After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
House. Sweet home. It was empty now. Harley was not at home. We left her here to look after the house. Apparently she went out to the store or wanders somewhere, walks.
First of all, I went to the basement, where I scattered my clone, which I left to take care of "the delivery of Mouseman to Gotham." I dispelled it and got the following messages:
Attention! You have reached sync with nature. The probability of mixing natural energy with its own is 50%.
+ 550 control
+ 2750 to chakra.
As I understand it, I got an increase in control and chakra because of the clone's meditations. Not bad. Of course, I did not receive the Senin-mod Path, but there are prerequisites to do it faster than I expected. And the experience is thanks to the clone.
After that, I released from the seal more than twenty clones that remained, and dispelled them all, placing all the remaining chakra in the seal. This surplus will still be useful to me. True, a little chakra was lost, but this is not fatal.
And after that, I nevertheless decided to buy the "Chakra Absorption Technique", having spent 60 c.o. on it. And there are still twenty left. However, I think I will soon make up for the lost.
- Pam, you called Harley, where is she?
"She's in the store, she'll be home soon."
- Good. Will you meet her? I want to go to a couple of places. And then I will return home and we will celebrate the last day before my work.
- I agree, dear. - and, kissing me on the cheek, ran to the top.
First of all, I began to mark different rooms in our house with Hiraishin's marks, a car, and then I drove through the dark places of Gotham to place my marks there. In our "cop bar" I only met Harvey. There were few people there at all.
- Hello Harvey, how are you?
- Just look who came to us? - the already screwy lieutenant smiled. - Isaac Dinklage himself, that the sand of Bealia is no longer warm, and you decided to return to warmer regions?
- And I see you are already "warmed up"?
- A good day. Jim and his wife and daughter are resting somewhere outside the city. By the way, not only she arrived in the city. The translation came to us. There are two more in your department now. Both are from New York, by the way. Your darling city.
- Well, Gotham City is not a stranger to me.
- Okay. Sit down and tell me what's new abroad?
After briefly describing what I had missed in the last month, Bullock was completely drunk and I drove him home. He himself continued his trip to Gotham. I put marks in many places. As a result, he himself did not notice how, the evening came, even some members of the bet-family went out to "hunt". There was a thought to follow them and say hello, but decided to postpone it for later.
I returned home and was hugged by Harley. Then I took up my usual cooking and listened a little to the girls' conversation. There was nothing to be done, so I could hear out of my ear what they were talking about.
- Stop! I stopped the flow of Harley's words. - Killer Frost caught?
- Yes Yes. - the blonde nodded vigorously - A couple of weeks ago, Batman did it together with one of his new charges. His family seems to have expanded lately.
- And where is she now?
- In Arkham.
- You also conceived it ... "Reorient for the common good"? - Pamela frowned.
"Don't be jealous, my precious dryad. She interests me only scientifically and in some way in a strategic sense.
Pam looked me up and down, which could be deciphered as: "I know that you are lying to me, although I really am not against your idea, but for the sake of decency you need to be outraged!"
- Heh. Well, you and a dog!
- But I am a very faithful dog! - I smiled.
- That is, he wants to capitalize the icy wicked, and me again dynamite ?! - the already furious Harley jumped up. - Where's the justice. I've been trying to get you for a long time, but in the end, I fail again! You are a rare villain! - the accusers began to point their finger at me. - Ay! What are you wearing a bulletproof vest? Like a stone just hit. Um-um!
She's so cute when she's angry.
"I promise you'll get yours Harley someday. But not today! So, we quickly sit down at the table, the stew is already ready.
- Hooray! Stew from Isaac ... - Did I already say that she is quite easygoing?