the face. At my expression she as well became fully red, I thought I saw steam for a moment.

Pulling myself back from all that I said to myself. 'Now finally onto the friend list… It's blank… Nobody there…' Well, Fuck you too system. I have friends you know… I said full of my past resentment and depression.

Oh, i see. It is used for friends that I had officially friended, allowing us to communicate telepathically at any distance and with no obstruction. This also allows me (with their permission) to change their body similarly to my own.

It also included the option to know the current standing with a certain person. Like how they see me, how much they like me as a person.


Pestiest: 22/100 (Friend)

Mary: 90/100 (Lover)

???: ?/? (?) x 99


"Sigh~" I could only sigh out at what i had noticed. How many people know of me, yet I don't know them? But Mary sees me as her Lover?!?! this is news to my ears as I never saw her as a potential partner, because I did grow feeling for her and all. But we never officially got into a relationship! And what about Pestiest even sees me as a friend? With the way I treated her? How the fuck? Like seriously am I being shipped?!?! Author help me out here…

(AR: No.)

'You heartless bastard!' I thought while punching my fist into the floor. That hurt like a massive bitch.

While letting out a bit of stress through berating and rubbing my knuckles. The Goddess got in my face. And insulted me...

"Why are you staring off into space? It's creepy…"

But I was in no mood to do anything... Lucky brat.

"Quiet! Let's move onto those unique skills already."

"Yeesh. Just checking on you. Anyway let me pull up the list."

Same as before I saw another screen appear… But this one had a list of skills that I can choose from.

Even Classes, Blessings, and even… Tribes?

"Tribes? What are those?" I simply asked the Goddess.

"Tribes are what make up where your ancestry would come from. It's what makes up your Race in the end.

So say you choose the Fenrir Tribe and Human Tribe, this would make you a Fenrir Beastman." So she says.

"I see, that's very cool." I nodded to myself.

"Cool?" She quizzically looked my way.

"Ahhh… How I'm using it would mean 'awesome' where i come from." Of course I awkwardly explained while refusing to meet her glittering eyes.

"Hmm… Interesting." She held her chin and thought.

After looking around I got myself familiar with all the aspects of the Skills and things i can choose from.

"Alright, let's get the most I can get from this shitty system." muttered under my breath.

But I had to stop to see what the Goddess has to say toward what I'am permitted to do.

"I will allow you to choose your own Race, Class with Equipment corresponding to it, two extra blessings and a 4 Unique Skills, and even 7 extra average Skills." She said matter of fact as if she was the one being generous, and overbearing as if she created the system.

But that didn't matter to me in the least as my eyes shone… I only knew one thing, time to get to business.

"Really? Thank you."


"That is a very scary light that flashed in your eyes!" She yelled out at me.

Ignoring the Goddess, I look at the thing that I've been thinking of taking.



Dragon Knight, Necromancer, Divine Beast Tamer, Deadly Sinner, Elementalist, Void Summoner, Dungeon Master, Plasma Magician, Sword Master, Pope, Transmuter, Demon Controller, Spacial Jumper, Doll Master, Guild Master, Holy Knight, Death Knight, Dark Magician, Healer, Guardian, Gladiator, Mercenary, Assassin, Rouge, Thief, Dragon Tamer, Canceler, Hunter, Sadistic Doll Maker, Summon Tamer, Spiritualist, Devourer, Space-Time Arch-Mage, Forest Queen, Grand Scientist Mage, Merchant, Blood Knight, Godly Swordsman, Godly Mage, Herculean Tanker, Body-Creator, Continental-DeadShot, Artician of Creation, Hero, Sage, Royal King, Royal Emperor, Paladin, Spartan, Etc.


Out of all the Classes shown before me. I thought that the <Deadly Sinner> Class sounded the most interesting. And personally, sounded very much intimidating. Also the fact that I myself couldn't quite point out what it does or what it even is. This is so because most other classes are self explanatory. The definition was this…


Deadly Sinner:

This Sinner is he/she who rules over the other Deadly Sins with an iron fist. Those Deadly Sins include: Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Greed, Wrath, Pride. All of which have originated from the human race, and reign in their subconscious. Meaning that the user is the ruler of all sin and all beings swept away by sin itself.

Extra: Upon gaining and equipping this Class the user will have the chance to create a set of equipment of the deadly sins with a Danger Rating of <S> and the status of being the Deadly Sinners Equipment can be transferred and can help upgrade an equipment infinitely.

