After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
We have already reached the site. On the one hand, the mood was good in the sense that there were at least some progress in business. On the other hand, it's shitty due to the fact that I again found myself in the center of events.
- Go without me, I need to make one phone call.
- Okay, just faster. - Rene nodded and went inside.
And I took out a miracle artifact that I inherited from Death and again tried to figure out the heads of the villain.
In the end, it gave me the fact that he is now in the air over Gotham. I immediately sent a text message to this information with the coordinates of Bats. It's good that he gave me his "service" number. I also remembered all the police officers who were here now. To know which of them cannot be the head of a criminal organization.
And there were only two of the detectives missing: King, Bullock, and Gordon. Therefore, I began to suspect that I know who is the traitor among us.
And then I went inside.
Our entire department was waiting for me there, which was on edge.
- How long are you. Gordon-Essen hissed. - On! Take your phone and call.
I dialed the only number that was there. The ring, the second, the third, and the receiver was answered.
"Good afternoon, Detective Dinklage. - came a distorted and very unpleasant voice. - To be honest, I have long wanted to talk to you, one might say "without ties". True, it is not yet time for our personal meeting.
"I'm also sorry that I cannot meet with you. I've heard so much about you. But they still can't find you.
- Believe me, you won't see me if I don't want to. In this city, I will very soon become the main figure. And in honor of this, I would like to make you one gift. Go to your desk. Fear not, this is not fatal. I don't want to hurt you. At least for now.
Sarah nodded to me and I walked over to my desk.
- He came up.
- Good. Put your hand under the table top.
I did this and felt a small square object about the size of a baseball. Only square.
I got it. And before I had time to examine it better. How it lit up with a bright red light and I collapsed to the floor. And before my eyes, messages flew by:
Attention! System error…
Attention! Rebooting the system ...
Attention! You have been affected by the artifact of the Chaos Lord Mage Clarion.
Side effects:
- Temporary appearance of five-year-old Isaac Dinklage - a period of 13 days.
- Debuff on critical thinking. Increased influence of hormones.
- + 50% chance of meeting a pedophile.
- Increased likelihood of becoming a victim of the set-master.
- Increase in the level of kawaii.
What the hell is going on? What have I got myself into?
To be continued…