
Chapter 19

Hina was pacing outside while looking at her watch when one of the tire rods broke on the trailer bed, Len looked over the piece seeing where someone accidentally used too much heat on it.

" will have to go out in the morning " Hina said watching them working to fix the trailer bed while Lillian was putting four packs together to go out searching for Tai, Hina walked in then looked around then shook her head no.

" Lillian it's too dangerous to go out at night, that's one thing that Tai is persistent about unless it's absolutely necessary so at daybreak I'll even go with you." Hina said pulling the map from Lillian's hand causing the girl to groan in annoyance while sitting down holding her head with her hands.

Harold was standing near the room holding the pack he got ready himself then sat it down sighing, he walked inside the room placing his pack with the other four.

" she's right at Daybreak it'll be, plus I dought Ricky can take Tai even one on one on her bad days " Harold said putting the walkie talkies on charge then walking out passing Len on her way in.

" we'll have it fixed to leave by day break, I've had Winter help me get everyone's packs together except for ours which Lillian's doing. I know Tai will be fine, she could have the ATV stuck in mud for all we know and plus she can take care of herself along with Calista...let's get some sleep we'll have a long day tomorrow" Len said walking out while Yawning, Hina pointing to the packs on the desk.

" pack Tais too, I'll be back and tuck Joe in our bed " Hina said since the four have been sharing the king size bed with Joe sleeping between Hina and Ari, She walked down the steps then looked around before using a key on the cellar door going down the steps seeing a girl with dark brown hair that was up in a messy bun with glasses on.

" Olivia..you need to take a break " Hina said placing down a brown paper bag that had some snacks with a sandwich inside, Olivia smiled then took a drink of her coffee while looking over some of her work she wrote down on the white board in front of her with large binders open on the desk.

" I'm missing something, when mom sent all that data that was corrupted when it was downloaded on her laptop" Olivia said leaning back in her chair staring at the board In front of her with her arms crossed sighing.

" I do need rest...where's Tai she hasn't come down all day " Olivia said while rolling her shoulders which Hina knows to be one of her telling signs of why she wants to see Tai.

" umm y-yes about that...She took Calista out to check the Trail and she was worked up forgetting her radio, but she did say she'd be back by tonight or tomorrow so we'll wait to see Al—" Hina was saying when Olivia slammed her hand on the desk glaring at Hina who gulped out of nervousness.

" what do you mean she forgot her radio " Olivia hissed out making Hina sigh then pinch the bridge of her nose and walked over grabbing a bottled water taking a drink.

" well she started taking people in and the group of six had a female amongst their group who was being...well you know...." Hina explained everything that was going on also how Tai left her pack and main weapon behind along with the radio.

" so we can't go look for her until morning then, show me the trail she took " Olivia said pulling out a map as Hina showed her, Olivia's map was more detailed with notes scattered all over it and she noticed the trail to be one near a shut down facility that was suppose to be well guarded until they take care of the place.

" Shit I'm hoping Tai doesn't get too nosey, even though I need a lot of things from there....well we do need to go there to get some of the lab equipment along with any and all samples the place might still have. I'll get my own pack together to go, also we'll need to take an extra vehicles to get some of the stuff from that facility " Olivia said walking over to where six large crates are and pulling out different weapons, she opened the last crate that had special suits that she brought and had to do test before trusting them.

" here those things won't be able to bite or tear through these so pass them out for the ones going on the mission tomorrow and we'll bring Tais along with us, I have a feeling she might find that facility" Olivia said packing her pack, she was going through her hand guns and decided on a HK45 while she started loading four extra clips and putting them in her vest.

" Which do you think..a P-90 or the Ak-47 " Olivia asked then put six clips in her vest along with a 14 Inch tactical blade that attaches to the front of her vest, she also sat out six grenades to put on her vest when she puts it on in the morning.

" Olivia are you sure we should go there, I mean I can go just make a list because you know Tai will be pissed if I put you in danger." Hina said making Olivia glare at her so she quickly agreed making Olivia smile and hug her tight.

" don't worry Hina we'll get our girl back, I'll also come up with a vaccine to kill out this virus " Olivia said as Hina smiled in the crook of her neck, Hina went back upstairs leaving Hina to finish with her pack while she is going to check on Jr who is in the workshop with Grady.

" Jr come on it's bedtime plus I need you to help Six keep an eye on camp tomorrow" Hina said as Jr runs and hugs her waist, she told the others goodnight then takes Jr to his room that he's sharing with Alex and Kyle with a few of her teammates.

Ari was standing on one of the upstairs balconies looking up at the stars while her mind was rushing thinking about Tai and Calista, she also doesn't want to be with only Tai or the other two she loves all three and wants to have all three as lovers.