The user will also be presented with some body-mods that can be upgraded through applying extra body-mods.

Upon reaching a certain evolution the user will gain an extra unique skill, for every evolution of the user.

This class receives 5x as many stat points per level as compared to other classes. Meaning the user receives 50 free points to spend and 10 points in every stat.

Has great affinity with Magic of all types. Including Holy, and Rare Magic types. This still requires the user to study the Magic to be able to use it.

(There can only be one Deadly Sinner at a time.) (WARNING!!: THIS CLASS REQUIRES 5x AS MUCH XP TO LEVEL.)



The Class also came with an entire set of Equipment and even… Body-Mods and Unique Skills that are unlockable!!!

I was truly restraining myself from leaping in pure joy.

'Amazing, with this I'll quickly jump in power' I smirked.

With a look at the Stats of all the Equipments and Body-Mods, it was horrifying at how amazing the class was. Even I began to quiver at the thought of my enemy having such a class.


Equipment <Deadly Sinner>:

User will be able to enchanted a piece of armor or weaponry with the effects of a certain sin allowing the piece of equipment to immediately reach <S> rank in power and allow it to evolve further. The enchantments can be revoked from a piece of equipment at any time and placed up another at the same rank of which it was removed upon.

Wrath: Greater power in weaponry. Sloth: Allows user to move at greater speed while spending less stamina… Etc.


Body Mods <Deadly Sinner>:

(Similar to the equipment. Just for body parts.)


Unlocked Skills:

Waste: <Insatiable Hunger>

Amateur: <Deadly Eyes>

Novice: <Wrath's Full Anger>

Journeyman: <Tempting Lust>

Senior: <Seal Soul>

Expert: <Release Desires>

???: <???>

???: <???>


I grew a belly full of anger at the Body Mods note. Yet I let it vanish as what could I do?

I took a look at the skills i could gain and wasn't disappointed, but after I saw that some skills are placed as unknown I asked the system to receive the reply of not meeting the requirements to see the higher leveled skills.

Though disappointed I moved along and kept looking. And I finally noticed the Warnings at the bottom, enemy of all realms? Even I couldn't handle such a major pressure, that would defiantly put me into a spot that I don't dream of being in as I ain't no masochist.

I discovered a relatively good class known as Great Devourer, this class gives me the ability to devour all that I like no matter how great the amount, and the more I eat the more I gain as I can steal skill experience from those I devour; this includes that of Unique and Racial skills.

I quickly choose the Class and moved onto the Tribes/Races next. The Goddess had a great look of relief on her face as she saw I did not acquire the Deadly Sinner class.

What appeared was yet another list of all the Tribes I could choose from to create my Race. I managed to narrow down all the chooses.

Plenty of the things that were immediately excluded, these included that of the Tuna, Fly, Hamster, Jellyfish, and all those other useless races.


Tribes/Races: (Choose as many as you see fit) (Warning!!: Some Tribes will be Incompatible with others.) (Some Races are already complete)

Human, Fairy, Elf, Divine, Fenrir, Dragon, Roc, Golem, Immortal, Dwarf, Leviathan, Kraken, Angel, Demon, Doppleganger, Shinigami, Witch, Undead, Alraune, Hornet, Mermaid, Centaur, Minotaur, Inari, Cursed, Undine, Ignis, Sylph, Gnome, Dark Matter, Holy Spirit, Lilim, Ghost, Doppelgänger, Dullahan, Vampire, Imp, Slime, Beelzebub, Anubis, Sphinx, Mummy, Gargoyle, Youko, Yuki-Onna, Aka-Oni, Karasu-Tengu, Kappa, Jouro-Gumo, Arachne, Ant-Arachne, Giant Ant, Royal, Goblin, Oni, Hobgoblin, Orc, Ork, Oroc, Werebeast, Tiger, Wolf, Dryad, Dog, Cat, Bull, Cow, Bear, Harpy, Cockatrice, Ogre, Cyclops, Lamia, Medusa, Lizard, Bat, Horse, Unicorn, Mantice, Sprite, Pixie, Leannan Sidhe, Kesaran Pasaran, Succubus, Incubus, Nereid, Scylla, Charybdis, Golem, Jinn, Girtabilu, Ghoul, Etc.


