
Chapter 4: Skyrim is that you? part 2

[Third Person Point of View]

A young man is sleeping inside the back of a driving limousine, a pet in his arms and facing someone. He is a light-skinned handsome tall boy with wavy, dark hair, brown eyes, and a mole under his left eye and looks to be sixteen to seventeen years old. He has a specially designed eyepatch on his right eye, a spiked choker necklace lined, and a bead-like earring on his left ear with many smaller piercings.

His attire is shown to be quite formal and extravagant, with a collar that spans all the way to his upper chest, and badges decorated on the left and right side of his coat. Finally, he wears long white jeans and a pair of shoes filled with square patterns.

[N/A: Imagine Hades costume from Record of Ragnarok.]

His pet is a greenish-teal platypus with yellow-tinged tangerine webbing only on his back feet, an odd trait. He also has three dark hairs on his head, a low, long salmon-orange beaver tail, dark brown eyes in an unnatural wall-eyed position, making him look mindlessly stupid, and a duck bill that matches his webbing color.

In front of the young man was a beautiful girl with auburn colored hair in a short equal-length wavy haircut, and green eyes. She looked to be between sixteen to seventeen years old. She is in a dark red, traditional qipao with a pale green scale trim around her shoulders, which seems to only be slit on the left side, with yellow claw patterns on the bottom and smaller ones around her neck.

She wears knee-high boots and a strap around her exposed thigh. She wears long, almost sleeve-like white gloves that nearly reach her shoulders, with higher tabs on the outer sides, and they expose her hands from the wrist.

[N/A: Imagine Hero Ryukyu from My Hero Academia.]

"You seem to be in a bad mood, Eve."

The young man said as he petted the platypus after he opened his eyes which got a scowl from Eve who turned her head to face the window. She inhaled and exhaled while clenching her fists before she looked back at the young man and then spoke.

"Tyki, you know that I don't want to go in fact we don't even need to go to this stupid event, so why are we going?"

Tyki smiled at her question, he answered her while smiling.

"You know that Ark, LexCorp, and WayneTech's big collaboration has been decided to be host in Metropolis. Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne are both attending so someone from the Mikk family must be there as well."

Eve did not seem to buy Tyki's reason and spoke.

"Yeah, and if that was just out of necessity you would have sent a decoy dressed as yourself."

"Oh and what makes you think that I am not a decoy right now?"

Tyki's question caused Eve to frown.

"Fine, fine… I just want to rub my greatness in the face of that evil Mr. Clean and Gotham's very own golden boy."

Eve huffed as the limousine came to a stop. They exited the limousine and were showered by light from hundreds of cameras that took hundreds of pictures of Tyki and Eve as they walked the red carpet which led to a stage while the platypus followed them.

On stage, they were greeted by a six-foot and two-inch tall bald man with green eyes who was accompanied by a feet-tall blue-eyed blond-haired woman. A few feet away from the bald man was a six-foot and two-inch tall blue-eyed, black-haired man who was accompanied by a five-foot and ten-inch tall blue-eyed, black-haired young man.

Tyki observed the four people that greeted him, the bald man is Lex Luthor, the woman that accompanied him is Mercy Graves while the other man is Bruce Wayne, and the young man, who is of the same age as Tyki, is Richard "Dick" Grayson.

"It is a pleasure to meet Ark's very own little genius. I was expecting your 'adoptive' parent to come as well but it seems that you came alone."

Lex said with a smile while extending his hand but clearly emphasizing the word 'adoptive' to get under Tyki's skin something that everyone on stage and some of those who were watching be it spectators, reporters, or viewers at home picked on.


Lex was shocked as he saw Tyki pay him not even a single glance as the young man continued to walk until he reached his destination, a set of six chairs placed next to each other. The platypus walked up to the two chairs at the center before opening its duck bill.


As the bill fully opened, fire came out of it and burned the two chairs to ashes, the platypus turned around and used its tail to blow the ashes away before it started to transform. Its legs, arms, tail, and head partially detached themselves revealing the platypus's mechanical insides as it transformed.

Under the eyes of everyone, the platypus that everyone thought was a pet morphed into a fancy throne couch. Tyki sat before he crossed his legs as he laid his right elbow on the armrest while his right fist supported his chin. Eve sat next to Tyki on the throne couch with a smile.

"Let's start this Technology competition or as you lot want to call it, a public technology demonstration before I am inevitably declared the winner and Evil Mr. Clean over here hires a bunch of assassins, whose heads will end up in his bed by the end of the week, to kill me."

