
Auxiliary Chapter: The Light

For a story to be successful, the villains must be well developed. Here is a brief explanation of the story of each one (it is brief, it will be developed in the future. Some are more important than others in the story) and their powers. 

Important Note: Not all origins are comic book origins, some are AU to better fit the story. 

L = Union Leader (in charge of a work team)

C = Commander (right hand of the leader) 

Threat level: 

3- Very high

2- High

1- Medium-high 

Note 1: Do not be confused, just because it is level 1 does not mean that it is less dangerous. They are all dangerous in their own way. 

Note 2: I do not own ANY images. They are only for purposes of giving my readers a better idea of the character I am talking about. If you want me to remove any, I will. 


L1: Vandal Savage: Neanderthal who became immortal because he swallowed a meteorite with a unknown energy. Over time he has gone through many phases, from king to philosopher. But since the invasion he began to have dreams of the destruction of the planet. He created the group to prevent this, he will now become savior.


-Enhanced strength, speed and endurance.

-Hyper-regeneration making him immortal.

-Superior intellect

Threat level: 2

C1: Reverse Flash/Eobard Thwane: Comes from the future. His biggest idol was The Flash, and he tried to replicate his powers. But this made his mind twist, turning his love for the hero into complete hatred and obsession. He is not governed by the laws of time, however, there is one event he must always cause if he wants to live, and that is, to kill Flash's mother, so that, Flash can become a superhero. He doesn't believe in Vandal's vision, since he knows that the future is changeable. Even the future where he comes from, doesn't exist anymore because of so many changes he made. However, he is curious about his whole plan, since he knows that such plan would ruin his most hated enemy. And that is something he is happy to see.


-Super speed derived from anti-speedforce.

Threat level: 3

L2: Alexander 'Lex' Luthor: from a young age considered a genius, winning numerous awards and recognitions for various subjects. Lex grew up being wronged by his abusive father, who despite his brilliance, was never enough for his father. Until he met Vandal Savage who taught him that he doesn't need to compare himself to anyone when he can be superior to everyone. He abhors heroes, mainly Superman, as he considers them unfit to have such power in their hands and use it only in foolish altruistic acts. His goal: to prove that even a mere mortal like him can be on top, even of the gods themselves.


- genius level intellect

Threat level: 1

C2: Slade Wilson/Deathstroke: known as the best mercenary in the world. His mission rate is 99%. Trained by the world's best masters in many disciplines, Slade became a one-man army when he was genetically modified with a serum that turned him into a super soldier. He recently signed a long-term contract with Lex Luthor to use his services for The Light. However, money is not his primary motivation. Lex is taking care of his children Rose and Joseph Wilson that he had with his ex-wife Anne. Lex will provide them with the best education, medical care, etc. As long as Lex continues with this, he will give them his eternal loyalty to The Light.


-Serum that turned him into a super soldier

-strength, endurance, speed at superhuman level

-superior intelligence

-Expert level combatant, expert in any weapon.

Threat level: 2

L3: Ra's al Ghoul: leader of the criminal organization called the League of Assassins. He is a person who has lived more than two hundred years, reborn each time through the so-called Lazarus Pit. He has witnessed numerous empires fall, but he continues to lurk in the shadows. But no longer, he believes it is his time to leave his mark in history. His mission is to have the largest empire in the world and leave it to his descendants, so his name will always remain immortal.


-Expert level fighter

-Expert in various weapons

-Expert in combat strategies

Threat level: 2

C3: Talia al Ghoul: Ra's al Ghoul's only daughter, from a young age she has been trained to be the successor to her father's legacy. She lives for three things, her father, the organization and her love, Bruce Wayne, the only man who has been able to defeat her in combat besides her father. She aims to fulfill everything her father asks of her, but deep down, all she wants is to live peacefully with her love and have his children. She is still trying to solve the great dilemma she has.


-Expert level fighter almost like her father

-Expert in various weapons

-Expert in combat strategies

Threat level: 1

L4: Circe: Millenary sorceress. Daughter of the Titan Helios. She was punished by the Gods for siding with the titans in the Titantomachy, punishing her in Tartarus itself. However, she escaped and when she wanted to return home, she saw how the gods had already given her land to the Amazons. Her only purpose is to kill all the Amazons and recover her land. Since, in this place is the weapon to free her sisters from the eternal punishment of Tartarus.


-Expert in magic of all kinds, mainly illusions and enchantments

Threat level: 3

C4: Cheetah/Barbara Ann Minerva: Was a renowned archaeologist, who, cataloging a statue of Mayan origin, this became her a nahuatl. Half human-Half beast. With this curse ceased to be normal, and seeks to reverse it whatever it takes. She hates Wonder Woman because she always thwarts her plans. But she also feels jealous of her for being a powerful woman and keeping herself beautiful and not becoming a beast like her


-Superior strength, speed and endurance

-Feline instincts and behaviors

Threat level: 2

L5 Ultra-Humanite: A gorilla of an experiment where they tortured them and used drugs on them. In that place there were an explosion where many compounds were sprayed that made him become an ape of superior intellect. It also gave him enhanced strength and speed. He freed his ape brothers and, with their intellect, created a similar serum that also gave him superior intellect, founding the secret city called Gorilla City.




