After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
When we arrived at my house, Pamela came out to meet us. It was already six in the evening and after Jade's training, which she spent this time with Harley, passed out, and Artemis was in her room. Harley went to the store.
So, when Pamela saw me, she was speechless. In addition, I was amused by the situation that they began to explain everything to Pam, but they forgot to clarify who was in front of me to the "little boy with amnesia."
- Aunt Rene, who is it? - I pointed my finger at Pam and hid behind Montoya.
At that moment, Krause made a facepalm. And Meggie smiled a little, imagining how Rene would get out.
- Oh! Exactly. You see, Isaac. This aunt ... um ... how can I tell you ... - yes, you say, and I will listen with "honest eyes that do not understand anything" - She is yours ... um ... well, it's like. ..
- I'm your good friend. - Pam helped her out.
"But I don't remember you.
- It's okay. But we remember you. I'll re-introduce you to Artemis, Jade and Harley.
- Who is this?
"Harley is your friend too. Well, Jade and Artemis are yours ... - yes, Pamela hung up. - ...
- Also friends. - Rescued already this time Rene.
- Yes!
Oh well. I'll leave you alone for now.
- Good. Hmm ... hmm ...
- What is Isaac? - Pamela asked with a smile, putting her arm around my shoulder.
- Ho-wanna pipi! - and maximum embarrassment in the voice.
At this moment, Rene and Maggie laughed, and Nicholas managed to either "in character" or actually drop his glasses on the floor. Although no, apparently it's real, he even has a twisted face from this. Yes, the children are not his ...
- Directly down the corridor, and to the right. To accompany you? Help?
- N-no! I myself. - and ran away to the loud laughter of the female company.
Finally, I heard Nicholas say:
- It's so good that I don't remember my childhood, otherwise I would have put a bullet in my forehead ...
Eh! There is no spirit of adventurism in him. In other matters, it does not matter.
The main thing is that I understood it will be difficult for me and Pam. She began to show concern beyond her usual. Even now, since the beginning of our conversation and while in the toilet, I receive messages:
+ 10 relationship with Pamela Eisley / Poison Ivy.
+ 10 relationship with Pamela Eisley / Poison Ivy.
+ 10 to relationship with Pamela Eisley / Poison Ivy.
And after all, almost a hundred have already accumulated. At this rate, she will either rape me in figs to death, or she will deify me. Although I do not presume to assume anything for sure.
Attention! You have increased the "Problem Magnet" skill.
And you can't argue that I began to create problems for myself! The system will not have to do anything now. I began to take this bread from her too.
Coming out of the toilet, I came across Harley, who pierced me with her blue eyes, that they said: "I want to cuddle." I even tried to take a step back. But the ex-Joker turned out to be more agile ... and this is with MY dexterity! Did debuff and cuteness affect both me and Harley that way?
"Isaac is so cute now. Now I will sleep with you, so that you are not so scared at night ...
- I do not want! Get off! - I began to "fight back" from her. I can't use the power, because the other female part of the house is looking at us now.
- ... I will hug you, and warm you with my warmth, so that you would not be lonely ...
- I won't sleep with you! Get off talking from me!
- ... And also in the morning I will help you brush your teeth and swim.
- Only I will bathe him! - Already with a certain seriousness in her eyes, Pam objected to her, to which Harley pouted. - OK. You will serve the soap.
At these words, Krause dropped a cup of tea.
Poor guy. Today it is stormy. I feel when ... or rather, if he returns to Argus, he will no longer be able to go on such missions under cover. He's got all his brains out here, what kind of operational work is there?
You have received a new quest "Bring Saya (?)"
An undercover agent is always mental pressure. A spy agent raised for one purpose by a government program is always muted, dulling and even annihilating emotions.
But not every mortal manages to awaken the muffled real emotions of an agent like Sai. Can you do it? Can you repeat the feat of Naruto Uzumaki?
- Variable.
Penalty for refusing or failing a mission:
- Contempt from Nicholas.
Is he the local counterpart of Saiya from Naruto? It seems that they have not so much in common. Although I may be wrong. In other matters, I will not refuse it.
- Pamela? Artemis rubbed her eyes sleepily. - And who are all these ... - and then suddenly her gaze caught on me. - Who is this boy?
"Artemis, this is Isaac. He just rejuvenated a little. - Harley exclaimed happily and even more began to strangle me with her breasts, well at least there is something nice in this situation ...
A couple of seconds of silence, and then ...
- Hurray-ah-ah-ah-ah! Now Isaac will only play with me ...
Presence give me strength!
Yes, I see Nicholas having the same thoughts. Otherwise, he would not have made the same movement with his hand, familiar to all worlds.
I feel the day will be long. But at night I will need to visit one little man. No wonder I used the Death card in the closet to find the Riddler?
To be continued...