
Deadly - Desire

Meet Rachel Cole, the last carrier able to bear children for vampires. In an unfortunate event. Rachel finds herself having to make a deal with the Devil Dante Voss Prince of the vampires. Enemies of the werewolves who want all carriers dead. Will she be able to get through this deal without falling in love or losing her life.

Annelize_Venter619 · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter Twelve- We Meet Again


What is taking so long? I should have heard back again from Alec. I am too pent up to sit and get any work done, I did not expect this little wolf pack to pull one over my knights. I want to know how Alec did not notice he was being watched he is my best knight. Punishment awaits him when he gets back. I pull my tie off and open a few buttons on my dress shirt revealing pale white skin underneath.

Rolling up my sleeves as I continue to pace up and down in my study. If the werewolves kill this carrier I will personally go and kill every last one of them. The last update I got from my knights is they found the girl at an abandoned warehouse outside of town where a wolf pack was keeping her captive. I may look calm on the outside but I am seething with anger the aura around me is murderous.

My phone rings it is Alec "Speak" I command. "We are on our way back your Highness, we got the girl and a prisoner." I smile vindictively good just the thing that will lift my bad mood a prisoner that will get tortured. "Who did you catch?" I ask him. "We caught the Alpha." Says Alec and hangs up. I pour myself a glass of whiskey. Tonight was too close if my knights were one minute too late she could have been killed. Moving out to the balcony I take a deep breath of the evening air.

You can smell the spring blossoms, the evening wind is a cool crisp on my skin. We need all information from the wolf and it's going to be my pleasure to torture it out of the Alpha. As for the little rabbit, she does not know it yet but she is mine now, and I am keeping her captive in my mansion. I don't care what she wants But I am not going to allow any werewolf near her again.


I wake up feeling disoriented, I am lying in bed. Relief washes over me, I just had a terrible nightmare thank goodness. When my eyes focus I realize I am not in my room at home. The bed I am lying in is a big four-poster bed with curtains hanging around it in white and gold. The white sheets are soft velvet the white cover is soft and fluffy everything looks and feels very expensive. I started to panic a little so I did not have a nightmare, Throwing the covers off me I got out of bed and saw my shoes had been placed next to the drawers.

Pulling on my shoes I move over to the door I need to get out of here and get myself home. I don't know who has me the werewolves or the vampires, that feels so unreal to say, but I was fully awake when I saw all of them transform. I need to make as little noise as possible, the last thing I remember was being tied up at the warehouse and then that fight broke out I must have fainted from the shock. Seeing as whoever left me here, didn't tie me up I am hoping they are nice and will let me go.

I turn the doorknob slowly and open the door only to come face to face with a man in front of me. I scream and stumble backward falling on my ass. He is that guy from the warehouse he turned into a vampire "Please don't hurt me" I yell out. I can't believe I got caught already I didn't even make it out of the front door. He lifts his hands in a surrendering pose to show me he means no harm. "My name is Alec, and I am not going to hurt you." Says the man, he is tall with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. I swallow hard and nod. "Where am I?" I ask him. His gaze softens. "Please don't be scared, you are at our prince's mansion and no one here will dare harm you."

Did he just say, Prince? "Who is this Prince and what does he want with me?" I ask the guy. "His Highness will explain everything, I am to bring you to him, he is waiting for us follow me please." My best chance is to go with this guy and look at the layout of the mansion so I can form an escape plan. We leave the bedroom I was in and step out into the hallway this floor must be a sleeping area. We walk towards the end of the hallway each door we pass is just another bedroom, by the decor of each room you can see this is a classy place.

We then turn right heading downstairs. The stairs are made out of grey marble, the stairs are split in two forming a curve down, and in the middle of the room hangs a big chandelier. This looks like the ballroom, there a beautiful paintings covering the walls. The walls are painted a soft yellow, the windows are big the moon outside is high in the sky, and the floor is made from marble. There are three different hallways and straight across from me are big wooden double doors I bet that is the door leading outside.

I follow behind the guy as he walks he makes a left into the first hallway on the left, this place is a maze I have to keep a cool head to escape later. He stops suddenly in front of a door, I almost bump into him as I am lost in thought. He knocks on the door and waits for a response. "Enter." says the person on the other side, wait that voice sounds familiar. Alec opens the door and we walk in sitting behind his desk in his study is none other than Mr Voss, dressed in complete black making the gold off his eyes and white hair stand out. At the club, he tried to tell me about vampires and werewolves and I did not believe him, well who would it is not like they make themselves known to the world.

"Here is the girl as requested Your Highness," Alex says with a bow and then turns around to leave. "Wait, don't go," I say to Alec. A deep chuckle resonates in the room. "Are you scared of me? little rabbit." Alec smiles at me apologetically and exits the room leaving me alone with him. I blush slightly in embarrassment I didn't mean to sound scared. This is all new territory for me. "No, I am not scared of you!" I clap back in response. I level him with a stare, I will not let these supernatural creatures get the better of me.

"You should be a little human," he says with a smirk he stands up from his chair and stalks toward me slowly like a tiger moving in to catch its prey. I swallow hard my heart racing I keep eye contact with him and I walk backward until my back hits the door and there is no escape. He boxes me in against the door he is much taller than me. I have to strain my neck to look up at him. This close you can see his muscles straining against the shirt he is wearing and his six-pack that's formed. I can smell his cologne it is like a musk, amber cent.

He leans down on his left arm that's against the door and places his other hand next to my head curbing all my movements. He brings his face down to my level and grabs my chin lifting my head, he stares down at me his eyes boring into my soul. "Don't challenge me, you will lose." He grins wickedly. A shiver runs down my spine I may be a little over my head here. "That was not a challenge but a statement." Steeling my resolve I refuse to look weak I am not his toy. "Well, aren't you a feisty little thing?" He starts laughing and lets go of me heading towards the couch he sits down and mentions for me to follow suit.

Unknown POV

Fuck, these vampires keep ruining my plans to capture the girl all my hard work is down the drain. Nash is going to be pissed and when he is pissed he takes it out on my Lover Amelia. I have been forced to work for him and scout out any carrier that arises. I did not want to hand over Rachel at first as she was unaware of what she was and also I became friends with her brother and they made me feel like part of the family but now I have to choose between Rachel and Amelia.