
Slaying the Lake Monster of Houhai

[New Quest available!]

[Slay the Lake Monster of Houhai!]

[Accept Y/N?]


Well, obviously he was going to accept the quest, now wasn't he? Zane quickly accepted the quest, and found the rewards for completing it listed in his journal. Which included a Legendary Breastplate at level 50, which was made of Heavy Armor.

In addition to this, Zane would gain a measly sum of experience, as well as some additional legendary crafting materials. While Zane himself had no use for the heavy armor. He figured he could hand it off to one of his companions; you know when he leveled them up to 50.

Shortly after accepting the quest, it showed a marker on his mini map which would direct him to the location of the Legendary Lake Monster he was supposed to slay. For the sake of gaining a reputation with the local factions, Zane decided to leave his companions behind.