
Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

An Apocalypse descends—as a lethal super-virus wipes out most of the human population. It took less than a day for the world to change forever—bringing mankind to its knees. It’s a time of misery and death for most, however, there are some who are lucky. Zane Graves, who came across a “Blood Crystal” is given an ability: [Dead Man Walking]—which grants him a special power, and so setting him off on his path to the top!

Zentmeister · สมัยใหม่
339 Chs

Thanks For The Meal

Zane gathered the survivors who were just starting to wake up. To say that this week had been lousy for them all was an understatement. Many of them were on the verge of a complete and total mental breakdown.

The only ones among the group of eight survivors who seemed to remotely have their shit together were Zane, Olivia, and Elena. Despite this, Zane knew he needed to gather more equipment for the group, specifically the two women by his side, and because of this, he was quick to make an announcement to the already demoralized survivors.

"Listen up. I'm taking Elena and Olivia out to gather supplies. I have done my best to make sure we have what we need to survive, but I need more hands. And since I don't trust any of you not to get yourselves killed out there in the city, I'll be taking those I can rely on. We should be back in a few hours, so just make sure to keep this place secure. That is all… "