
DC: Lucas Queen

Jonathan Green a comic book and literature lover gets reincarnated into the body of Oliver Queen's twin brother, Lucas Queen. Fun right being rich and all, being able to live the life of luxury for a while until the yacht crashes, train, and prepare. Wrong Jonathan or should I say Lucas gets Reincarnated the day of the Yacht crash seconds before it happens, the island changes people, how will it change Lucas? ------- This is going to be ff of the whole Dc verse but mainly focused on arrow in the beginning. he will be kind of like an anti-hero he is very opportunistic and won't mind fighting the good guys. and he and his brother will often clash in fights. *nothing DC or tv show related is mine all rights to the owners of Dc*

Booggie · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
74 Chs

Press announcement

A/N: sorry for not uploading for a couple of days, I have been trying to figure out how I want to deal with some things arrow verse-wise.


Today was the day of the press release, I'm taking a position in the company so Oliver doesn't need to do that whole fake drunk thing.

I was putting on my shirt when Thea burst into the room, I heard he gasp behind me.

So I guess I am the one she saw scared this time.

"What happened!" she exclaimed, I heard her steadily approaching me

"Wow, you really know how to knock huh?" I replied snarkily

"Don't joke around, did this happen on the island," she said stopping me from putting on my shirt

I felt her touch some of my burns from when I first turned, they never go away. I turned to face her, a small smile was on my face, "yes, I told you the island wasn't forgiving,"

"What happened? you and Oliver come back with scars and tattoos and don't say anything," she said softly

"We went through something no one should, I don't wish to talk about it but, when I do want to I will talk to you first," I replied smiling down at her

Thea looked at me with narrowed eyes then stated, "You better,"

I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, "I will. Now let me get dressed,"

"Fine fine I'm leaving! Good luck with the press," she called out while leaving

I chuckled softly to myself and then started to finally put my shirt on. Once I was all dressed and proper looking, I headed out of the house, Moira and Walter are already there probably dealing with the early crowds and business partners.

Dembe was of course with me, I have to admit I like him, he will definitely be the first vampire I sire when I figure out how to free them from the evil diabolical sun.

Finally, we arrived the sun wasn't really out today so I wasn't directly getting tortured, I swear if I could destroy the fucking sun I would.

Instantly I was bombarded by the familiar flashes of cameras pointing at me. I strode confidently up to the little stage.

I hugged Moira and she whispered, "you got this,"

"Thanks, mom," I replied with a radiant smile

Clasping Walters's hand we went into a short hug he said a few words of encouragement, "you got this, we are here to support you,"

I stood in front of the microphones, so many humans were watching me waiting for me to address them.

"Today we celebrate the reintroduction of a Queen into Queen Consolidated, I have waited for this day for so long, my father was a great man and he lead this company to greatness and I plan to do the same. I have taken the CEO position, with Walter Steele as my right-hand man there to guide me through this new path in my life, and I am confident my father is watching me even now proud of what I am and what I will become," I spoke clearly and calmly to the masses

"What about Oliver? What is he doing!?" one of the reporters asked

"My brother has set his sights on other options, I'm sure you all will learn about it soon, he, unfortunately, wasn't interested in the family business at this time, and he might never want to, but I am here to tell you all I will lead this company to the best of my abilities with the aid I have, you will be hearing great things about Queen Consolidated very soon, thank you for your time!" I finished off with a small wave and a smile

While walking off the stage I patted Walter on the shoulder and said, "We should have a meeting soon to sort all of this out,"

"We will schedule it," Walter nodded

"Aha, well good luck with the reporters," I chuckled and left with Dembe making a path for me his presence alone created a dome the reporters didn't dare to pass

As soon as we got into the car Dembe started to drive, we listened to some music and the silence was comfortable.

"It was a good speech today," Dembe said in his serious face but I could tell he meant it

Relaxing in my seat I replied, "Thanks, you really think so?"

"Yes, I liked it," he nodded

"Where to?" he asked me, I just now realized we didn't have a destination in mind

"Home, they are taking away our graves today, I want to see them before they are taken down," I replied while calmly going through my phone

Dembe and I reached the house, I left for the graves I wanted to see them all before the crew was there.

