
Agent of Death

The words which Balthasar had spoken were enough to send chills down the spine of everyone who had heard them. Mother was shielding a living being? Preposterous!

She was the mother of death, after all, and all undead beings were her children. Why would she side with the enemies of her own offspring? It was simply unbelievable.

Had anyone other than Balthasar spoken these words, then it would have been akin to blasphemy. But Balthasar was different. He was the closest among the Horde Kings to their absent mother. If he were to suggest such a thing, then it was not Blasphemy. In fact, it was closer to a concept like that of divine truth.

Hushed whispers quickly spread across the hive mind, of which all Horde Kings were a part of. Brothers and sisters alike spoke their own thoughts on the matter, wondering if perhaps Balthasar was right.