
Chapter 157

I threw a kunai in that direction and towards Ares, who had come to his senses a little. Moved and used the Fuinjutsu technique on him: Instant Paralysis. But she was enough despite her level for a few seconds, then he was able to throw her off. But those few seconds were enough for me to use Ryton: Kirin, which was fueled by the bad weather over Washington.

A huge dragon that only from afar resembled the shape of a Chinese dragon woven from lightning rushed towards Ares. Then a scream was heard with 100% certainty of pain. Moreover, as soon as his figure became a little visible, I realized that little was left of the armor. But on the other hand, a face was visible with distorted hatred or anger. Looks like I pissed him off a lot.

He rushed towards me and his figure disappeared in the Cato: Fire Incineration technique. True, this did not stop him, therefore, he came out of the Technique slightly toasted, almost without hair and a little burning, and immediately rushed at me with a sword. I fought him in a sword fight.

He pressed me notably, but I didn't hit my face in the dirt either. The sword was good and withstood the blows of God, although I imbued it with chakra.

I don't know how long this fight lasted, but I began to noticeably get tired. The speed was frantic, the load was the same. The somersaults that I wrote out, the techniques and techniques that I used were exhausting me. My doppelganger and clones intervened. It helped noticeably. Yet his experience and the power of God made it much more difficult for us to act.

At one of the receptions, I fell on my back, and my double came under a powerful attack by Ares' sword already burning with a green flame and simply fell behind dead, but did not dispel. He's probably just badly hurt.

I wanted to carry out a series of blows and leave as a hiraishin with a clone. But Ares was faster at that moment. And I was already impaled on his sword. That rushed straight into my heart. Vitality was quickly draining away. I used Ying-Fuying to heal the damage. I struck with a sword not into his body, but from the side, piercing his arms into the area of

the elbows and letting a powerful bolt of lightning pass through them. And he screamed in pain. I was not afraid of my technique. All the same, my chakra.

In one fell swoop, without canceling the technique, I pierced both of his eyes with my two fingers of my left hand and thereby blinded him. And at the same time Shigan (?) Constantly adding to his head, hoping to damage his brain.

Immediately my more or less cured double knelt down and with a new sword, which was already a trophy from Nande Parbat, pierced both his knees and also missed the elemental chakra, but already the fire. Forcing him, despite the wound, to kneel on these very knees.

And after another long-awaited second, Diana nevertheless appeared behind God and blew off his head with one swing of the sword.

A fountain of blood washed over me from head to toe. I even slightly choked with his blood, from the unexpected attack of the brunette.

- Kha-kha ... Beautifully done by Diana ... kha ...

- Thank you ... Why? Why did you help me? This was not your fight. she asked with a strange intonation.

And why are women such fools? This is my Motherland, after all, and I live here. In other matters, I probably had a good mood after winning the fight.

- Well, I couldn't leave such a cutie like you alone against some God of War? Kha ... - then I pulled out a whole stream of blood, but this time my own.

The wound did not heal, from the wound, and I had almost no chakra left to heal myself.

I began to fall back, but someone's hands grabbed me, I could not make out the image of the woman who was holding me, but she kissed me. This is the last thing I remember before the darkness.


Pain! Pain shot through me. All the cells of my body. I was probably delirious, different pictures were replaced one by one. There were plots from both my past life and this one. But they were all mixed up, out of order. And sometimes I did not understand what was going from where.

But I clearly remember one point.

Three figures of vaguely familiar people leaned over me, lying down, at least I had the feeling that I knew them or saw them somewhere.

It was a woman with a sweet smile and brown hair, a bald man with piercing blue eyes, and a boy about five or six years old. His hair is clearly from his mother, and his eyes are the same as his father's.

They were talking about something, but I did not hear them.

Failed back into darkness.

And then messages from the system floated:

Attention! Message from the system.

You have undergone partial death as a result of the "death" of your double, which was formed from the "Separation" technique. The consequences of the death of your double were reflected in the mental balance of your soul. The debuff from Clarion's artifact has been canceled. The excess mass of spell energy has been dissipated into your energy structure.

You have gained + 40,000 chakra.

You have gained + 10% Death Element Affinity.

You have gained + 10% Shadow Affinity.

+ 300 to relationship with Death.

+ 100 to relationship with Clarion.

+ 100 to relationship with Lucifer Morningstar.

+ 100 to relations with the Presence.

+ 100 to relations with Hades.

+ 100 to relations with all "villains" that have magical powers.



You have tasted the blood of the God of War and the Warriors of Ares.

You received:

+200 to relationship with Ares.

+200 to relations with Fortuna.

+200 to relationship with Aphrodite.

+ 55 points for each stat.

+ 5% affinity for Death

+ 5% resistance to any magic.

+ 5% chance of surviving in any conditions.

+ 3% meet "celebrity"


Attention! You have completed a number of optional quests: Helping Themyscira, Saving Princess Diana, Fighting God, and Defending Washington.

You received:

+ 300 free points.

+ 1000 to relationship with Temiskira.

+ 500 to relationship with Zeus.

+ 500 to relationship with Hippolyta

+ 500 to relationship with Dianna.

+ 250 to relationship with Donna Troy

+ 250 to relationship with Artemis.

+ 100 to relations with Kasandra Sandmark.

+ 1000 to relations with the Citizens of Washington.

+ 500 to relationship with Amanda Waller.

+200 to relations with Argus.

+ 250 to relations with ...

Then came a list of my "household members", Batman and his family, Superman and his brothers, Gordon and ... I began to realize that I was missing something.

And then it dawned on me that perhaps during the battle, the mask fell off me and my clothes were destroyed, so they opened me. So this is a complete P **** C !!!

I missed messages from the system about increasing the level of skills and techniques, I just remembered that I received six levels for my carcass.

Then I woke up and immediately realized that I was not in the hospital or at home.

I was at Themyscira. And judging by the ceiling, I was in the same room that was allocated to me when I appeared there, or rather already here. I will not forget these places, since I have a good memory. And this smell that is in the air cannot be confused with anything.

The condition was lousy.

Both moral and physical. I could hardly move my toes or hands. The whole body ached, even the chakra channels. I wanted to puke, and that's putting it mildly. The body is wrapped in bandages and some kind of ointment of red, green, brown and even black colors in different places. But this, however, messed me up ...

Then, after lying for a few more minutes, putting my thoughts in order, I received another message from the system, which shocked me, or rather I did not understand - why me?


Received Ares' Blessing

Blessing of Ares - You have the respect and favor of the God of War and the Warriors, despite the fact that you defeated him and even "killed" him along with Diana. You get the Battlelust trait. The probability of meeting a strong opponent is + 10%, the probability of defeating the enemy, which exceeds you in strength and experience + 5%.

Thirst for Battle - increases your aggression in battle and gives + 5% chance to make friends with those individuals who also have a "Thirst for Battle".

And I don't know what Makar, but apparently these two ladies found out that I woke up and went in. They were Artemis and Pamela. And as soon as I glanced at them, I immediately caught on to one very important detail of the appearance.

And contemplation of this I was not even distracted by the serious voice of Pamela:

- Isaac! We need to talk urgently!

I feel problems ...

To be continued...

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