
DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Guys, the first 10 chapters are hard to read, if you get through them I promise you a story you will love. ------------ Heroes and villains, Good and Evil. In the world of DC, there is a very sharp line between right and wrong, however, that line will be disturbed by a new player who will bring punishment to all the sinners. The Spirit of Vengeance is here, and no one will be able of hide from his stare. ............... The story focuses on DC, with a MC who is not a reincarnator, not a system, not a golden finger, just someone who had the bad luck? of being Ghost Rider. No Harem, Wonder Woman as the love interest My first language is not English, sorry for the bad spelling. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, only my OC .... Discord: https://discord.gg/WrzwXKsz IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, AND READ 6 CHAPS AHEAD OF WEBNOVEL, AND OTHER TWO NEW FICS , THIS IS MY PATREON patreon.com/TioIroh99

Tio_Iroh99 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
104 Chs

Chapter 18: Repercussions



'Ghost Rider voice'


National City, April 23, 10:35 UTC, 2015

"Cat Grant here, reporting for the National Reporter just a couple of days after what is considered by many experts to be the worst attack on the nation since the famous Steppenwolf invasion. Today we find ourselves just outside what is, or was, the facilities of the world's largest private research center, the Revenger Group. As you can see, what was once one of the most advanced and largest facilities in the world has been reduced to rubble as the entire west and south wings were completely destroyed, the points where the focal point of the bombing was recorded"

A beautiful green-eyed woman with short, curly blonde hair was speaking to the camera. At this time, the report was being broadcast across the United States, where many people were curious about the recent attack and were watching it.

The National Reporter was a great institution in National City reporting, having view ratings in the hundreds of thousands daily, but this live report had already broken all newscast records.

"With 2 days to go, the search and rescue effort has finally been completed by the authorities. Counting the victims of the explosion that occurred at the StarLabs research center, plus the riots that occurred in the five cities due to the chaos generated, we have a count of 35 dead, including, unfortunately, the famous and renowned doctor in mechanics and technology Silas Stone, father of the Justice League member, Cyborg. 124 seriously injured and at least 10 people missing, including two of the senior members of the Revenger Group's governing board, biomedical doctor Kimiyo Hoshi and biotech doctor Edgar Bones, who sources say were at the facility at the time of the explosion. 

At the time of this report, the number of injuries reported to hospitals is increasing, so this data may be updated briefly. Although, considering the facts, thanks to the efforts of the Justice League, this reporter believes those numbers may have risen into the thousands.

However, this is just my humble opinion since, at this moment, in social networks, a defamatory campaign towards superheroes has started, where many prominent members of society have been included, where they claim that, since the arrival of the superheroes era (2010), these attacks and assaults towards innocent people have increased year by year. 

Even this campaign has not yet escalated to become worrisome, with the general opinion being prominently in favor of the heroes, however, such a campaign makes us wonder... Are superheroes really the solution, or the real problem?"

Just as Cat Grant said these last words, someone, who was watching the report on the television turned off said device. This person was a woman with long black hair, perfect body and face as if sculpted by the gods themselves. However, at this moment, her face, with perfect features, was a total mess.

Diana had dark circles under her eyes, clearly she had not rested for the couple of days, and her blue eyes, which showed swollen eyelids, derived from the heavy crying she had had, had a blank look, if she had been paying attention to the report, it was a complete mystery. 

Diana after the explosion went berserk, and was on the verge of murdering Hal Jordan right there if the other heroes had not interceded. There was time, she could have saved him, she was sure.

Then later she became quite energetic in the rescue work lifting debris and so on, fortunately they hadn't found any bodies, which gave Diana a bit of hope. 

Hopes that later died when Hawkman, who was lifting debris from the little that had fallen in the northern area, lifted one of the largest stones and found a body, which, although miraculously had not been crushed, was badly burned, and its features were not visibly identifiable. 

