
Chapter 123

After a half hour performance, Zatanna started to get tired. And so I decided to round off. And given the fact that most of the guests managed to get drunk - and this is the color of Bealia's nobility (the sorceress thought), it became pointless to continue the show.

Therefore, further she gave up the "stage" to the already famous master from Italy.

She herself retired to an empty part of the hall, enjoying fine wine and the voice of a famous performer, detached herself from the outside world. Only now her instinct brought the mind of the sorceress out of the "slumber".

Before her appeared three strangers to her, a man and two women. Although it would be more accurate to say only one stranger and two acquaintances in absentia. She knew these two ladies acquaintances from the news. Beatrice is the Queen of Bealia and the hostess of this evening, next to her was a red-haired beauty who had already changed her appearance a little since the last contemplation of her photo on the news - Pamela Isley, aka Poison Ivy.

"It seems that she has changed and, if I may say so, settled down? Zatanna wondered. - There, it seems, one policeman distinguished himself. Does love work wonders? Perhaps. This handsome guy must be that cop. Although what is an ordinary Gotham cop to do in a place like this? "

"I am very glad to see you, Miss Zatara, in my country. To be honest, you became the highlight that brightened this evening.

- Your Majesty, it is an honor for me to speak in this hall. I've heard a lot about you. And most of the rumors turned out to be true, "Zatanna replied. - And I'm glad of that.

- I hope the rumors are only positive? Beatrice smiled.

- Of course. You, as I noticed, are very popular among the people.

"You could say that," she answered evasively.

"It's evasive. But not a lie. There seem to be some rumors about the rebels, there are even casualties. And her uncle died suddenly after an attempt on her life. True, the data is classified. - flashed through Zatanna's head again. - However, I'm not particularly interested in this. What are these two doing here? "

At this moment, Beatrice apparently felt the desire of her interlocutor, and turned the conversation into an interesting direction for her.

- But what are we all about me? Let me introduce my friends, Dr. Pamela Isley and Detective Isaac Dinklage, although recently he is Lord Dinklage.

- Oh! I think I remember something like that, - the sorceress nodded. "I heard from my acquaintances in Bealia that a police officer from the United States saved you. So are you the "handsome prince on a white horse"? After that, Zatanna began to stare at Dinklage.

"Tall, unusual silver eyes, fit, generally pretty and bold ... And with a bunch of skeletons in the closet. And after all, attractive, bastard! - the brunette bit her lip. - I wonder what Ivy has a crush on specifically?

"So you're from Gotham, I suspect?" - and looked at Pamela. - How did a simple detective from Gotham end up in such an exquisite and expensive place?

- Well, this is thanks to my, one might say, gift. He smiled wryly. - The point is that I write music and songs. Here with a friend they organized a common business, from which I get interest. Therefore, you should not look at me so askance, I am not involved in dark affairs.

- HM. I apologize. It's just quite unusual to meet in this place people of your warehouse ... profession.

- It happens. Um, Miss Zatara, can I count on an autograph?

- OU! I have to disappoint you, but I don't sign autographs. For personal reasons ... - she hesitated.

"Do not tell him that a magician's autograph can be very dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands?"

- It's a pity. - the brunet was sincerely upset.

At that moment, a flock of thoughts flashed through Zatanna's head, how cute he is when he is sad. But she quickly threw out these strange thoughts for her and continued the conversation.

- Come on, I'm not that big of a celebrity. The real pity is that I didn't hear the real Gotham detective sing or play.

- Then maybe I will offer an alternative? Queen Beatrice interjected. - In a couple of hours I want to leave with my friends to my chambers and play cards, I haven't played for a long time, - for some reason Zatanna's sense of danger leaped up at these words. - Then you can join us. And there after a few glasses of wine. And a few bottles of whiskey ... after all, otherwise Isaac and not to drink, we can demand a game or a song from him?

"Very… tempting. Smiled Zatara. - I will gladly accept your invitation.

And while the girls were busy with each other, they did not notice the faint, mysterious, Jaconda-style smile that came from the only man in their company.

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