
An Invitation to Tea

Incline Village was a small town in the northern portion of Lake Tahoe. It was also the most populated area in what had been the Nevada portion of the Lake prior to the outbreak of the apocalypse.

Now it was a dead town, like most of those that existed in the former territory of the United States of America. Ghost Town would be a fairly accurate depiction, as all life had been snuffed out by the virus that had nearly wiped out all of humanity.

The only residents of the town were those walking dead who refused to stay in their graves where they belonged. The Horde King of this small town had been warned by her neighboring brother, Bartholomew, about a potential attack on her by their mysterious brother.

It was a strange sense of mentality, though the dead had been risen to walk the Earth once more, and had even become the most dominant force in the world after wiping out nearly all of human civilization.