There Diana lost it, as if a switch was flipped, she start to cried. It was Edgar wasn't it?, she had not been able to save him…Edgar was dead

From there, everything became a bit of a blur for Diana, she didn't register when she was taken out of the place, she didn't register how she got to her apartment, she didn't register when Dinah (Black Canary) and Marie (Vixen) comforted her with tight hugs and words of encouragement. She just stood there, with only a thought....

'I didn't save him'

Then came more regret

'I never told him I liked him'

'I kissed him and walked out of there foolishly, I would have kissed him into oblivion if I had known it was the last one'

And many more thoughts came to her mind. From there, she spent the next couple of days in tears with thoughts of, what would have happened.

Diana was in a bad way, but fortunately, she calmed down. Knowing him, Edgar would not have wanted her to rot in her misery. Besides, he had a funeral to arrange.

Although with few friends, Edgar had dear people around him. The orphanage was an example of them. She would be there for them as Edgar was. After the funeral and later of fixing some things... she would take some time in Themyscira. She needed to get away from the world for a while.

"Ring, ring, ring"

Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang.

"Hi, it's Diana" she said in a subdued voice. Just because she was calm didn't mean she wasn't sad.

"Diana, it's Clark, how are you?, I know I should have come to visit you, but we're a little busy with everything and the truth is I'm still not free of all this chaos" 

 "Don't worry Clark, I understand, actually it's for the best, right now I still want to be alone."

"Yes, I understand that, Edgar was your friend..."

"Please, I DON'T want to talk about it Clark, not right now. Better tell me if you need any help. The truth is I lost my temper and left all the burden to the others" 

"No, don't worry about it, we're still busy, but it's already more bureaucracy than anything. Bruce is still interrogating the Joker, and the others have gone to rest. Captain Atom and I have had meetings with the president and some parliamentary members, that's all, however, Bruce told me to tell you something, it's about the body they found..."

"...have you identified it?"

"Yes, and fortunately, it's not Edgar, in fact, it's not Kimiyo either... actually, his dental records made it clear to us that he is Doctor Samuel Jones, also a member of the board of governors, and also registered the day the explosion happened. Even then, Kimiyo and Edgar are still missing. That's a good thing Diana, there's still hope. We won't stop until we find them!"

"…Thanks Clark. But right now I don't know if I really want to find him. A part of me wants to hope that he made it out and is out there... although my more logical part goes with what forensics said that maybe, there are no bodies because the explosion engulfed them and burned them completely to ashes"

"...I don't know what to tell you Diana, I'd rather hope. Well, get some rest okay, I'm here for whatever you need"

"Thanks Clark, you're a good friend"

With that Diana hung up, Clark's words brought hope towards her again. But as she had said, her logical side also told her not to think about it. How could he have survived? He wasn't a super.

With a heavy sigh she got up from the couch she was on, she had a funeral to organize. But first a shower, she still smelled of dirt and smoke.


Central City, April 27, 11:25 UTC, 2015

In the wealthy suburbs of Central City, a rather large and beautiful house could be found. In the courtyard of the house, there were many flower decorations, and black bows, indicating the situation of a funeral.

Many people of all ages were gathered in the place, and although the house was quite large, the yard being also of considerable size, the amount of people that were there made it look a small and cramped place. 

There were several groups gathered among them of all ages. Some crying sad and heartbroken over the loss of a friend. Others, though still sad, were a little better and chatting harmoniously.

There were even several people in the room who had not seen each other in years. This funeral, although unfortunate, had been the trigger for such reunions to happen. There were even children happily running around the house, unaware of the type of situation or event they were in. 

This was the funeral of Doctor Silas Stone, who, to the rest of the world had been a casualty in the StarLabs explosion. Those who knew the truth, knew that he was the trigger for something else, something that was forming in the shadows, something quite dangerous for the future to come.