-Enhanced strength, speed and endurance.

-Genius level intelligence

Threat level: 3

C5 Gorilla Grodd: Being the strongest of the group of apes as well as their leader, he loves his town, Gorilla City. He does not trust humans, but he knows that their leader is wise and if allying with such humans will bring great benefits to his people, he would unhesitatingly follow his leader.


-minor telepathy

-Enhanced strength, speed and endurance

-Superior intellect

Threat level: 2

L6 Star Sappire/Carol Ferris: Vice President of Ferris Aircraft. In love with pilot Hal Jordan. She was chosen by the gem of power, because of her great love. This made her squirm and think that the lantern corps and the league avoided being together. That is why she allies with Vandal to defeat them so that her beloved can finally be with her. In addition, her sapphire corps leader told her that they needed a new base, and space sector 2814, was ideal for it.


-Force field

-Generation of hard light constructs including crystallization.


-Healing factor

Threat level: 3

C6 Giganta/Doris Zuel: She was working in a small company when she first manifested her powers. She was fired because her co-workers didn't want to work with a 'freak'. This led her into the criminal world, seeing that such a life gave her more riches than an honest job. She was recruited by Carol because of her power, and because she sympathized with her.


-Able to increase its size

-superhuman strength


-endurance and limited invulnerability when is in giant form

Threat level: 2

L7 Ocean Master/Orm Marius: Arthur's half-brother. He grew up in his brother's shadow, where, from a young age, even though he was taught to be king, his mother favored the half atlantean over him. He is tired of seeing the surface people destroy the seas with their pollution and overhunting. He wants to close the seas, and make them his own, as they always should have been.


-superhuman strength, speed and reflexes

-improved swimming

-magical trident capable of controlling storms and sea creatures

-expert fighter

-great military strategist

Threat level: 2

C7 Black Manta/David Hyde: Hates Aquaman, due to the fact that he was the cause of his boat sinking and the death of his father and the other members of the crew. He is not interested in The Light. He only wants to kill Aquaman.


-Enhanced strength

-Ability to breathe in water (through artificial gills)

-High-tech equipment

-laser beams due to the suit

Threat level: 1

L8 Black Adam/Teth Adam: King of Kahndaq. He was put into eternal sleep by the wizard Shazam, but was awakened by his people and other scientists, to prevent countries from stealing and enslaving his people. He has known Vandal for a long time, being friends with him and agrees with his ideas. He only wants his people to be well. Nothing else matters.


-Physical endurance

-Immense wisdom


-Superhuman strength

-Overdeveloped senses

-Superhuman speed

-Magical invulnerability

-Can heal himself through lightning magic

Threat level: 3

C8 Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana: Being a renowned scientist but repudiated for his bad ethics. Since he has no qualms about doing whatever it takes to find the answer of his questions. His eye can see the different energies, being the magic, the most fascinating energy for him. Being in the group that awakened Black Adam, as a thank you he asked him to allow him to investigate the Rock of Eternity. Adam accepted, but he doesn't know where it might be. He is in charge of the CADMUS research.


-Genius-level intellect

-Brilliant inventor

-Expert manipulator and strategist

-Ability to see hidden magic with the left eye.

Threat level: 1

L9: Queen Zazzala/Queen Bee: Heir to the throne after the death of her mother, she has led her nation to become one of the greatest nations in the world by exploiting the great resource they have of Promethium. Intelligent, charismatic, a great leader for her people. But that's not all, she is also one of the world's top criminal minds, head of the secret organization H.I.V.E. the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the underworld. She is in love with her leader Vandal Savage, the only man she has ever been attracted to, and who has resisted her "pollen" without superior powers. She firmly believes in Vandal's plan, swearing eternal loyalty to him.


-expert level fighter

-'pollen' that allows him to enchant and hypnotize people

Threat level: 1

C9: Lady Shiva/Sandra Wu-San: Melee expert, being considered at her young age by many as the best fighter in the world. Although she does not use weapons or know how to use them, this is not necessary for her to kill a group of people easily, as her simple hands are considered her greatest weapon. She is an expert in 'chi', the use of the inner energy that every human has, thus enhancing her body to almost superhuman levels. She has an undying loyalty to Zazzala because it was her mother who took her and her sister off the streets as children and into martial arts training. In addition, Zazzala uses many important resources in the treatment of her younger sister, who has a rare disease that put her in a coma for many years. For all this and more, Shiva will continue to do whatever her queen asks of her without question or hesitation.


-Expert level fighter better than Ra's or Deathstroke.

-Expert in chi-control

Threat level: 2

L10 Dr. Polaris/Neil Emerson: A renowned surgeon, he was totally disowned from his job for an operation that went wrong. He was sued and the hospital blamed him alone. In his anger, he awakened his powers and destroyed the hospital, killing everyone in the process. Vandal recruited him for his great potential and power, promising him riches and power. Which he readily accepted.


