
Chapter 13: The new god strikes back

As expected the rebels win, I would be impressed if I didn't let them win though I am disappointed that despite sending the weakest perademons I had they still lost a hefty amount of men either the parademons are stronger than I thought or these guys are pathetically weak.

The only slightly impressive guy was this dude in a sort of mech suit but he was weak they enjoyed their victory they celebrated as they loaded the goods, bloody mary followed them as planned and by now should be in contact with grace and I'm sure the rebels are celebrating right about now oh well would be a shame if they were to I don't know die a horrible death.

I watched from the sky as thousands of Parademons flew to the rebel base while some native soldiers marched alongside tanks brought back from Apocalypse they were some of the best weapons in the universe and I was going to use them to crush some rats.

The commander contacted be as he was about to approach the city district they were hiding in, it was a shabby-looking place filled with squatter settlements and people celebrating seems they were rebel supporters, good

"Greetings lord Valtrex we have arrived, should I begin with the announcement?

"Why would you do that?

"M-my lord I'm sorry but I just thought since we were just looking for the rebels, and we already know where they are, I simply assumed we might as well just ask the people to allow us easy passage.

"Commander, do you see how the people dance and celebrate?

"Y-yes my Lord"

"And don't you find it strange that they are all of a sudden so happy?

"Well yes but the people have always been resilient and after the occupation of Lord Darkseid, they are happier than before...

"Don't give me that bullshit Commander, you and I both know how hated my Father is here"

"W-well lord I-I believe that...

"Forget what you believe commander it doesn't matter, what matters is that these people are celebrating the victory of rebels and are essentially harbouring criminals by default making them all guilty, It is true they hate my father and that is why I am here to set them straight.

"Lord, you couldn't be suggesting that we?

"Yes Commander I am, these vermin hate Darkseid, no no no that won't do.."

"M-my lord, please!!

"They shouldn't hate Darkseid, they should fear him, so commander Run them over, shoot, punch, kick, beat, do whatever is needed whatever you can to clear the vermin from this location, ingrain the fear within them"

"no, my lord please don't do this.

The commander Tried yelling into his device trying to convince Mal of his order but it was too late the Parademons had already attacked, and so had the soldiers who went to swiftly kill the civilians.

The Parademons flew above the people picking them up only to drop them back on the hard ground as others rushed other to tear them apart eating them alive. Some tried to fight but were no match for them, the soldiers fired with no mercy marching over the dead bodies with emotionless faces

They had accepted their fate and roles in Darkseid's new empire long ago they were the first that Mal made sure to have full control of but of course, there were some rear cases like the commander who watched in horror as his soldiers would murder their people, he almost had a tear move down his cheek.

He was about to let it all out when he heard a feminine voice speak "Oh you look so sad, why is that, c'mon you can tell me? as he turned alarmed he saw Bloody Mary standing right beside him he stepped back into another figure this was another Femail fury Knockout, Guillotine and Big Barda.

He was about to have a mental breakdown when he noticed right above him he saw Mal floating above the wreckage of the city with a grin on his face. He didn't know how to feel but that was until he saw Mal raise his hand as it began to form strange red markings and he felt himself become lighter for a moment as he turned around he noticed many of the rubble and corpses were floating as if they had lost all their gravity even some buildings those of the squatters and those That was firmly built-in where floating, he could not believe his eyes the people who were trying to run and hide where left exposed ad vulnerable

He remembered seeing Mal grin before he clenched his fist making all the objects come together forming a floating sphere in the air, He couldn't believe his eyes as he even noticed some red substance dripping down,

it was blood

His mind went blank he just witnessed hundreds if not thousands of people die in the most unbelievable way possible he collapsed on the ground in shock.

But the killing continued as more soldiers and Parademons continued their campaign and the rebels had already begun a counter-attack, but alas they did not fare too well as they were being pushed back

Mal floated down to where the furies stood watching the combat unfold," Greetings Ladies how are you this fine evening?

Barda and the furries gazed at him the others were silent but Barda responded "Oh the usual just watching some people get slaughtered, a pretty calm night to be honest, but the floating sphere was a nice touch"

Knockout then spoke "It was pretty crazy to see but I would have liked to beat my way through the trouble, still pretty cool"

Mal grinned "Haha, of course, I've been working on that one it's still incomplete, but I call it planetary devastation, pretty romantic wouldn't you say if I had known I would be spending my night with four beautiful ladies I would have ordered some tables and a nice meal, perhaps when we get back.

Barda Laughed a little gaining the attention of both Mary and Guillotine they were not used to her laughing.

"Well Mal you are the one who told us to be here so no excuses"

"Well now that you mention it your right, how about I take you four to a lovely restaurant in the finner parts of town hmm?

barda smirked okay sure surprise me, and maybe if I like what I see, ill reward you.

Mal smiled "Perfect and how about you ladies?

Knockout laughed haha "Your not my type but ill give yah a shot, why could go wrong?

"Wonderfull how about you Marry? Guillotine?

Guillotine grinned wickedly as she looked from the battlefield and to Mal "If you tell me how you killed so many people ill do anything for you.

Mal smiled outwards but internally remembered wise words he was willing to ignore those words being "Don't stick your Di*k in crazy but he was gonna do it anyway.

"Sure," said Bloody Mary casually

"Perfect responded Mal now allow me to make preparations for dinner after a job well done haha.

"How could you be so casual after what you did?

"Hmmm what was that commander? asked may casually

"I said how can you sleep at night after everything you do?

Mal paused for a moment "I sleep quite peacefully, I even had this dream where I was fighting...

Die you monster!! the commander tried to charge Mal but his head fell and rolled to Mal's feet before reaching him, this was done by Gilotina who had a sadistic grin on her face.

"So Mal what time is dinner?

Mal grinned "see crazy is good he then wrapped an arm around Barda and Gilotina as they walked away with Mary and Knockout. as the city burned behind them.

Another successful mission.