Those people who knew the truth were in a corner of the house, chatting. Most of them wore black clothes, the women in dresses that made them show off their beautiful bodies and the men in elegant black suits. They were the Justice League, although at this moment they were all wearing their civilian attire. Those who were there were: 

Barry Allen (Flash) and his wife Iris, Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), John Stewart (Green Lantern) who was wearing a formal Marine outfit, Giovanni Zatara, Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning), Carter and Shayera Hall (Hawkman and Hawkwoman), Ray Palmer (Atom) and his wife Jean and finally J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter) who had used his powers to look like a man with black features and short black hair. 

"So, you're telling me that all this wasn't caused by the Joker and that there's someone else who pulled the strings, and that Cyborg's father was actually killed before the explosion... I see. That's why you don't show the body" said quite forcefully Iris, Barry's wife. 

They all looked at Barry like he was an idiot for spilling his big mouth. This is all supposed to be League business.

"sorry guys, there are no secrets between us, that's the secret of a good marriage" at this statement all the girls present nodded

"besides, sweetie, let go of your reporter nature a little bit, okay? nothing is going to get out of here. Promise me"

"calm down love, although I am curious about my reporter streak, I know that this must never get out of here, the repercussions will be huge" Iris answered downplaying her husband's worries.

"Well, speaking of which, do you know anything about the murders?" asked Dinah to the members of the group, Jefferson spoke to this question.

"Certainly not yet. I was with Batman gathering the information. We still don't have the full facts, the explosion removed quite a bit of evidence and we can't assume a culprit yet. But, my instincts tell me, that Batman knows more than he's letting on and that he's hiding things from us..."

"Ha, Batman always hides things from us. His powers are keeping secrets, talking grave and looking at you ugly" Oliver said good-naturedly, which made everyone laugh and nod 

"... and will he come?" asked Ray doubtfully.

"I don't think so. He's still interrogating the Joker. He wants to get as much information out of him as possible before he's moved to that secret prison next week" J'onn explained, "I even used my telepathy to get information out of him. Let me tell you, I've never met anyone who didn't have telepathic powers who could block me. The Joker's mind is a mess so much, that you can't read a single coherent thought, at least not without breaking his psyche and rendering him a vegetable"

"Crazy bastard, they even created a special prison for him, who doesn't even have powers. Fiuuu, that's a record" Hal said in amazement. 

"He was already asking for it. I still don't know how Batman can put up with such a madman. Good thing he is in Gotham most of the time. It pains me to admit it, but he scares me a little because of how dangerous he is" Ray said this last while rubbing his hands together. He got a little shiver remembering the unhinged face of the crime clown. 

"Ray, by the way, what's going to happen now with the Revenger Group, do you not have a job anymore or what?" asked Carter.

"Actually something quite curious happened... I think I don't need to work anymore, at least not for the next 5 years maybe haha" everyone had a look of disbelief at this statement. What's crazy like he doesn't need to work anymore?, sure, Ray earned well, but, they didn't think he is rich enough to live quietly without working for five years.

"So, speak up Ray, we're all curious," Zatara exclaimed. 

"One day after the explosion, everyone received an email. And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE. From us on the board, to the janitors. Apparently, the Revenger Group had a contingency protocol for this situation that no one knew about. This protocol will not only pay all the medical bills of the people who got hurt because of the situation, but they will continue to pay our salary for five years, regardless of whether we get new jobs"

"How could you not know that?, You're on the board!" John exclaimed.

"I thought maybe it was something that I didn't know and the others did. But I spoke to Helen who stayed in India and she was going to live there indefinitely, and she didn't know anything either" Ray gave a heavy sigh before continuing

"Guys, many people forget that we are a board of governors but we are not the owners. We have the power to decide some of the administrative things and so on, but not everything. There are things that even if we wanted to, we can't change. For example, the medicines and products that are manufactured and sent to the different parts of the world are already established, we cannot change that, among other things. In short, even though the center has been destroyed, the Revenger Group is still going on, and will continue apparently"

"And who sent it?" 

