After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
All the same, my idea turned out to be just fine.
Not only did I find a way to cheer myself up and troll Batman legally, without consequences for my real personality, but I also gave a new hero to Gotham. Well, of course, I got additional pumping.
By the time of my first feat in the bank, I was developing a new skill "Chakra-tail", which I hid under an illusion and it was then already fluffy for me, and not blue from the color of the chakra.
During the day I pumped it to the eighth level, the clone to the tenth, and Henge to the sixth. In addition, I began to use clones for training. At the same time, I could create three full-fledged clones, which did not dissipate until they ran out of chakra. Further it was difficult to control the technique. For one I made fake documents and he, under the guise of Boyarsky, went to the city library and read dissertations of the great minds of mankind, thereby pumping my intellect. To the second, I give the task to improve control, walking on water, a wall, and so on. Well, the third one helps me improve my fighting skills.
In my three days of training in the basement and Mausman's "heroism", there have been significant shifts.
First, Betts is worth mentioning. Mausman and his relationship went from zero to a thousand over the course of my three days off. Simply "Mouseman" during the day arrested all the small bandits, transferred the old women across the road, removed the cats from the trees ... Therefore, Mr. Wayne obviously did not know how he was treating him.
Nevertheless, the levels, the increase in skills and characteristics were good for me. I was especially amused by how now the "Naruto therapy" skill will work for me. Judging by the message from the system, when righteously beating scoundrels and the like, this would amount to "talking" and "persuading", just like in Naruto. Therefore, this skill was level forty-five at the time of going to work. I wonder how I can influence the brains of others with this?
Although there is one moment that strains me in all this. I got a new title - Latent Super Hero. I kind of understand why it's latent, because I hide my identity, but such a setting still strains me a little ...
Although perhaps this moment overlaps another skill that I discovered - "Aura of Fear". A useful thing. If we develop it, I think I can get a lot of benefit from it during the detention.
Secondly, I called Lucifer and he already informed me that a new recording and production agency for new pop stars was officially opened on the second day of my day off. Of course, he will gain momentum for now, but still it's time for me to scribble more songs that I know from the past world. After all, I have an equal share of this.
Thirdly, I managed to open the path of Irienin. Although I do not have a class of healer. How? In a rather strange way. I wanted to raise my regeneration even higher. And how to raise it, taking damage correctly and forcing your system to work on healing wounds. And in order for this to happen faster, I decided to saturate the cuts on my hands, which I applied in order to move forward, with chakra. And after five additional levels of regeneration, a message from the system popped up to me:
You have opened the way for the Iryeninjutsu.
+ 500 to chakra,
+ 50 to control,
+ 5 to life,
+ 5 to stamina,
+ 5 to strength.
+ 10 free points.
This made me happy and yet I decided to spend those 45 free points usefully, I bought: "Mystic hand" and "Water jellyfish" (which creates a jellyfish from water, which heals his wounds, attached to the body).
On this euphoria, I made a couple more cuts to heal them with my "mystical hand", but a message popped up to me:
Attention! You have acquired the new skill "Masochist"
After that I hung up and the wound healed itself. Yes, I did not expect this ...
After that, I decided to experiment with chakra and create a chakra scalpel. It didn't take long, no more than fifteen minutes. It was just necessary to give the necessary chakra density and shape. Nothing supernatural.
But the "Masochist" upset me all the same. Already with the next attempts to raise the level of regeneration, the masochist also rose.
But that's not all.
Fourth, the following scared me. All three days, as expected, according to the rules, I checked four times a day different personalities where they are. Different. And finally, before working days, I decided to walk through the League of Shadows. There was Ras Al Gul, Talia was, Nissu remembered her older sister, that now, according to the canon, she should be in Russia with her "clan". And then, closer to midnight, I sat and could not remember someone important from this organization, and then I remembered one of the best martial arts masters in this world, judging by the words of Betts. He considered her, if not the best in this matter, then in the top five, or even in the top three. So I entered Lady Shiva there, and I was given the answer: "Gotham City. 232 Meredith Street. Geographic coordinates ...."
On these lines I turned pale. I live at 237 Meredith Street. And it was not difficult for me to guess that the appearance of such a figure here in Gotham would not pass without a trace for me. I doubt they will contact me today. Most likely when I'm on duty. That is, when I'm ready ... And now the house is under the protection of the "Queen of Tentacles" Pamela Isley. And she, if she is pissed off, is that little thing. And Lady Shiva hardly has such tendencies of madness that the Joker has. Although maybe she is also a fan of tentacles?
So no vulgarity! This is superfluous in this situation. Most likely they are here on business. And it is unlikely to kill someone. Although I may be worrying in vain. After all, I remember, according to the canon, the League paid attention to Betts, as a possible successor to the Race. And who am I? That's right, nobody! Even if they still live on my street. But they are unlikely to come to me. Their goal is Betts. You just need to avoid going to the same places as Batman, and then I will most likely avoid meeting them. Now I am still not comfortable with such an organization. I'm not imba yet.