Tyki said which caused Lex to grind his teeth through his smile while Bruce Wayne approached the public and spoke with a smile.

"It seems that Mr. Mikk is very excited to present Ark's latest invention in today's technology demonstration. Let us not waste any more time, Mr. Luthor shouldn't we begin the event?"

Lex took a deep breath while not losing his calm image and nodded.

"You are correct Mr. Wayne, let us commence the event where LexCorp will 'first' showcase their latest invention followed by WayneTech then 'last'-ly Ark will showcase their 'special' invention which I hope will leave us breathless as they claim it will.

Now I must remind you that each invention will have a presentation and then a Q&A session before the next one is brought up."

Bruce and Richard went to their seats as three men in black suits brought a large briefcase to the stage before they opened it revealing a cylinder machine with metallic tubes going in and out of it. It was made of lead and some had an idea of what was inside considering Lex's tendencies.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present LexCorp its later energy generator, the L-reactor. Five of these will be able to power Metropolis for the next twenty-five years and they are quite movable thus they will not be taking a lot of space unlike other reactors, and they are mass-producible."

Lex continued to explain the reactor in more detail while subtly insinuating that it was better than the Arc Reactor. When it came to questions, most of the reporter's questions served to highlight the L-Reactors, it was clear to some that those reporters had been bought but that did not mean all reporters were bought.

"Excuse me, Mr. Luthor. Lois Lane from the Daily Planet, what exactly is the source of this L-Reactor? If it is comparable to the Arc Reactor from Ark then it must have a power source as potent as Mikknium, the source of the Arc Reactor, and the newly created element from Ark."

A five-foot and six-inch woman with black hair and blue eyes by the name of Lois Lane said this with confidence. This question and remark almost caused Lex to scowl but he maintained his charming demeanor and replied.

"Well Miss Lane, that is unfortunately a company secret thus I can not answer that question such as the Mikk can not answer the question of how Mikknium is created. Is that not correct Mr. Mikk-"

He stopped mid-sentence when he turned and saw that Tyki had laid his head on Eve's thighs while his legs were hanging on the armrest. What infuriated Lex even more was that the young man was sleeping but that sleep did not last as Eve flicked Tyki's nose, waking him up.

"What was that for?"

Tyki asked Eve as the rest watched them. The spectators had seen Tyki laid down but none wanted to inform Lex while he was speaking, some were out of fear while the rest just wanted to see his natural reaction when he turned around.

"Evil Mr. Clean wanted to know why you would not explain how Mikknium is created."

Eve replied.

"Oh, that's just because he wouldn't understand even half of it so it would be a waste of time, wake me up when it's our turn for presentation."

Tyki said before going back to sleep. Leaving almost everyone speechless. One person reacted as if speechless but was mostly examining Tyki's action. That person was none other than Bruce Wayne A.K.A Batman.

When it came to Bruce's turn to present WayneTech's latest invention, he charmingly showed the video of a giant machine that was taking in polluted water and discharging clean water. It was a water filter that was meant to filter polluted water while collecting the polluted part separately such as in the case of oil spilling.

This was seen as an ecological marvel but those who were under Luther's payroll did their best to discredit the invention by asking trick questions but Bruce did not fall for their traps and ended on the presentation on a high note.

It then came down to Tyki's turn, he stood up and stretched as he yawned as he walked up to the front of the stage. He spoke as he pointed at a barely six-foot-shoulder-hunched man with blue eyes, black hair, and glasses.

"You over there with the glasses, what's your name?"

The man seemed to be taken aback but spoke in a clear but low voice.

"oh- m-my name is Clark Kent."

Tyki sleepily shook his head to clear it before opening his eyes widely then blinked a few times. He then asked.

"Okay Clark, pick something you have that you wouldn't miss, point it towards the sky, and say any food you would like to eat right now."

His words caused Bruce Wayne and Lex to sit at the edge of their chairs, they were smart enough to guess what Tyki's invention was going to do from the words he had just spoken but their intellect told them that was not possible with today's technology.

They both looked towards the Throne couch that had been a platypus before the event began, since Tyki did not seem to have brought anything with him, they deduced that the android pet must be the invention that Tyki was about to present.


Bruce and Dick had already observed their surroundings for any kind of trickery or scam even though the former doubted it. From what Bruce's profile of the heir to the Mikk family said, he was arrogant in his superiority as a genius but that did not come unwarranted as the Arc Reactor was the best clean source of Energy on Earth that had no Alien origins.