"Who sent what?" 

"who sent the mail?, there must be a name or something" Iris asked logically, someone must be responsible for all of this.

"Ah, he was sent by someone who is just as mysterious as the owner of the Group, the lawyer of the company. He handles all the legal part and no one has seen him, we only know that he is in Europe, but we don't know more. His last name is Orfai, but we don't know anything else" 

"And Diana, is she coming?" asked Hal, there was a look of regret on his face. He knew she was still upset with him, but it was inevitable, there was no time now 

"No, she won't. Yesterday was Edgar's funeral, and although they were a numerable group of people too, considering this place, yesterday it seemed empty. He told me to tell Victor to send her condolences for him" Ray explained, of all those present only he and his wife had attended Edgar's funeral, as they were friends because of the Revenger Group, "But she looked quite a bit better, sad, but better already"

"And Clark?" John asked 

"He was running a little late, but he's going to stop by his mother's first to come to the event. Captain Atom is going to have to stay to arrange all the new deals we're going to be subjected to stemming from this affair" J'onzz explained.

"They wanted a scapegoat to blame, and as usual they pointed the finger at us" Oliver said with bitterness in his voice.

"Well, let's not talk about this. The event is about to start, where is Victor?" asked Shayera. 

Dinah sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes a little, she said "he's upstairs in his father's room. He hasn't wanted to come out. Marie is with him, maybe we will have to postpone the start of the event a little, I don't think he will be down soon."


In the main room of the house, there was the main room where Doctor Silas Stone slept. In said room was a young man dressed in a large black suit, however, said suit did not prevent his robotic limbs and face from showing. 

This was Victor Stone, who was crying while looking at a portrait with a picture of his entire family. His father and mother had big smiles and a young Victor was clutching both hands as he smiled happily at the camera. This picture could only be described as one big happy family.

Next to Victor was a beautiful woman with mocha-colored skin, honey-colored eyes and full lips that were accompanied by a red lipstick. She wore a black clinging dress that accentuated all her curves, she could only be described as beautiful and elegant. She was Marie Jiwe, or as the League knew her Vixen.

At this point she was trying her best to do everything to comfort her friend, but she wasn't doing a very good job of it, apparently.

"Victor, you've been looking at that portrait for hours, we need to get downstairs, it's about to start the event" 

"He's gone Marie. He's left me, I have nothing left..." Victor began to mumble as other tears peeked out of his eyes, but was interrupted when his face registered a hard slap.

For a moment, his cybernetic part had reacted and wanted to implement a contingency protocol in the face of such an attack, but Victor denied it. Victor looked at Marie in disbelief, he had even stopped crying because of this.

"Marie... you hit me" said Victor looking at Marie's face with disbelief. 

Then he saw her hand and watched as it began to swell up heavily. Despite her powers Marie hadn't used them and Victor's skin was tougher than the average human's due to the adaptation the Motherbox gave him. She had clearly hurt her hand. 

"You're hurt, I'm going to get a first aid kit-" but Marie stopped him by taking his hands. 

"Listen to me Victor, and listen to me well. I didn't know your father like you did, but I'm sure he would NEVER have wanted you to stay here lamenting. He would have wanted you to go on with your life. Besides, you're not alone, I'm here with you. Now get up, fix yourself and let's go, there are people waiting for us downstairs"

She was right, his father was a person who did not like mediocrity. Staying crying his sorrows were the definition of mediocrity, he needed to move forward. Besides, there was still the culprit to be found, he would not rest until he could get justice. A renewed feeling arose within him.

"You're right, there is a ceremony to begin... and Marie"


Victor walked towards her and quickly gave her a kiss on the lips

"Thank you" he said as he smiled and walked out of the room.

Marie was momentarily stunned, 'He kissed me?...the robotic idiot who doesn't take hints, took the initiative and kissed me?' a slight blush was seen on Marie's face, then her face changed and she put on a predatory smile, like that of a hunter watching her prey 

'Oh, Victor, you don't know who you've messed with' then she proceeded to head downstairs. She was humming a happy tune. 