I broke into the biggest grin in the entirety of my life. The result of such a grin sent the Goddess into huddling on the floor while shaking at a noticeable pace. I seem to have broken her as she just spouted out nonsense.

The Tribes I choose are the <Human>, <Doppelgänger>, <Royal>, <Immortal> and <Divine>. These races are what stand out to me alone. The human race was placed in the mix as I just wanted a human body was all. I didn't want to become some monstrosity that looked nothing like that of a human of which I'am used to.

What appeared was the <True Immortal God> race. This race caused my eyes to be practically glowing as if there were a torch in them. I was so excited as I began to era the description left for me.


True Immortal God race:

A once extinct race brought back by an individual that will leave the heavens in ashes.

This race is claimed to be one of the few existing races with a literal infinite lifespan. They are a <God> race naturally born with <Divine> blood flowing in their veins. The base form of this race is that of <Human> but due to the <Doppelgänger> race, members of this race are easily able to take the form of other races even allowing them to mate with the selected race.

Members of this race are able to regenerate at an increased speed due to the Racial skill <Auto-Regeneration> this skill uses magic power passively to restore damaged body parts. From cuts to entire limbs. The members of this race are greatly powerful and are naturally hated yet loved by many.



This Race! It is F@$%ing insane!! I'am sure fucking lucky to get such a class. Thanks Author! I take back all I said about you earlier! Thanks~!

(AR: No prob mate.)

Now onto the Blessing section. Same as before, I narrowed it down and threw out the rest. Such as the <Sewing Apostle> <Roaring King> and the like.


Blessings: Blessings come with a set unique skill provided by the blesser. Can give extra bonuses depending on who squires the blessing.

<Blacksmithing Arch-God> <Immortal Arch-God> <Plasma Magic Arch-God> <God of Destruction> <God of Devouring> <God of Bloodlust>

<Vampiric Arch-God> <Dragon Arch-God> <Fenrir Arch-God> <Demon Arch-God> <Doppleganger Arch-God> <Dungeon Arch-God>

<Lich Arch-God> <Evil God> <Holy God> <Righteous Apostle> <Demi-God of Armor> <Arch-Apostle of the Hunt> <Demon God> Etc.


I of course immediately take the Blessing of the <Immortal Arch-God>. The 2nd Blessing I will take will be from the <Creation Arch-God> One seems to be the blessing of my race's great ancestor and the other the creator of the world I'll be thrown into.

Upon seeing my choices I left that Goddess with a look of utter shock and despair as she realizes I'm going to drain her of all I possibly can before I take off.


Immortal Arch-God Blessing:

As the ancient ancestor of the <True Immortal God> race, the blessing will give an <Eternal Youth> Unique Skill.

If owner of the Blessing is apart of the <True Immortal God> race, they will have the <Eternal Youth> tacked onto the Racial Skill column, allowing the owner to give their descendants <Eternal Youth>.

Owner of the Blessing will also receive a longer life span of 100,000 years, this effect will be diluted through the descendants.

Owner of the Blessing will also receive a half exp. requirement when training in skills, and is very compatible with many Racial Skills.


Creation Arch-God

The Blessing of the Creator of the planet <Exousía>. This blessing comes with the Unique Skill <Creation Magic> this allows the user of the Magic to create anything they so wish at the cost of Magic Power.

The Owner of this blessing is naturally liked by all life and is able to gain a great reverence from the people.

Owner of this blessing will have a great affinity with all skills, whether Racial, Normal or Unique.

Owner is able to easily obtain Titles, [Be warned as this counts for evil titles as well].

Owner is able to more easily persuade beings below that of Arch-God.


Holy Crap! These two blessing give me a great increase in status and a few skills. I gained the <Creation> Skill and <Eternal Youth> Skill from the respective Gods. I also received an increase in Immortal skill XP gain rate of 5x! I can quickly become the youngest Immortal in the world and gradually grow in power!

Now i finally move onto the Skill section. And do as always. After doing so, I'm in a tough position.

'What to choose?' I thought to myself as the Goddess starts shaking in anger. And I simply glared her way when I felt her intention to fight. Releasing all my bloodlust. This caused her to immediately back down in fear. I ain't referred to as the <Arch-Devil of Bloodlust> for nothing.


