

Sword Sovereign Jin the strongest sword user on the countless realms He was one of the 4 rulers of the grandmist along with his 3 brothers Sadly the countless realms started to go war with the Realm Devourer In a crucial battle Jin used his Forbidden Attack successfully killing the Devourer while also destroying His Body killing him that is what he knew until he saw the light and heard the voices of his new family

LORDFROSTY · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Chapter 3: Training

8 months later

I was meditating with my sword and shield beside me

In the past eight months my life is all about training eating and meditating

Grandpa Sword is a very strict person when we are training

As i already have achieved having a sword soul on my last life training with swords came very easy to me,

The hardest part is how to use my shield, my training for the past 8 months can be said good because I learned how to properly defend, but when i used both of my spirits in the fight I became very slugish and slow, the fighting style of a shield and sword is new for me after all

Grandpa Sword let me battle the beast at the outer side of the forest, in the first month my sparring partner was a thousand year old wind wolf

It was a white silver big dog, with fast speed and sharp claws, definitely what I needed to learn how to use my shield and defend properly

In my first week of training the Wolf trashed me, Grandpa Sword banned me from using my sword

He said that itd for my own good, I understand his point having a shield spirit and not knowing how to use it, is just idiotic

My days quickly passed, and by the time the 7 month came, I already mastered using my shield and how to react to various threats and attacks wether it was sneak or frontal attack

for the rest of the 8th month all i did was to cultivate hard I'm already near the Rank 20 already

1 year and four months later

Grandpa Sword and I arrived at the Clan HQ, we headed straight to the Clan Hall where the awakening ritual is being held when we arrived all we see is the excited children while some of them are looking down, looks like this batch of kids are not that lucky

Then we saw Grandpa Bone standing alone at the corner he hurriedly walked towards us smilling

"Welcome back Xiao Jin, looks like you improved for the past 2 years" He said

" Grandpa Bone I miss you, Is Rongrong already inside?" I said to him

"Yes she's already inside, after a few minutes she will come out, Clan Head is with her" he said, so we quitely waited for Rongrong and father to exit the door

After a few minutes Rongrong came out smiling happily, then she saw us and she ran toward us quickly then she hugged me

"Brother! I missed you!" she said, she really grew up this past two years

"Xiao Jin, Looks like your improvement is immense for the past two years" my father said while looking at me, I just smiled at him then he said to us that's its better to go home, because there is a lot of things for us to discuss

My father started explaining to me and Grandpa Sword What happened while we are gone, the biggest news is that one of the 3 Great Clans the Clear Sky Clan vanished from the continent the whole clan got engage in a battle with the Spirit Hall, It involves the Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao and the Pope

Now the 4 subclans, speed clan, breaking clan, strenth vlan and defense clan are very vulnerable to the spirit hall, because their backing the clear sky clan abandoned them

The next News is about Rongrong she awakened the same martial spirit as father the seven tiled glazed pagoda

My father decided to make her the Heir of the clan and I was ok with it, but Rongrong didnt want to become the future clan head so we made a deal with her, that is if she entered rank 20 at the age of 13 then I will be her guardian

After she heard that she smiled and accepted the deal

then my father looked at me then he said

"what rank are you in now?"

"I'm already Rank 24 father" I said to him, which shocked them both father and Grandpa Bone

"Show me your spirit rings" He said then I summoned my Sovereign Sword as a Bone piercing aura broke out to the room

There are two Black rings on the sword which shocked them again

"So Uncle sword is not lying when he said that with your mental power and strong body,you really achieved the impossible" Father said

"The last time i checked is his mental power is at the elementary rank of spirit abyss, about 5400 mental power" Grandpa Sword said

My father and Grandpa Bone smiled

"This era will be another golden era for us the Seven Tiled Glazed Pagoda" my father said

Rongrong is looking at us, she was pouting, she really wanted to have her first spirit ring too

Father promised her that he will come with her and help her tomorrow to hunt down her first ring

"Do you know the Shrek Academy?" father said looks like he wants me to enter a school

I shooked my head then he explained to me that Shrek is the best academy in the whole continent , in the past but now they are in decline but nonetheless the academy is very strict in accepting its students, They only accept "MONSTERS" or prodigies, genius students in the continent

When I heard this i became excited, then he asked me if I want to attend this school i accepted it

"I will enroll you there when you reached the age of 12" He said to me, well its all good because I want to train too, maybe I can have my 3rd spirit ring before i reached the age of 12

Rongrong said that she wants to enter shrek too, father just nodded but he never assured her, he said to her that she can only enter shrek if she trained hard until she became 12

With that our reunion finsihed and I played with Rongrong for the rest of the day, and I gave her my gift too, it was a necklace with a sword and shield pendant that perfectly looked like my martial spirits

That night I went alone to my father's room, I want to talk to him about something

When I arrived at the front of his door, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door

"Come in" My father said and I quitely entered the room

"Father, I want to talk to you about something" I said seriously

"Six years!" he said suddenly

"what?" i said confusedly

"I will let you do what you want for six years after that you must return here, and accompany your little sister to the Shrek Academy" He said

"Thank You for your approval Father" I said to him, he just smiled and he stood up and walked trowards me to ruffle my hair

"Silly kid, I know that you want yo get stronger, but you must always remember, becareful when dealing with humans, humans are more scarier than spirit beast inside the forest, Be always alert and dont blindly trust anyone" he said

"I will not send anyone to escort you or protect you in the shadows, you will rely on your own for six years" He added I just nodded then he gave me a spatial ring

"This ring have a food good for 3 months as well as a clean water enough for a year supply, pack up everything you need you can set out anytime you want" he said

"Thank You father I will definitely return here before Rongrong enter the academy" I said

"Good a man must be true to his words, dont break your promises" he said

After that I quickly packed up everything I need just spare clothes are enough

Then I left out that night also I left a letter for Rongrong, While I was walking away from our HQ I looked backed and the memory of my past 6 years returned to me

I must get stronger so I can protect them from harm, I said to myself

With that I sprinted running away from the clan

Inside the Top floor of the HQ

"are you sure about your decission?" a man said

"Ofcourse, I trusted him fully, I know that he is not a normal genius like us, he was on the different level" the man answered

"If you say so Clan Head, besides dont you have trust in him, you trained him for two years afterall" the other man said

"I trust him too, its just that he is still too young to go alone" the man said

"Dont worry too much Uncle Sword, My son will surely comeback, I'm getting excited just thinking about it" the man said