Unknown location, May 5, 19:05 UTC, 2015

"Who gave you the device?"

"hahahahahahahahahahaha, uh hahahahaha"

In a room that had only one spotlight that kept it from being dark, was a table and two chairs. This was an interrogation room, however, at this moment, the chairs were empty. Rather the action was in the corner of the room, where Batman was grabbing the Joker by the neck.

The Joker had some slight wounds on his lip and face, but still had a lot of madness in his eyes. He was only amused by the situation, the pain and the wounds... they are not important.

"SPEAK, who gave you the device?!" Batman asked again 

"Oh Batsy, you'll get nothing from me" 

Batman didn't say, simply with a quick movement, he grabbed the Joker's arm and twisted his shoulder dislocating it, however, the Joker didn't feel anything he just started laughing more.

"hahaha you're getting desperate Bats. The first day you still had me sitting in the chair and now you have me by the neck. I wonder if in a couple more days you'll have me buried in the ground in a coffin hahahahahahaha" 

Batman began to squeeze his neck tighter, however, the Joker never stopped talking 

"so straight always Batman, but you're just like me, I just wonder how much it will cost you to break you... cough cough"

Batman kept squeezing his neck until the Joker couldn't take it anymore, when he let go he couldn't stop coughing. Batman took some time to calm down, he had been interrogating the Joker for days, he had not been able to get anything from the clown, his patience was coming to an end. As he was about to continue questioning him, the door to the room opened.

"Batman, your time is up, it's time for the transfer" a stern voice of a woman interrupted him.



"Where are you taking him Waller?" 

The woman who interrupted him was a woman in her 50's, she had a plump figure, and had mocha colored skin, her gaze was stern, clearly this woman didn't take shit from anyone. She was Amanda Waller, head of the U.S. security task force, all the special forces were under her command, from SWAT to the CIA, she ran them all. 

"You have no clearance to know this, Batman. The League has lost all clearance for the safety of the Joker when you let this situation happen. Just know, that the location is secret and fully secured. The Joker will never see the light of day, again"

"hahahahaha, so there will be no cable, what a pity. I'll miss the Turkish Drama I'm watching"

"Shut up clown, if it were up to me you'd be ten feet under by now" 

Joker became serious at this, the funny face he had was gone, at this moment he only had a serious look towards the woman.

"I don't like you, you're no fun" 

"I don't care, now take him away" when she said this, two fully masked people dressed in special suits came in and dragged the Joker out, however, before taking him out the Joker turned to Batman

"hey Bats, orange and black mask, that's all I remember" 

Batman did not react to this, his demeanor remained impassive and unperturbed. 

"Take him away, NOW!" Amanda commanded again. 

"Guys don't be so rude, I'm someone fragile hahaha" 

Amanda walked out the door, when she turned to ask the reason for the last words to Batman, he was gone 

'I hate it when he does that'


Saint Lucas Order, Valencia, Spain, May 4, 17:45 UTC, 2015

On the outskirts of the city of Valencia, one could find a large and quite old structure dating back to before the 16th century. Its architecture was quite renaissance, but in spite of that, the structure still looked as if it was in its prime. The institution was quite large, but in spite of that, very few people actually lived there.

This was the monastery of the order of St. Lucas, an order created since the 15th century by Pope Pius II, an institution apart from all others whose sole purpose was to combat the evil forces of demonic beings and evil creatures. It was THE order of exorcists. 

Unfortunately, although it was quite a formidable force, and any priest of said order was quite a powerful force, the people in said order were not many, at most 100 people, since the criteria established were quite strict among which were great affinity for light magic. Since most of the techniques used by them were of said magic, and great willpower to not succumb to demons and their powers. 