From his investigation, Tyki is prideful but he, to this day, has yet to lie about his invention. He does keep his more dangerous inventions such as "The Watch" to himself much to the irritation of the U.S military but his genius alone is enough to give him this leeway as he more than makes it up by secretly providing the U.S government with some of his versatile creations such as the "Dream inceptor" or "Ionic Forcefield".

The former is an earpiece that one can use to transport their consciousness inside of other people's dreams or more accurately minds, with this device one can influence their target's mind towards the direction they wish.

The League had almost gone into a fight with the U.S. government before they destroyed almost every single one of them, sadly a few were smuggled out of the League's grasp. The other invention was a simple forcefield that had the capability of tanking Superman-level threats for hours.

The League had thought it would be best to have Tyki Mikk under surveillance by trying to bring him as a technical advisor once he reached the legal age, but the Mikk Family refused while casually insinuating that Tyki could not "invest" his precious time playing dress up.

It was a clear call back to when Batman objected to the sponsorship of Ark and Bruce regretted making such a mistake, being controlled by emotion that is, not the objection since there was still a logical reason why he did not want the Ark to invest in the League as they were a weapon manufacturing company which would hurt the League's image.

That is the reason he gave to his colleague but the drive behind his objection was still linked to his resentment around the yet-cleared part of the Mikk Family in his parents' Murder. His gut as a detective tells him that the Mikk couple had some part to play in that tragedy even after he found out the Court of Owl, something he thought was a myth, was the culprit behind his parents' death.

Nathaniel and Elizabeth Mikk used their deep connection to create and personally fund a think tank composed of brilliant scientists whose sole dedication was to help Tyki with whatever inventions he was planning on making. The organization naturally shared some of its technology with the U.S. government.

Naturally many organizations thought it would be a good opportunity to send in their member to spy and steal the technology that would be created by "Advanced Idea Mechanics" A.K.A, A.I.M. but the number of that organization drastically decreased within the first few months due to Tyki's action.

Batman had naturally investigated the reason why the spies would voluntarily quit, he personally interrogated quite a few of them and learned that Tyki actively used them as lab rats once he found out that they were spies or more accurately once he had the proof that they had breached the non-disclosure agreement of the Organization. Once Tyki was done with his "spy hunt", he was the only one left in A.I.M. just like he wanted.

One of A.I.M's first technologies to be shared with the government was a miniature Bomb that was used to instill command in one of the U.S. government covert paramilitary teams comprised of incarcerated super-villains, named Task Force X, more infamously known for the name Suicide Squad.

A.I.M. technological help played a major part in many of Task Force X's dangerous missions, the ones that were thought to be impossible. One such mission was when they infiltrated the Justice League's space station and Headquarters called the Watchtower before using its canon to attack an innocent town.

"Thankfully", Ark's brand new Forcefield managed to save the town during one of their public testing and public opinion of the League turned sour for a few months until they eventually saved the world a couple of times.

That did not matter to the government because to them they now had the means to infiltrate the League's headquarters when they wanted to. Batman was sadly not able to tie the Ark to the attack on the Watchtower but he did learn that the top brass knew something about Tyki.

Something that the Mikk family wanted to keep a secret enough to kill so many involved that the only ones who knew the secret were too far high up for Batman to intimidate without causing an incident. As much as Batman would have loved to press forward he knew that the Justice League needed its one and only shackles, the public's opinion of them, if he wanted to keep the League from straying out of its path.


"Hm? Would my second pen work?"

Clark asked Tyki who nodded.

"Then I would like an apple."

He said as he brought his second pen towards the sky before Tyki snapped his finger.



As he snapped his fingers, a pink ray hit Clark's pen and changed it into a regular apple much to the shock of everyone. What shocked them more was that the pink ray emanated from the now mechanical hand of Eve.

"Thank you, Clark, and as a bonus for being a good participant if you wish, you can get an exclusive interview with me next week, just call Ark to book an appointment."

Tyki said as everyone was still jaw dropped.

"Does anyone have any questions before I am proclaimed the winner?"

There was a deafening silence for a minute before Lois Lane spoke.

"Lois Lane from the Daily Planet, what exactly is she and how can she turn a pen into an apple?"

"It takes just like an apple."

Clark added as he took a bite.

"I am an android built by tyki you old hag, and I manipulated matter inside that pen at the sub-atomic level to change it into an apple."

Eve said as she crossed her arms before ripping her dress and revealing a miniature Arc Reactor buried in mechanical parts. This caused a series of shocking gasps before some hid an amused smirk, Lex Luther was one of them. Lois Lane was many things but universally like was not one of them as she stuck her head in places dangerous people wanted to be a secret.