- magnetokinesis

Threat level: 3

C10 Solomon Grundy/Cyrus Gold: In the late 19th century, a wealthy merchant named Cyrus Gold is murdered and his body is dumped in Slaughter Swamp, near Gotham City. Fifty years later, the corpse is reanimated as a zombie with almost no memory of his past life. He was recruited by Dr. Polaris, enslaving him to be his loyal soldier with his power of magnetokinesis and Circe's magic.


-Physical endurance

-Superhuman strength

-Ability to return from the dead

Threat level: 2

L11 Count Vertigo/Werner Zytle: Being of the royal family of Vlatava. This is the next successor to be king, besides his cousin the king. He doesn't like how his people are being ruled and knows that he will do better than his soft cousin. So he started a civil war, to usurp the throne. Vandal recruited him and promised him that Vlatava was going to become bigger and more glorious.


-Excellent melee combat

-Magnetic boots allowing it to fly

-Vertigo effect to alter the balance of others and induce dizziness or nausea

Threat level: 1

C11 Merlyn/Thomas Merlyn: Being a world-renowned mercenary. Vertigo hires him to be his bodyguard. He hates Green Arrow as he thinks, NO, he knows he is better than said superhero in the bow.


-expert level fighter

-great marksmanship with the bow

Threat level: 1

L12 Mordru: Lord of Chaos and brother of Nabu. He was Merlin's pupil along with Morgana, Arthur and Nabu. However, he became so powerful in his chaos magic that he surpassed his master by far. He could only be stopped by his brother with the help of the Lords of Order, splitting his soul in three, and keeping them in three different containers. Thanks to Vandal he has recovered 2/3 of his soul, but one part is hidden in Gemworld, the world of the homo-magis. He can't get there because of his brother's magic. His only wish is to complete his soul and return to his power. And his friend Vandal will help him to achieve it.


- Invulnerability


-super strength

-matter control

-high speed healing of serious wounds

-able to generate spells and incantations.

Threat level: 3

C12 Emerald Empress/ Cera Kesh: Faithful follower of her master. She searched and found the first part of her master's soul, awakening him from his eternal sleep. She is a great sorceress, having a magical artifact called 'the all-seeing eye' or the Emerald Eye of Ekron. It allows her to enhance her magical powers.


-Through Ekron's Emerald Eye, they possess its almost unlimited power to use abilities such as flight, energy projection, youth retention, etc.

-The artifact can also enhance the user's magic abilities.

Threat level: 2

L13 Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley: Pam suffered an accident that bonded her with the great green, having the ability to control plants. She hates humans because they destroy the Earth. She joins Vandal because of their like-mindedness, and because she knows that by helping him she can achieve her dream of having a green earth again.


-Control and manipulation of all kinds of plants

-Chlorophyll instead of blood

-Absolute control of pheromones

-Generates natural toxins

-Superhuman strength

Threat level: 3

C13 Catwoman/Selina Kyle: Expert thief and friend of Pam. She was recruited for her stealth and combat skills. She accepted because her feline instincts told her that joining them was the winning side. Unfortunately that would upset her beloved Bat, but she was a survivor. She always chose the winning side.


-Great athlete

-Expert thief

-Cat-like agility

-Expert in hand-to-hand combat

Threat level: 1

L14 The Thinker/ Clifford Devoe: Being a genius mainly in mathematics and computer science. Clifford became a miserable accountant as his job did not appreciate him enough. Thinking better of it, he decided to use his great intellect for the better and started making money illegally, hacking into banks, etc. The police got wind of this and searched for him, but just before they caught him, he suffered an accident that left him mentally unstable. All his intelligence was gone. Tired of this, he created a machine that would make him think better. This machine was connected to the internet itself, having all the knowledge of the world at his disposal. Over the years, feeling powerful, he began to improve this machine, becoming a being connected to all the servers in the world. He wants to study the Motherbox, as this tool can catapult him to the top. He is jealous of Cyborg because he feels he does not deserve such power.



-Genius level intellect

Threat level: 2

C14 Cyborg Superman/Hank Henshaw: Formerly a fan of Superman, he began to hate him when he asked for Superman's help in a raid, but he never got it. The raid went wrong and he almost died. He was saved by The Thinker and turned into a half-robot, half-human machine. His mission is to become the Superman the world needs. Powers/Skills:

-The same as Superman, but to a lesser extent derived from his robotic body. 

Threat level: 3

L15 Killer Frost/Caitlin Snow: Dr. Caitlin Snow suffered an accident, studying in an absolute zero chamber that turned her into a metahuman with ice powers. This accident twisted her mind and gave her an evil alter ego. Vandal recruited her for her great potential and power, promising her riches like no other. She readily accepted. Powers/Skills:

-Handling and ice generation capacity

Threat level: 3

C15 Livewire: Having a similar accident, she became a metahuman with electrical powers. She befriended Killer Frost in prison. Vandal freed them both and they agreed to join his group.


-Manipulation of electricity

Threat level: 3