In this order was, in the deepest part of the place, a room illuminated with a couple of candles. In this room was a man with black hair, slightly curly, and gray eyes. This was Edgar Bones, who for the rest of the world was missing.

Edgar at this moment had a stone and was carving and sharpening the sharp end of his precious chain. His eyes were not even watching his actions, but his hands were moving in an organized and agile manner. Sparks flew from each carving of the chain. The door to the room was opened and an older looking man in his 70's entered.

Like the other priests in the place he wore a white robe, however, this one had a red cross engraved right in the center of the robe, indicating his character as chief deacon and head of the order. 

This was Orsi Orfai, the current head of the order of St. Lucas. But to Edgar, he was his best friend, and the one who had brought him to this place quite some time ago, and the one who gave him back the will to live and do something.

If Edgar could say it, Orsi is the one responsible for everything he is now. Everything he has achieved and why his powers are somewhat under his control. 

(AN: that's right, imagine Black Clover's father)

"I'ts ready. I already organized everything, for the next five years no one will be able to legally touch anything about the Revenger Group. Everything will continue to operate the same, everything was still being financed as before"

What was not known is that Orsi, was not only the main deacon of the place, but he was the lawyer of the Revenger Group and that he was in charge of all the legal and administrative aspects at Edgar's request.

In fact, many people didn't know it, but every priest has a university degree. Most study philosophy or history, but some even study science or in his case, law. Only he had never practiced until Edgar asked for his help. 

"What about the stolen information, can't we do anything?"

"Sigh, No. It wasn't patenting any of it as many projects were not finished. We can't stop them from using the information they had unfortunately"

"Sigh, that's a shame. Well, thanks for everything brother, I owe you one"

"With this one that's a lot Edgar. I'll have to start charging you for them, because I'm not immortal like you hahaha"

"Come on, you look good for being over 90 years old"

"Don't even remind me, although I know that those of the order live longer because of our magic I must start looking for my replacement. I'm getting slow. Soon, I will be just a burden for the order" said Orsi with remorse, he was getting old. Although, he still the strongest of the order, they could no longer depend on him.

"Well, you didn't look slow at all when you were beating me yesterday in the match" Edgar replied humorously downplaying his friend's concerns.

"However, I couldn't stand it for five minutes when you got serious, you've improved a lot" 

"What can I say, I haven't been idle...hey Orsi, how is she?"

Edgar was referring to Kimiyo. When the bomb exploded, he quickly grabbed Kimiyo but the fire caught up with them shortly. Edgar was fine, he couldn't get burned due to his powers that made him quite resistant to normal fire, but Kimiyo was another case. The explosion had burned her all over, leaving her with third degree burns. 

Edgar acted on instinct, and took advantage of everything falling apart to get out of the anti-teleportation zone quickly. He didn't even think too much when he created a portal to the only place he knew that could help him with this situation. His old home, The Order of St. Lucas.

The order used their best healing magic on Kimiyo, but the damage was done. Her nerves were damaged, and her skin, although it was starting to heal noticeably, was not going to be the same... or so Orsi thought.

"About that... What did you tell me she was doing before the explosion?" 

"She was studying a meteorite and had found a new element in it, she was going to contain it when it exploded, why?"

"Because whatever she was studying... her body absorbed it"

"Is she in danger?" 

"On the contrary. She is healing and very fast. More so than with our magic. My detection magic tells me it's energy, but it's not magic, it's something else. I can't describe it, but it's very pure, almost as if it was condensed light... whatever it is, her cells are adapting to this new energy and are rejuvenating, shedding the burned skin. When the process is over not only will she not have a scar, she will probably have skin better cared, than many models hahaha"

"But why did it happen?"

"I think the explosion caused said energy to enter her body, it probably did in yours as well, but your powers prevented it from spreading since I don't see any change in your demonic energy" 

"And when will she wake up?" 