If it was not for Superman swooping in and saving her ass for the nth time, her diced corpse would be rotting in different parts of the sea. Lex was one of those dangerous people and he could not count the millions he lost in bribing to cover things Lois exposed after being rescued by Superman.

The reason why the event was hosted in Metropolis was due to a compromise that LexCorp had made with the two other companies. To get WayneTech to accept, Lex agreed that the event would also be used for Charity donations.

He did not know that Bruce had used this as a chance to come to Metropolis to investigate a recent drug ring's supply that was starting to cause havoc in Gotham. As for the Ark's conditions, they only asked for Tyki to be able to say and act how he wants and that the invention be judged by an impartial party.

That last part was obviously been added by Tyki, this was the thought of both Lex and Bruce but as businessmen, they both knew that their company's stocks would increase if they were declared winners. Lex saw this as a chance to increase his fortune since his mole in Ark had leaked their latest designs.

He improved upon those designs and thought victory was his, but he started to realize that he had fallen into a trap as soon as Eve transformed Clark's pen into an apple. If he had not realized that, his usual reaction would have been to send assassins to deal with the problem as Tyki had publicly mentioned.

The snarky remark against Lois relieved some of the anger that was clouding his judgment. As a businessman and as a genius who understood the monumental achievement of what Eve had just done, forget mass producing, he could already see the near-infinite usage an android like Eve alone could.

Similar thoughts were going through Bruce's mind the only difference was that Lex sought to acquire that technology by any means, Bruce considered the terrifying danger of what that technology could do if they fell into the wrong hands… if they were not already into the wrong hands that is.

'She is not human? She was giving- no imitating every physical reaction on a micro-scale. I was also fooled which means Tyki can create human-like androids. Subatomic Manipulation is a dangerous power to be held by someone much less an Android built by Tyki Mikk.

This leaves a multitude of questions regarding the limits of both. Does her power only work on inorganic matter? Can Tyki Mikk mass-produce such an android? If so then the U.S. government will spring into action, they might not even try to pretend to be friendly anymore and start a war with the League.

The only positive outcome of this is that Tyki has a paranoid personality, he will not give any technology to the U.S. that can successfully be used against him. Hm… This could be our chance, considering those in charge will not let what happened with "The Watch" incident happen again, not with Subatomic Manipulation at arm's length.

The league can monitor and intervene before it is too late and then keep Tyki under close surveillance. Some of the League members had a problem with that during "The Watch" incident but now the ability to create an android with Subatomic Manipulation will shut the more… age considering members. For now, the only counter I can think of at the moment is magic or a stronger Subatomic Manipulation, more information is required.'

Bruce thought as he barely hid his detective gaze that targeted Eve and Tyki.

"How are you able to matter at the sub-atomic level?"

Lois asked not fazed by what she was called, she had been called worst.

"You wouldn't get it, any other question?"

Tyki replied instead of Eve as the latter transformed her hand back into a human-looking hand after a pink light enveloped her restoring her dress.

"What were the reasons why you built her?"

Lois asked as she had not expected an answer, to begin with.

"It all started when my parents that I should need a bodyguard then they said I needed to hire a new secretary because the current one will be fired for sending what he thought was confirmation information to LexCorp and I was getting tired the Justice League talking about me like they thought they could do two shits about what I can and can't do- Oh by the way…"

Tyki turned to Bruce and threw a few small metallic objects which Bruce caught.

"Tell the league that next time they bug one of our rides then I'll file a lawsuit against the league."

He turns to face the crown and resumes.

"Then it hit me, why don't I just rub it in their face that I am the smartest being while it's being televised? I achieved that so any other question before I leave and I am only answering those that were not bought off by Head Reflector over there."

"What are your intentions regarding the use of this Andriod?"

This time it was Clark who asked the question with concern in his voice.

"If you must know four eyes, I am a sentient Andriod so I can think for myself and what I want is to fight against world hunger."

Eve answered then Tyki added.

"Ark will be announcing the creation of its humanitarian branch next week, with the help of Eve we will be able to produce more food as well as revitalize barren lands. Now that's done, I'll be waiting for my trophy in the mail."

As he finished his sentence, the throne couch transformed back into a platypus and leaped onto Tyki's shoulder as its bill opened once more only this time fire did not come out of it, a green, fluidic portal appeared in front of Tyki, and closed once Eve, the platypus and Tyki crossed it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts