
De Poststukken Van Kelana

Malang, East Java. In 2017, There was a coffee shop named Poststukken which opened the consultation about philately. Back then; Lucky, the owner of the coffee shop with his male calico bobtail cat, Kelana, meet an albino man named Sebastian who was the son of serial killer victim at Oslo Harbor. They took their first case to help Sebastian returning his white swan’s necklace and find the missing letter that was considered as his mother’s last letter. During their investigation, with Kelana’s sensing ability; they got involved into unexpected cases about philately and solved together. Until in 2018, at the incident in Malang Youth Philatelic Festival, both of Lucky and Sebastian found an unrevealed relationship between their families.

faisadra · สยองขวัญ
6 Chs

A White Swan, Part 2

"W-welcome to the Poststukken Coffee Shop!" Patra, Endah, and Virza greeted that light blonde haired man in English.

That man opened his mask. He finally revealed his face. Totally expressionless.

"Excuse me, here's the menu," Endah said. She went blushing, suddenly trembling. A sign that she just got nervous. She tried to look normally at him.

That light blonde haired man looked at the menu carefully. He thought for a moment, what should he order here. It took almost 2 minutes for him to decide the order.

He started speaking. "Masala chai... and chocolate mousse cake."

They went surprised. Especially to Lucky. He stopped writing on his stamp album and heard something different to that light blonde haired man.

"He's speaking Indonesian." That's how the four of them thought about him.

"A-alright," Endah continued to serve him. She counted his order and printed a payment receipt. "It costs 25,000 rupiahs. You can pay it by cash or credit card," Endah said while giving him a payment receipt.

He took out his wallet; looked inside. But he realized, he didn't have enough cash money to pay. He took his phone from his pocket, then he checked his e-cash balance.

"Does this coffee shop accept this kind of e-cash payment?" he asked. He showed the e-cash sticker behind his phone to Endah. She went confused.

"E-cash sticker..." Endah muttered and asked Patra. "Patra, do you know how to pay with that?"

"No," Patra said. He shook head. "Ask Lucky for that."

Endah sighed. She called Lucky who was enjoying to write on the stamp album.

"Hey, Lucky. Sorry, but can you help me with this?" Endah asked. She showed that light blonde haired man's e-cash sticker behind his phone. Lucky stopped writing, took that phone from Endah and came to the cashier counter. Then, he scanned the payment code from the phone belonged to that light blonde haired man.

"The next day, if you found a customer wanting this payment method, just do the same way as before, Sis," Lucky said to Endah while making the payment. She nodded.

"I'm sorry, Lucky."

"It's okay, Sis. It's the first time we have a customer who uses this payment method," Lucky smiled. "Ah, sorry for waiting. Here's your phone." Lucky returned that light blonde haired man's phone.

"I-I'm also sorry..." Endah said and went nervous.

"N-no, i-it should be my line! I-I'm sorry that made you two get trouble..." That man shook head and looked down.

Suddenly, they became awkward. As a type of easygoing person, Lucky didn't like this kind of situation. He broke the atmosphere and stay cheerful.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Lucky said and smiled at him. "Anyway, thank you and wait for your order!"

Looking at Lucky's smile, that man felt relieved. He nodded, then looked for a place to sit. He decided to sit at the corner of the entrance door.

Endah secretly stole glances at that light blonde haired man, but she ended up losing her mind. At that moment she looked at him, Patra annoyed her. He blocked her gaze by standing in front of her.

"What the hell? I can't see him well if you stand up in front of my eyes."

Patra smirked. It made Lucky chuckled.

"You fell in love with him, right?" Lucky whispered. It made Endah get blushing.


"Your face is easy to read, Sis."

"N-no way!" Endah pinched Lucky's waist. It made Lucky hurt. Then, she continued to say. "But, he made me wonder. Is he a kind of celebrity or what... his blue eyes are too pretty for a human. I have never seen that before."

"I'm not sure. But, I think he's the type of introverted person," Lucky replied.

Actually, Lucky and Patra thought the same thing as her. But, the one thing they thought the most about him is,

"Hey, did you all hear him speaking just then?" Lucky asked. "His Indonesian accent. Sounds fluently."

"Oh, yeah... I noticed," Patra muttered.

"If he's really a foreigner, we could still hear his previous accent. I'm sure he had already lived in this country for a long time..."

"Sounds logical—" Endah muttered.

"... or maybe, is he an albino?" Lucky continued. It made both of them wonder. He went out from the cashier counter and sat back down on the bar stool, continued to write for his stamp album.

It made Lucky more curious. He went thinking. If that man was a foreigner, he spoke Indonesian fluently. Even if a foreigner lived in Indonesia for a long time, his Indonesian accent was too clear for a foreigner.

Maybe, he had a mixed race from Europe-Indonesia, or whatever.

Or, as he thought before; was he an albino?

Lucky still had many unspoken questions about him.

"Alright, guys. Let's back to work."


The rain stopped.

Slowly, the color of the sky became lighter.

Back then, Kelana still stare at that light blonde hair man from the distance. On Kelana's eyes; he saw that man was looking at something. A kind of necklace, he guessed. Kelana stood up like a sculpture now. He muttered.


Lucky noticed him. He looked at his beloved cat acting stranger than before.

"You... what are you looking at?"


Lucky watched him. He thought, Kelana was really focusing at that light blonde haired man.

"Eh... you put your interest in him, huh." Lucky patted him and back to his duty.

It seemed that man wanted to leave from the coffee shop. But, there was something missing and he didn't notice it. Kelana's nose was twitching. He smelled his mysterious presence.

That man's expression...

... was full of sorrow.

At that moment happened, Kelana ran and tried to call that mysterious man.

"Meow!" Kelana shouted at that light blonde haired man. He went shocked. His steps stopped at the terrace, looking at the calico cat with a dark red scarf behind him.

"Lucky, look that," Patra said to him; pointing towards Kelana. "Your cat."

Lucky went surprised. He walked over them; looking at both of his cat and that light blonde haired man. He saw Kelana stroked that man hardly.

It made Lucky felt suspicious. By looking at Kelana acting strange lately; maybe, something unexpected would happened this time.


Hello, everyone! The part two has published! But wait, what happened with Kelana? Did he feel something mysterious with that light blonde haired man?

Next, part 3 on March 27, 2021. Stay tune!

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