
Chapter 44


After a night spent, I woke up to my dryad stabbing me with some kind of green crap.

- Pam, what are you doing? - I was seriously alarmed. No, I didn't think that she wanted to harm me, but I didn't like that she does something to me without my asking. It is not far from being raped by tentacles. - What are you injecting me?

- Special reagents and serums. I mixed them and weakened the effect that was originally. He should help you become stronger. And don't worry about becoming a meta-human. It's just that it will strengthen your immunity and heal old injuries. I will treat your carcass and you will feel the difference. Immediately it will not be.

- Okay. But next time warn me at least before you do something to me. - I frowned, realizing that I do not feel anything bad, and the System is silent.

- Sorry, honey. I couldn't resist. she smiled.

Hmm. It seems for her smile I am ready to forgive her anything.

After lying a little on the "grass bed", we nevertheless got dressed and took a taxi to Wayne Industries. Pamela even put on a little marafet, so it was more difficult to confuse her with that former villainous Poison Ivy, and her business suit replaced her casual weed clothes.

To my surprise, they let us through. For some reason, ordinary employees did not know Ivy's real name, and the guards were already bewitched by Pamela.

The secretary who was on duty at Wayne's office reported us to him and Pamela came in almost immediately after the secretary left Bruce.

I stayed to wait. They talked for a long time. Two hours of waiting, then an hour of conversations with Maria, that was the name of Bruce's secretary, another half an hour of teas drove. And then I got bored and out of nothing to do I began to ask her about this and that, along the way making compliments to the young girl.

Because of this, I even improved the Casanova skill by one level. If there were still some useful books here, I would have tightened up my intellect. But in return, I got a new skill. And quite unexpectedly for me.

We got into a conversation with her about culture and it turned out that Maria is fond of Japanese culture. I said a couple of phrases in Japanese and:

Attention! You have acquired the new skill "Polyglot".

Now it will be easier for you to learn new languages. The speed of language learning will increase by 2%.

I was glad about it. And I realized that I can still raise the level of this skill by speaking a little in Russian. And I began to read the poems of Yesenin and Mayakovsky in Russian. Maria sighed, gasped, groaned, but did not understand anything. Although it seems to her that it didn't matter. Taking another level of "Casanova" and "Polyglot" I was pleased with myself.

And here Bruce and Pamela stepped out of the door of the main boss of Wayne Industries. And if Pamela was happy and cheerful, which meant that the case was burned out, then Wayne was broken and tortured, although he clung to a smile. But it seems to me that it is he from powerlessness. And by the way, I think I won't be mistaken if I say that his condition is connected precisely with the negotiations of my beloved, and not with the fact that he fights crime and gets tired. In his gaze it reads "get out of here as soon as possible, you screw me up".

He honored me with just a couple of words and a handshake, and Pam and I left.

Their negotiations went on as she said on a friendly note. Bruce saw the potential of her research and that she had changed under my influence and gave her the assurance of a fruitful work together. She will be given a separate laboratory and funds for the work. And even help her to patent all of her inventions. Everyone will win.

With this wonderful attitude, we drove back "home".

Gotham the same day. Underground base.

A figure in a rather dark room was chained to a bed with a bunch of wires and an IV.

The "patient" had long since woken up and stared at the ceiling with one single eye that he had left.

Two hulks in leather jackets entered the room and one of them was holding a package of documents.

- Boss, how are you feeling?

- Can not see? - With a slight shadow of a smile, the figure said, raising itself on its elbows to sit down. - Found it?

- Yes. The freak who shot you is called Isaac Dinklage. In Gotham recently, but already managed to earn a certain reputation and get involved in several cases. - He paused briefly while his boss leafed through the sheets in the folder that he provided. - Shall we do it? Or do you want to personally deal with him, for the fact that he took your eyes off?

- Do nothing. Until. But find me all the information about him. For the entire period of this person's existence. Starting from the moment his mother realized that she was pregnant, ending with today. All information! Up to how many times a day he wipes himself. Do not spare money.

- Why is it important for you to know so much information about him? the second thug inquired.

- There is something strange about him Jacob. My instinct tells me that something is wrong here. And it's not even that he COULD hurt me. And the fact that ... something is wrong with him.

Both comrades looked at each other, but said nothing.

- Okay. Go while doing business. And I also have a rehabilitation course on my nose. And finally find out when I will have an eye transplant. I don't really want to be a pirate in the future.

- The boss will be done. We will find a suitable donor, and if one is not found, then we will find artificial implants.

The patient nodded and the hulks left.

- I will find out who you are Isaac Dinklage. - the patient smiled, and then, under the influence of drugs, he switched off.

To be continued...

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