
Chapter 9

Attention additional task!

"Excitement is our everything!"

Win all card games against the Joker.




Penalty for refusal or loss:


Remain crippled!


To accept:

Yes or no?!

Again?! Clear business Yes!

- Wonderful! I agree.

And after that we started playing. And this is with my title "Loser" ...

I do not know where Batman was, but for half an hour I have been playing a very risky game with the Joker. And most importantly I WIN! Fifteen people have already gone free. And I was drenched in liters of sweat. I think, just also fifteen liters. Although I didn't measure it out, I don't know for sure.

- Ha ha ha! He made you pudding. Harley chirped cheerfully, looking at the psycho's twitching eyebrow.

- Shut up Harley! Rrrrr!

We must save the situation.

- Joker, do you want a joke?

- Hmm. Come on!

- Somehow two psychos escaped from the hospital. They ran along the rooftops. One of them jumped onto the roof of the neighboring one, but his comrade did not. Because he was afraid of heights. The first nutcase began to persuade the second to jump, because it was not far away. But his friend did not agree to jump in any way. As a result, he took out a flashlight and shone on the emptiness separating them, saying at the same time: Come on, follow the beam of light.

- And? - smiled Joker.

- And the second nutcase answered him: Aha! Look for fools. I'll get to the middle, and you bam, and turn off the light, and I'll fall into the bottom!

- Ha ha ha ha! I like you. You have funny jokes. And most importantly, they are insane.

Of course, I made this joke with you. True, it should have sounded like this later in five years, if not more, during the events of the "Murderous Joke."

When telling my joke, we were not interrupted by the game. The Joker was so intrigued that he lost again and three more people were released. Now only a dozen hostages remained. It would be necessary to come up with something else.

- Listen, maybe these hostages. Let them check their boring cartoon here? Are we going to rush somewhere else?

- Ha. And where to?

- Yes, even out of town. At the barbecue. Do you like meat? I cook it wonderfully.

- Hey boss. Maybe we can kill him. He just speaks to you ...

Bang! Bang!

- Silence! - shouted already at the second corpse of his former subordinate Joker. Looks like they often get him with their initiative.

Walking back and forth a bit. The Joker ran up to me and smiled at all 32.

- I agree. Let's just leave a small gift.

They mined the hostages and set a timer for ten minutes. And they dragged me along a secret passage under the cinema.

- Mr. J. Can I call my neighbor? I asked.

- Why do you need? He frowned.

- I have a dog at home. I forgot to walk her. And she can shit at my house. But she is a good woman, she loves animals and will walk for ten minutes with them. I won't be back home soon ...

- Well, okay. But fast. - and turned away from me.

Fortunately, he did not decide for all of us to rush to my house and not "walk the dog." Otherwise I would have to say that the dog was stolen ...

Speed ​​dial Arthur:

- Hello Hello! Hello Aunt Vicki. I apologize for calling at this time. But here I was urgently pulled out by friends on a trip to the countryside. And I have a dog at home not for a walk. And she urgently needs to take a walk. You know this business is quick for about ten minutes and that's it. And then, if you do not take it out in time, then extinguish the fire, tryndets apartment. I hope you understand me. Oh! Sorry, I'm disconnected. We get on the bus. And let's leave! - and passed out.

I think McCoy will understand me correctly. Don't be a fool for an hour. Otherwise I wouldn't have lived that long as a cop in Gotham.

Five minutes later in a unique vehicle of the Joker, which looked like a painted minibus. Another car started to overtake us. It was a betmobile.

Glory to the eggs!

- The mouse is following us by Mr. J! Harley yelled happily.

- Ha ha ha. Isaac buddy, rejoice with us on the picnic, even Batman decided to take the cellar. Today is our day.

- Wow! Class! - Rejoiced at the real appearance of the "winged not a bloodsucker" - There is nothing in Gotham, but I met so many famous personalities. And even with some ...

- Ha ha ha. Glad you like it. Guys, arrange a festive fireworks for the mouse!

A skirmish ensued. But I didn't get the chance to help Betts. On one of the turns, the Joker's accomplice lost control and managed to fly into the store with full speed.

And then the darkness ...

To be continued…