After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
When I woke up, messages from the System were waiting for me.
It turned out that I had not watched some of the messages after the crash. In addition to what came to me with the 10th level, I also received: Player's Gaze and Extended Inventory.
So let's see what they are:
The player's gaze is a special ability of the player, which allows you to identify the objects that he sees (alive or not). Also, your eyesight improves and you can see in the dark.
Extended inventory - now, in addition to the "normal" way of storing items, you have access to the player's inventory, in which you can store anything with a total weight not exceeding your own. All items will have their own icon and are stored in a subspace without giving you additional weight.
That's cool! Indeed. Now I understand that this system also has its big advantages. This is how many drugs the huckster could carry if he had it. Although ... I feel these thoughts are due to my profession.
You have completed the task.
"The Hunger Games"
You have come to the island of the Amazons, where strength is appreciated. And you have defeated their champion Artemis. And thus they won the right to life and the opportunity to return home.
+ 5000 experience,
increasing relationships with ?????,
+ 10 free points
Eh, 40 more points and I will get chakrauser status ...
But then something surprised me.
Attitude towards the character:
Residents of Themyscira 1000 (interest)
Artemis 1000 (interest, respect)
Diana 500 (interest)
Hippolyta 450 (interest)
And after all, it is most of all with Artemis! But I fucked her up. Maybe I don't understand something about women? Maybe in order for them to like them, they need to blast them with all their dope? No wonder there is an expression on a campaign: "Beats means loves!" It looks like we have hidden masochists here ... Who would have thought?
And finally, I looked at my characteristics and skills. They all grew up by one point, some by two. And the skills pleasantly surprised me:
"Cooking" - 11 lvl.
"Playing the guitar" - 9 lvl.
"Finding problems" - 17 lvl. *
"The Master of Drinking People" - 7 lvl.
"Casanova" - 13 lvl.
"Chuck Norris's Leg" lvl 8
"Accuracy" - 7 lvl.
"Possession of cold weapons" - 7 lvl.
"Troll" - 5 lvl.
"Sharpie" lvl 2
"Narutotherapy" - 15 lvl.
"Stealth" - 3 lvl.
"Darts Player" - 7 lvl.
"Shooting" - 6 lvl.
"Hand-to-hand combat" - 15 lvl.
"Regeneration" - 2 lvl.
"Berserker Mode" - 1 lvl.
I pumped them pretty well.
- Already awake? - a voice sounded above me.
It was Hippolyta.
- Your Majesty? I didn't think that you would personally guard me.
"I'm not guarding. I just wanted to visit you. You are a rather curious person. Not like the rest. I haven't met such people for a long time. You didn't kill Artemis when you had the opportunity. But after that no one would dare to touch you. We would be forced to follow tradition. Notes...
"I apologize for interrupting, but as I said before, I'm not a murderer. I once served in the army, now in the police. But now I have other goals. I want to change this world, just a little. And I'll start with myself.
+ 100 to relations with Hippolyta.
- You are an interesting young man. she chuckled. She sat for a while and looked at me. - Rest. You will need strength to build yourself a ship. We will give you the tools and show you where we have a suitable forest.
And she left, leaving me alone.
A little later, an Amazon came to me, brought me food, changed the bandages and left. I was grateful to them on this one too.
And I wanted to eat. I don't know how long I was unconscious, but I ate everything, almost licking the bowl. And then I passed out and slept for more ... Quite a long time, until the next dressing.
I interrupted lying on the bed by going to the toilet. It was a little painful to step, and generally to keep upright. But I got it over with. To be honest, I had a lot of hematomas. In general, half of my body was tied in a white cloth.
So I lay there for three days. When I was already able to walk more or less normally. I asked to show me the place where you can build a raft and not interfere with them. I was taken away. Have shown. And they gave me the tools.
There I dragged all the things from my old "shelter" and began to equip the place so that I would still heal on my own, and then build this fucking raft and sail away from this island, until the local feminists decided to arrange Easter with two eggs and Easter cake. Although they are, as it were, pagans, this holiday should be on their side. But God protects those who are saved.