
Chapter 1: The Biological Son of the Kents

_The Atlantic Ocean_

_At The Bottom of The Ocean_

A young teenager could be seen sleeping at the bottom of one of the biggest oceans in the world, he had a slight smile on his face and his eyebrows kept moving as though he was having a pleasant dream.

Strangely enough, the underwater animals seemed to avoid where he was as they swam away, minding their own business.

"Hmmm... Ugh..."

After a couple seconds, Noah groaned slightly as he woke up from his rather deep sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, only to realise that he was actually underwater.

However, instead of panicking, Noah sighed and massaged his temples in frustration.

'Give me a break, I can't believe I did it again, but this time I'm fucking underwater. Can't I simply dream in peace?', he helplessly complained in his mind.

This had become a rather common occurrence for Noah, whenever he dreamt, his subconscious would teleport him to a place resembling what he had seen in his dream and if such a place didn't exist in his planet or universe, he could even be teleported to another universe with a scene similar to that of his dream.

This time he dreamt that he was a merman warrior battling against a sea monster in the atlantic ocean and now, he woke up at the bottom of the atlantic ocean.

It might seem impossible to the average person, but for Noah, he has learned that nothing is impossible ever since he died and transmigrated to the DC Universe 15 years ago.

Once an average university student, he died in a car accident and was reborn as the biological son of Martha and Jonathan Kent, 10 years after they found and adopted Kal-El.

Noah was shocked at first to learn that he had transmigrated and become Superman's Younger Brother, but years passed and he accepted and adapted to the situation.

[Ding! Today is the Host's 15th birthday, The Host's power has reached the High-Multiversal Tier and will therefore, be granted the power of Nigh-Omniscience!]

[Host, this power is currently at its lowest level, but will grow more powerful as the Host's grows. So, for now, it can only be activated by touching the things you want to know about and the information will be limited, it might also be passively activated in the form of random visions of the future or the past or the present]

A blue holographic screen suddenly popped up in front of Noah while he was brooding.

'For the love of God, aren't I overpowered enough,' although Noah thought this, his face showed a small smile which he quickly hid.

When Noah was born 15 years ago, he awakened a system called the Three Os System and was granted Nigh-Omnipotence. It was explained by the system that he would be able to do literally almost anything he desired and would possess infinite physical strength and speed, however because he was a baby at that time, it was limited to small things such as punching planets into oblivion, creating forests and animals out of nowhere and so on. But as he grew, the power grew with him and now, even he was unable to measure his full power, but as the system just stated not long ago, he could now be defined as a High-Multiversal Existence.

There was however, a downside to his power, he couldn't control it, he didn't have any profound understanding of the concept of Nigh-Omnipotence as a human was never meant to possess such power.

At the age of 8, his power had grown to the point where a slight mistake on his part could end up destroying his entire universe, so he did something somewhat similar to his favorite overpowered protagonist from an anime he watched in his past life. He created a high-tech-looking chip which he attached to the back of his neck to help him suppress his power to a certain degree.

Though even then, he couldn't fully control his power in its suppress form, but it was easier than when it was completely uncontrollable and unpredictable.

'I now possess Nigh-Omniscience as well, though it seems to be at it's lowest level for now, I'm sure it will grow stronger and then I will finally be able to gain profound understanding of my power and how to control it,' Noah thought, his eyes full of anticipation.

'Now to get the hell out of here, mom and dad are probably worried sick,' he stood up from the underwater ground and with a slight bend of his legs, he flew upwards at supersonic speeds and out of the ocean with a big splash.


Boom!! Boom!!!

Effortlessly exceeding the speed of light, he flew straight to his home, the Kent Farm, leaving powerful sonic booms behind in the air and causing great destructions to the areas he passed by.


_ Half a Milisecond Later_

_Smallville, Kent House_

"I'm home...," Noah opened the door casually, dripping wet from head to toe.

He was expecting to see the worried faces of his parents and older brother. However, he saw them eating breakfast and discussing without a care in the world and his eyes twitched.

"Oh, hi dear, you must be hungry, come join us," his mother, Martha, said with a bright smile. She didn't even question why he was dripping wet.

Noah sighed before going to join them at the table, still dripping wet. He didn't even know why he was surprised by their unworried reaction, when you grow up living around an alien child and a child with literally god-like power, you'd be forced to accept abnormaility as normality.

"Where were you, I didn't hear you anywhere near the country? Did you wake up on another planet again?," Clark asked with curiosity. His super hearing could cover the entire country, but he still didn't hear Noah.

"I was at the bottom of the atlantic ocean," Noah replied, applying butter to his toast, his face expressionless.

"You didn't bring back any fish?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't think I saw any edible fish down there, I'll go buy some from the fish market today, anyway, what were you guys talking about?" Noah answered, munching on his toast.

"Uhm... We've decided that you should come live with me in Metropolis for a while," Clark chimed in, patting Noah's shoulder.

Noah's indifferent eyes widened and he turned to look at his parents, who looked too guilty to look him in the eye.

"Are you guys okay with this? Did you agree?," he asked.

Jonathan sighed, " Your mother and i have given it some thought and It'll do you some good to go out of smallville and live in the big city for a change, your education will be a lot better there than it is here."

"Your father and I can handle the farmwork, don't worry about that and you can fly or teleport here in an instant whenever you want, it'll be like you never left,"

Noah gave it some thought and he realised that he didn't want to stay in a small town like smallville for the rest of his life and he was also curios to see the great city of tomorrow, Metropolis.

He glanced at Clark and nodded slightly, "Fine, but when are we leaving?".

"In three days, I'll have you enrolled in Metropolis High tomorrow, so you can start the next week."