
Establishing Ties to New Reno

Zane helped bring Garth into the building which Angelica used to heal people in. And by help I mean he simply kept a watchful vigil with his weapon on standby in case Garth or any of his deputies tried to act up.

More than once, someone had tried something they shouldn't have when undergoing the healing process and was straight up shot in the head by Zane. Rumors of these incidents had spread, and by now, most people in the region understood the rules and procedures that were required to be healed by Angelica.

Garth was laid down on a bed, where Zane demanded payment. All the while Angelica began to glow green, an aura of healing surrounded her, and a calming scent of the spring rain spread across the immediate area. Somewhat distracting the deputies while Zane spoke to them.