As I approached the backyard I saw Thea and Oliver having their talk, so I waited this was a good bonding moment for the both of them.

Soon they both left, and I walked forward. I stood in front of my grave beside it Olivers and Dads stood.

It was a little heartbreaking to see this sight, I didn't know him for long since I took over Lucas's body or maybe my memories just didn't awaken until then I'm not sure.

But I loved him, he was my father the father that sacrificed himself so Oliver and I could live, and I will never forget that.

I bent down and ran my fingers over the stone, I traced the letters engraved into it, and I soaked in the sight, it might not seem like much, but it was meaningful in ways words can not describe.

"I love you," my words were soft but so many emotions carried within them

"Oliver might be fulfilling your will in a sort, your dying wish your bucket list, but I will carry your memory forever, I will forge my own path a path of greatness," I continued

Standing up I walked back toward the house, my shoulders felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted from me.

I guess talking does help.

Later that night, we all ate dinner together It was rather boring we just made some small talk, Moira kept pestering Oliver about what he is going to do with his life, and Walter stayed mostly quiet.

"Oliver you can't do nothing," she said once again

Rolling my eyes I focused on my death battle with the garlic on my plate, the smell burnt my nostrils, and every time I opened my mouth my throat felt itchy.

This sucks.

Deciding to just say fuck it, I started to kind of spread my food around to make it seem like I ate most of my meal, it was bad manners but it's either that or death.

Heh, I sound like a child, manners this manners that, it's just weird I don't act like an aristocrat or noble like those cheesy vampire stories, but I am obsessed with cleanliness and proper manners.

I blame whatever the hell turned me into a vampire.

After dinner the crew was there to remove both of our graves, Oliver stood at my side watching them, it was a strange experience, to say the least.

"It's kind of weird watching this," I said to him

"Yeah, I thought it would be calming, but it's just strange," Oliver replied nodding his head slightly

"Yeah, strange very strange, I can't help but think what if I didn't make it? What if we didn't make it, they would have never known," I said calmly

"I spoke to Thea today," Oliver changed the subject

"Really? How did it go?" I asked

"Decent, well rather good actually, I think we are making headway," Oliver said happily

"That's good," I nodded

"Sigh, let's go back," Oliver said turning around

"Yeah, you don't want to miss your vigilante work," I said in a teasing tone

He just shot me a glare.

Tomorrow is the big auction event where Deadshot shoots up the place, it's also where Oliver planted the 'evidence' that he is the arrow.

I decided to go back to my room and continue my studying in the current business trends, I want to do something big that will be looked at positively and make a large amount of money.

I was thinking about doing something like new types of smartphones, Technology is a big player in all worlds, and since it's 2012 right now I think this is the optimal time to start releasing new and improved Phones, Tablets, laptops, Pcs, the whole works.

At the same time, I want to shift into investments as well because if I remember correctly some good stuff will be rising in stocks in these next couple of years.

Now another thing that is important is this universe's businesses, Lex corp is already a massive company and I don't want to get into business with that bald fuck. And Wayne industries might as well be a fortress with Batman watching it.

I was into the Dc universe but I wasn't majorly into it, I don't know the businesses or other important money-making opportunities.

I might be able to make some moves in clean energy and alternate energy, maybe rip off tesla here and there with car designs.

So for right now, I need to position myself to be in a good spot and gain an incredible public opinion.

But most importantly, I need to act in my vigilante duties while also appearing in public, and I am not letting Deadshot ruin my auction event.

Oh.. Or maybe I can let him ruin the auction event, I can 'protect' my family and take a bullet for them, the poison not affecting me will be difficult to sell, but I can make it work.

And that way the whole Diggle and Oliver drama will still happen, and I get brownie points.

That's a good plan, a great plan even, just need to iron out some of the finer details, then I will be ready to go.


A/N: so I'm stuck with what I want to do with the glade incident, correct me if I'm wrong if mc deals with Malcolm he would effectively stop it?