
Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

An Apocalypse descends—as a lethal super-virus wipes out most of the human population. It took less than a day for the world to change forever—bringing mankind to its knees. It’s a time of misery and death for most, however, there are some who are lucky. Zane Graves, who came across a “Blood Crystal” is given an ability: [Dead Man Walking]—which grants him a special power, and so setting him off on his path to the top!

Zentmeister · สมัยใหม่
339 Chs

Force-Field Generation

Madison did not understand what she was seeing, as she had passed out before Zane could properly explain it to her. But her instinctive thought was to say yes, and thus her system, which was aligned with her thoughts, automatically clicked yes on her behalf, and in doing so initiated the roll.

Within a span of seconds, a list of potential skills flashed before her eyes before settling on one in particular. One that would protect herself and others from pretty much anything if she developed the skill enough.


[Congratulations! You have unlocked the skill Force-Field Generation!]

[Force-Field Generation: Active: Type: Energy]

[Tier I]

[Uncommon Skill]

[Description: You have the ability to manipulate energy into creating a spherical force-field to protect yourself and others from harm.]

[Duration: 5 seconds]

[Cooldown: 10 seconds]