Unique Skills:

Subordination, Give&Take, Customization, Teleportation, Void Summoning, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited MP, Summon Hero,

Summon Demon, Summon Divine Beast, Summon Dragon, Create Dungeon, Hide Status, God's Word, Dragon Roar, Dopplegang, Humanization, God's Strength, Absolute Shot, Creation Magic, Destruction Magic, Etc.


After a serious rundown I chose amongst the best i could.

So i first decided to choose: <Subordination> which has the effect to have a large amount of control over anyone who is willing to become your subordinate.

Next is <Unlimited MP> This is by far an extremely useful skill in the long run. Like unlimited Magic? Thank you!

After that i chose <Customization> which allows me to change my own race, class, and name and a few other things such as my looks but the best part is where I get to do the same with anyone or thing that I have as a subordinated or captured.

Finally I chose <Hide Status> which allows me to hide how my status looks to outside forces, so as to hide my strength and identity. And even allows me to fake it's numerical value or how it is. Even let's me pretend my skills are of a weaker devolved version.


I just discovered that I could MAX out a single skill as I like. Of course this chance is going into <Hide Status>. And with this I can live a lot longer, bide my time then strike when they least expect it.

And moving along to the last set of choices is ordinary Skills. And along the way my sense of time is slowly being eroded away. I spent what I think a whole 8-10 days growing out shit skills. So here is what I got.



Necromancy, Swordsmanship, Lightning Magic, Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Summoning, Taming, Acting, Accuracy, Guidance Magic, Detect Life, Danger Warning, Golem Creation, Beast Creation, Undead Creation, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Rune-Making, Trap Arts, Sneak Arts, Gun Arts, Staff Arts, Dual Wielding Arts, Petrification, Poison breath, Call Subordinates, Potentially Powerful, Etc.


As usual i cleaned out the ones i don't like nor need. In the end i spent probably 3-4 days cleaning out the list and finally managed to narrow it down. But the main reason it took so long, was all due to the Goddess talking with me.

I ended up choosing the skills that can be considered helpful immediately and in the longterm. The 7 Skills were <Summoning Magic>, <Danger Warning>,

<Beast Creation>, <Golem Creation>, <Medical Knowledge>, <Summoning>, <Undead Creation>. All of which can be immediately used upon exiting this space.

Now that I have chosen everything and even tested them I for the last time check my status.


Name: Belial Ignis

Race: True Immortal God

Gender: Male

Class: Great Devourer

Evolution: Waste

Level: (0)

XP: (0/4)

Active Title (AT): <Arch-Devil of Bloodlust>

Hp: 10000/10000

Mp: 5110/5110

Str: 221

Per: 256

End: 314

Agi: 302

Int: 381

Wis: 511

Status: <Reincarnating> /<DEAD> / <Soulless>

Titles: <Crazed Lunatic> <Reincarnated> <Human Killer> <Murderer> <Hard Worker> <Overlord> <???> <Fallen Hero>

Blessings: <Goddess of Reincarnation> <Arch-God of Immortals> <Arch-God of Creation> <???> <???>

Spare Classes: Necromancer, Flesh Weaver, Tamer, Warrior, Swordsman, Thief, Martial Artist, Champion, Overlord, Assassin, Guard, Chef, Archer, Gunman,

Skills: <Bloodlust(17)> <Advanced Math(3)> <Strategist(3)> <Martial Arts(12)> <Sword Arts(9)> <Heroic Strength(5)> <Crafting(5)> <Last Stand(2)> <Undead Creation(1)> <Bow Arts(4)> <Gun Arts(9)> <Knife Arts(7)> <Staff Arts(4)> <Shield Arts(3)> <Cooking(8)> <Thief Arts(13)> <Danger Warning(MX)> <Appraisal(MX)> <Reading(MX)> <Writing(MX)> <Spear Arts(4)> <Barter(6)> <Medical Knowledge(1)> <Beast Creation(1)> <Golem Creation(1)> <Summoning Magic(1)> <Dismantling(9)>

Race Skills (RS): <Muscle Condensing(2)> <Classification(MX)> <Immense Vitality(3)> <Immortality(MX)> <Eternal Youth(MX)> <Auto-Regeneration(1)> <All Abnormal Status Resistance(1)>

<Soul Attack Nullification>

Unique Skills (US): <Ultimate Student(MX)> <All Language Acquisition(MX)> <God's Luck(2)> <Subordination(1)> <Truly Devour(1)> <Customization(1)> <Hide Status(MX)> <Creation Magic(1)>

Resistance: <Pain(8) <Physical(3)> <Mental(7)> <Slash(4)> <Smash(4)>

Leaders/Subordinates (LE,SU): <None>

Equipment: <Other World Hoodie> <Other World Cargo Pants> <Other World Boots> <Other World Knife>

Body Mods: <Teeth of the Great Devourer(SS)>

Danger Level: (B / A)


After looking at my status I was in ecstasy over it. The main reason? It scared the living HELL out of the Goddess whom gave half of it to me. And finally the Goddess snapped out of her temporary fear and gazed at my final status.


