
Achievements Unlocked

While the battle raged on for the defense of the Safe Zon, Elena and Olivia slept quietly in their beds. All the while, Zane sat awake, watching as the thunder flashed, and the storm continued to pile down upon the desert city.

No doubt the infrastructure of this city would be heavily damaged by the flash flooding. And unlike in the old world, there would be no efforts to repair it. Still, Zane sat there in silence. Drinking some coffee, which he brewed.

He silently watched and waited within the house, almost as if he was anticipating an attack from the undead, or perhaps even the living. While drinking his coffee, Zane was cleaning his new rifle. Not that it particularly needed maintenance, as a properly made AR-15 could go through thousands of rounds before needing to be cleaned. But because he had nothing better to do.