
DC: The New Kryptonian

When a young man's life abruptly ends in a freak storm, he suddendly finds himself in a world so full of dangers, it's a miracle that it's still in one peice. A world where he'll have to strive for survival, even with the strength he's given. Will he survive what lurkes in the shadows? The light? All he knows, is that no matter what, he won't be going down without a fight.

TLW · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
19 Chs

2- System

The tests didn't take very long, as Eve told me. For now, they were all focused on my well-being, blood tests, and all that.

I didn't understand most of what they were doing, as I didn't have any experience with anything to do with a hospital. I was always healthy as a kid after alll.

Anyway, all the tests came back good. I was healthy- meaning nothing had gone wrong in the cloning process. At least on the surface.

ingly enough, they really did bring me to a bedroom. It was on a different floor, above the cloning chambers, but it was my own room.

'I thought they were gonna shove me back into the pod.' I thought to myself, looking down at the body suit sitting on the bed.

'Might as well change now.' I decided. Taking off the original suit I had woken up in and changed it out for the black suit in front of me.

As soon as I finished putting it on, I felt warmth spread throughout my body. It was that feeling of coming out of the water after swimming and just basking in the sun's heat.

'Oh! This must be one of their suits they use to emulate the sun's energy.' I felt the strangeness of my body fading as the newfound strength flooded my system.


[Conditions met! Support System activated!]


[Welcome to the System user!]

[This System has three functions: Missions, Shop, and Inventory. Along with the Status Page to keep track of your progress.]


Name- Subject 002

Race- Kryptonian(Damaged)/human hybrid

Condition- Fully healthy

Energy- 28/100% (Charging)

Inventory- Empty

[Mission Tab]


"Haha! It's actually a system! I can't believe it." This was the kind of thing that you'd read of on some random website you found on the corner of the internet.

'Not only was I reborn as a Kryptonian, but I have a system along with it! Though it is a bit different.'

I glanced back up at the window floating in front of my eyes to see what was different from what I had read before- there were no stats.

"How come?" I muttered aloud.

[This System's main function is to support the user, as such the system will not be able to directly supplement the user's strength.]

"Oh, I forgot it called itself a support system." My enthusiasm waned as I thought about losing the chance to grow my strength like the other overpowered characters in light novels.

[Don't despair host! There are other ways of gaining the strength you seek: Mission rewards and the Shop!]

My eyes lit back up, remembering about those functions. "I nearly forgot about that."

When I thought about the Mission Tab, a new window popped up, showing two different missions.

[Mission Tab]

[Blinded by the Light!: User is trapped underground in a secret cloning facility along crawling with security. Bide your time and escape when the opportunity arises!]

[Conditions- Escape successfully + ???(Hidden Condition)]

[Rewards- 10,000 Shop Points + Healed Kryptonian Genes + Kryptonian House Crystal]

[Mission forcefully accepted due to circumstances]

"Kind of expected something like this, an escape mission." I muttered. "What's this about damaged genes?"

[The cloning process used to create the user's body was slightly incomplete. This created an imbalance between the Kryptonian genes and the Human. Thus, when the user overuses his abilities, the user will experience pain.]

"That doesn't sound very good." With my limited knowledge of genes, I could only come up with a general idea.

"My Kryptonian DNA must not be balanced with the Human-like it is in Connor, seeing as I was created just before he was."

[Correct. Overuse will lead to the User's Kryptonian cells attacking the Human, causing pain and eventually leading to death.]


[Note: User has two more questions available to ask the System.]

"Oh shit, I didn't know it was a limited thing!" I cursed.

I sat silently on my bed as I thought about the best questions to ask the system to best take advantage of it. Eventually deciding to one about my situation and another about the system itself.

"When will Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad break into the facility?" I know there were better questions to ask, but with the threat of my genes attacking my own body, I needed some kind of time frame to work with.

[They will arrive in 1 week and 3 days from now.]

That surprised me quite a bit. "That's not as far away as I thought it would be. I can work with that."

With that out of the way, I again asked a possibly stupid question. "Will I still be able to ask about the various functions and rewards?"

[Yes, these questions count towards factors outside of the system parameters and the user's knowledge. You may ask another.]

I nearly pumped my fist in the air, before remembering that I was most likely being watched through a camera. 'The gamble paid off!'

With another question available, I decided to save it for something important in the future. As I knew that there would be a point where I needed a free answer.

"Well, might as well get some rest for now. I'll check the shop after a quick nap." I yawned before turning over and closing my eyes, falling asleep immediately.


[Earth's Orbit]

[The Watchtower]

"Are we absolutely sure about this? We all know what could happen to them if we go forward with this!" Wonder Woman asked, extremely worried.

She was sitting at a long table in an even bigger room. At this table, many figures were sitting in various positions.

From Superman to Arrow, the main Justice League was gathered for a discussion. To her question, a man dressed in all black spoke up, the caped crusader, Batman.

"Diana, we have had this discussion 4 times in the past week, and each time we have had the same answer." He said in an eerily even tone.

She sighed in her seat. "Yes but still, do we truly want to drag these children into our disputes?!"

Another stood up hearing this, Flash in his red body suit, covered in gold highlights. "Can't you see we already have Diana?" He asked exasperated.

She flinched at how angry he sounded. "We have been training and fighting with these kids separately for years now, Kid even got attacked not too long ago himself!"

Arrow stood up as well. "I agree, it's time we bring them together so they can protect one another." He said in a serious tone.

There was silence for a moment before he spoke up again, though this time with a tired grin. "But also because Speedy won't stop bothering me about joining the League."

His words sent a wave through the people gathered, everyone talking at once. Batman shared a knowing glance with Superman before he stood.

"Enough!" The room fell silent again. "Let's vote one last time."

He tapped the table a few times before a box showed up in front of everyone's seats on the table. "Vote whether or not to create this Young Justice League. Yes or no."

Nearly everyone chose their options immediately, only a scarce few hesitated. But in the end, the vote came back, floating on a hologram for all to see.

[18/5 in favor of YES]

Batman nodded to himself, seemingly expecting that answer. "It's settled then. We will reconvene in three days to decide when we will bring them in."

A few people looked unhappy at the results, mainly Diana, but she knew she couldn't fight it.

"Nothing else?" The caped crusader asked, waiting for an answer. Receiving none, he nodded. "Dismissed then."

Without another word, he walked out, already making plans in his head about how best to deal with the situation.

All he knows is that bringing the sidekicks together would be beneficial in multiple ways. Mainly for their safety, but also for the missions that the League couldn't go on.


Author's note

Tell me if there's something that I could do better when fleshing out the JL member's characters. Thanks!