Is exactly what she screamed… Into my ears.


Again I stretched her cheeks as I liked.


Stretchy as always… Lets continue.

The Goddess collected herself while starring daggers at me, all while rubbing her red mochi cheeks.

While she was off doing that for a few minutes I was going through all of my status. And I know that I earned plenty of things but I earned something I cannot access now. Those I ignored as I assumed I will find them out later on, but my Hero title changed to that of <Fallen Hero>. I simply ignored it as the Goddess didn't say anything on it and I assumed it was because in my last life I died acting as a Hero. henceforth the name.

My thinking and studying of the system was inturupted with a simple: "How…?"

She began talking in a subtle and weak voice… While I asked myself 'How, what?'

"How did you get such an INSANE STATUS!?!?!?"

'Oh… that.'

So I explained to her that half the things there I already had.And half I gained from the things she had given to me.



"As I said, I gained some skills and equipment with some body mods from my class.

I also gained some, unique skills and ordinary skills from the other list."

After a quick explanation, that was VERY vague. She just stood their and stared at me.

"Well anyway… I can go now, right?"

She was still dazed out and only responded with a bleak and quiet…


Noticing this; I simply kicked the strategist skill into motion. Using it to it's full potential, and in a very expected and evil manner.

"But before that. Can I ask a few questions?" I asked with a serious and blank face as I didn't want to show my intentions.

And as expected she responded with the simple and quiet…


She honestly seemed so downhearted, but I of course continued as this a one time chance.

"Is this a Sword & Magic world?" I asked as if seriously wondering.

She responded with…


I continued in a quick manner…

"You are a powerful Arch-Goddess of Reincarnation, right?"


"I'm being sent over to kill off some powerful being for a king, am I correct?"

"Yes..." Very cliche don't you think?

I of course continued this for roughly 12 minutes. And this Goddess still hasn't accepted the fact that I'm OP.

So I finally throw out the last question before I leave.

"You are completely willing to become my subordinate, right?"


And with that the Goddess quickly snapped out of her trance and looked at me with saucer sized eyes.

But it was far to late. I used the unique skill <Subordination> and made the Goddess my follower.

[Arch-Goddess of Reincarnation: has been Subordinated with the skill <Subordination>, making her a loyal follower.]

With that message I also received this…

[Level of: <Subordination> has gone up do to it's use. Level 1 -> Level 2.]

[Level of: <Scheming> has gone up do to it's use. Level 3-> Level 4.]

Oh, quite a nice bonus for all my hard work.

"Y-y-yo-you d-d-didn't j-just do that, did you?"

The Goddess was shaking in pure terror as she looked at me. And I merely responded with a 'Grin' and…

"Goddess can you please send me to the next world."

Instead of trying to kill me she pouted and yelled out.

"Pestiest Windmere!!"


"My name… is Pestiest Windmere…"

She in fact just wanted to say her name. Amazing, this skill can even fuck with the head of a God.

"Okay… Pestiest Windmere, <Goddess of Reincarnation> will you please send me into the next world of your's?"

"Not yet!"

I was flabbergasted…

"What do you mean?"

I stared with cold eye.

"From now on just Pestiest… No more Goddess. Okay?"

"Alright you win. Can you please send me on now? Pestiest."

"Yes… Will I see you again?"

"Of course!" I responded to my cute subordinate.


With that I saw a smile stretch onto the face of the Godde-. No onto the face of Pestiest.

"See you soon…" I felt like staying but knew it wasn't my place.

"Yes. Soon."

With that I was finally sent into the next world. What awaits me there?

<Chapter 3: Some new strength, in the shape of a beautiful Goddess.>

This is to damn long, I request the help of the readers to help and find any faults and what I can do to better this chapter.

Put suggestions in the comment section.

Thank You.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts