
The Aftermath and its Consequences

It was no exaggeration to say that the losses suffered by the Remnant forces during their clashes with the Elysian Crusaders and the Amazonians were unsustainable. They had lost thousands of men when their bunker complexes and the military bases built above them were barely capable of housing a battalion or two of marines per facility.

So one could call the fact that two entire battalions of Remnant forces had been utterly wiped out to the last man an unmitigated disaster. Of course, nobody really understood how the Marines sent to obliterate the Amazonians were disposed of.

Their power armor's built in helmet cameras detected a sudden ice storm, and then there was nothing. Utter darkness. By the time the reconnaissance teams found what remained of the Marines and their corpses. It was as if the entire section of the city had been hit by a missile.