"That's something I can't answer you. Unlike her body, the mind is something that remains the same. And due to the trauma, it caused her a self-induced coma. It can last for weeks, months or even years. But don't worry, we will take care of her here for you, she will be safe" 

"Thanks bro, hey and didn't a John Constantine come looking for you?" 

At that Orsi's relaxed face changed to one of anger, suddenly out of nowhere he let out a hard punch to Edgar's arm

"Ouch, what was that for!" Edgar exclaimed loudly, Orsi despite his age was quite strong, his arm at this moment felt quite numb.

"For bringing that annoying brat into the order! We cured his curse and even allowed him to read our private books because you brought him. That was fine. But the bastard finished his teaching in less than a month. In less than a month, he had read EVERYTHING, and he started looking for me to teach him advanced things to which, I refused. Now, every month he comes and bothers me for a couple of days until I beat him and he stops bothering me... until the next month. He is an annoying brat Edgar. Just because I knew and respected his grandfather, doesn't mean I like the brat. Although I must admit it. Charles had a fine grandson. John will grow up to be a great exorcist and magician" 

"You like him, don't deny it"

"...sigh maybe I'll grow fond of him. But he still has a long way to go if he's to be a force to be reckoned with"

"With your help, he will improve. I'm sure." Edgar said amused

"Hahaha, I'm taking liberties teaching him. As our teacher used to say, the fists sometimes speak better than the mouth"

"hahaha you are hopeless Orsi" if there was anyone besides Diana that Edgar truly felt completely comfortable with, it was Orsi. They grew up together, they trained together, they learned together. This was a friendship that would last a lifetime.

Edgar sometimes wished he could stay here and just live his life quietly, but there were things that had to be done.... 

Edgar's countenance changed to a serious one.

"Orsi, were you able to get me the information?" 

"Sigh... Edgar, don't tell me you really plan to do that stupid thing. You said it yourself. There are more people involved, it wasn't just the Joker. You're rushing into this situation" 


"I know, and everyone will pay, but I can't let that madman live. If they had sentenced him to death, I would be calm. But they are just going to lock him up and I can't allow that. At this moment, my Spirit of Vengeance, is demanding it Orsi"


"You will be hunted Edgar...the heroes, the government, EVERYONE will hunt you down. I don't even think you will be safe here. Besides, You alone against the League?, Edgar you are strong, but against everyone...you won't stand a chance" 

"...I know that, and I won't be coming back, not after this. Besides, I won't be alone" at that, a large shadow materialized in the room.

"Shit, that annoying thing of yours-" but Orsi was interrupted when a loud torpedo knocked him to the floor. This was Duke, Edgar's dog who was licking all over the older father's face. 

"hahaha, I see you missed Orsi, Duke"

"wof wof" (I just like to tease the old, boss)

"I hate you Edgar"

"hahahah...hey Orsi"

"What's up friend?"

"Just take care of Kimiyo and explain everything to her please, she'll be in good hands here" 

Orsi sighed defeated, Edgar right now could be the most stubborn guy in the world.

"I think it's a bad idea, but you won't change your mind, so I'll tell you what I got. One of the senators, who voted for the punishment, is a close friend of a Cardinal in the United States. He told me all about it. They are going to transfer the Joker to a special, isolated prison by private plane. No one knows where the prison will be, but the president, the head of state and a certain Amanda Waller, who will be in charge of the transfer. If you want to do the job, your only chance is when he is transferred, which is tomorrow"

"Thank you brother... for everything"

"You're welcome brother. I hope you know what you're doing"

"I hope so too..."

Edgar knew that after this, there would be no turning back, he will be a fugitive and a murderer in the eyes of the world, then he would have to go into hiding while looking for traces and information of the real culprits.

It would be difficult, but he would be patient. When it was all over, he would come back, and ask for forgiveness to the only person he knows who might suffer for all of this 

'I will come back Diana, I promise'


AN: I didn't want to make you wait so long

Next: Justice League vs Ghost Rider 1

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Tio_Iroh99creators' thoughts