
Here There Be Monsters Part II

The fishing boat that Zane had taken from the docks, after hot-wiring it for his own uses, had rather steadily crossed half the Yellow Sea by now. No doubt Zane was white knuckling the entire journey, paying more attention to the sea, as Beatrix piloted the vessel.

Why was Beatrix the one driving the boat? Well, to simply put it, she was one of two capable of doing so among the Horde Kings in Zane's group. After all, she, like Darren had lived in Lake Tahoe. And both of them owned boats prior to their deaths, and their resurrection as Horde Kings.

It was because of this that the woman was rather gleeful, unusually so as she made a comment on the whole situation

"I'm honestly surprised young master that you have decided to take the Sea route. You seemed quite timid when pondering upon which route to take for some time."