
Chapter 142: Motive

"Madam Waller, it was not just an important subject sent on your orders to go after Superman... that was our last resort, the last chance if America faced a grave threat! A being capable of altering the course of any war by his mere presence, and thanks to you, America lost that! You were entrusted with this due to your merits, and this is what we got!"

General Samuel Lane shouted.

"But you got Superman's DNA, didn't you?"

She replied and was unfazed by the provocation.

"More likely Supergirl's."

He said, clearly irritated.

"We have good scientists, and now we have a potential source of power that rivals 'The Ghost', provided we utilize it correctly. Yes, we lost..."

"You lost."

General Samuel interjected angrily, but she continued as if he hadn't spoken.

"—an important asset, but it was impossible to replicate. It was like a nuclear bomb with an energy source unknown to us, but now we might be able to create slightly different nuclear bombs using our technology. We are still an advantage."

She calmly conveyed her thoughts while inwardly cursing him.

The loss of 'The Ghost' was... unexpected.

A comparison between Superman and The Ghost led researchers to think that the latter was very likely to win even against Supergirl and Superman or at least force a draw to get DNA.

They got the blood but lost the subject... his last known location was Gotham, but their men couldn't find him.

'The Ghost' also sent photographs through an implant to show Wonder Woman... which also gave them an idea of what happened.

They worked together.


"You've definitely become more dangerous."

Diana said this after blocking my strike and being sent crashing into the wall of the sparring room where I was training Lena and the others.

"He was strong before, probably on par with us, but he's a magician or mage, not a fighter... or so it seemed."

Kara said, her eyes glowing red as two laser beams shot straight at my chest.

"Well, I haven't been idle... that's a low blow."

I remarked while catching Lena's dainty foot as she tried to kick Tony Jr. at over twenty mach speed.

"You'll live."

She replied, blowing a freezing gust of wind in my direction to cover me in ice.

"Divide! Divide! Now it's my turn, Administrator-kun... Don't think we're trying to beat you up because of your long absence..."

Shinoa smiled.

I felt that part of my power had left me, but I could also resist it thanks to my manipulation of reality.

"I feel... I feel immense power coursing through my body! Take this!"

She exclaimed while sending an energy slash with her scythe at me.

"Well, I thought it would have some effect."

She pouted when she saw that I hadn't moved and hadn't defended myself... yet the strike hadn't hurt me at all.

"It does have an effect. After binding the Sacred Gear to your soul, your attacks immediately became a third stronger, and that's far from the limit, and using 'Divide' pushes that limit even further."

"Just like legs..."

Shen nodded to herself, seemingly amused by her own thoughts.


I rolled my eyes.

"Clark, don't just stand there."

I said, looking at him.

"It's just that I rarely find myself in a place where I can't see through anything... makes me feel... normal."

Hen said this while inspecting the room.

"Come on, attack. That big alien Shrek beat you up recently. You seem to need more training, but you quickly picked up the last techniques."

I taunted him while beckoning him with my hand.

He advanced towards me with a sigh while trying to land a punch on my handsome face.

"Clark, don't hold back."

I said while dodging his punch and delivering a blow to his stomach to send him flying just like Diana earlier.

"This room is magically reinforced and can absorb kinetic energy extremely well... even if you hit hard enough to break the Earth, the impact would be dispersed."

"Well, if you say so..."

Clark got serious and charged at me with enough speed to circle the Earth in half a minute.

He expected me to move out of the way or counter, but he hit me head-on and bounced off like he hit a wall.

"Cousin, you need to punch, not just crash into him..."

Kara teased.

"Alright, alright."

He accelerated again to launch a full-on attack.

We exchanged blows at super speeds, and Clark was clearly taking more hits.

"To battle!"

Diana jumped in to seize the moment.

The lasso was around my arm, and she yanked it, which changed the path of my punch just enough for Clark to hit me hard in the face.

"Working together? That's good, but still not enough. Attack together."

I said while pulling Diana closer and giving her a playful slap on her firm behind...

She kicked me in the jaw in response, but it caused me no harm.

Lena, Kara, Clark, and Shinoa attacked me for the next hour while I countered their moves.

In the end, they took the impact of the beatings.

"You're a monster, Administrator-kun..."

Shinoa voiced the collective thought with her messy pink hair.

"He's my brother, of course he is."

Lena said proudly while hugging me but refraining from anything more.

"We work well together, and we should give our team a name."

Shinoa suddenly suggested.

"A name?"

Clark echoed.

"Exactly! We are a team of superheroes! How about the Squad of Light?! Or... the Sacred Five?! We also have Zatanna and possibly Lena-chan."

Shinoa glanced at Lenna.

"Then... the League of Victors?"

"We can think about the name later, but you're right that we need better organization for our team. You've already faced an alien capable of fighting on par with Clark and Kara, and there are even stronger beings out there. But that's a topic for another time..."

I paused, giving everyone a moment to ponder my words.

"Talia, what do you think?"

I looked at my right hand within the ranks of the assassins...

This assassin had managed to talk with Lena about various topics and with Cortana during my absence.

They knew she was from the League of Assassins and it was hard not to know when Cortana didn't hide information if asked.

I saw no reason not to invite her here, and she wouldn't betray me anyway because I was fairly confident about that now.

After witnessing this, she understood that going against me would be stupid... not that she intended to, but still.

"This is madness..."

She said this while looking around and grasping the difference in power between a regular person and someone like Shinoa.

"Master, a cocktail?"

Cortana walked in... She was dressed in rather revealing clothing, with her nipples visible.

She also came for training with her sword.

After the first few sessions where she got used to her body, she didn't need it, but she still came.

"I won't refuse."

I thanked her with a quick kiss on the corner of her lips and tasted the drink.

Clark blushed furiously and turned away...

"Mmm, delicious."

"Let me try."

Lena approached me and started sipping the cocktail from the same straw.

"Indeed, very tasty. Thank you... although you did this to make Tony pounce on you right here, didn't you?"

She saw through Cortana's "evil" plan.


She lied very unconvincingly.

"Ahem... I should probably go."

Clark coughed into his fist, his cheeks and ears bright red.

"Kara, don't forget to come home on time this time, or at least tell our parents in advance and about the team... I'm not against it. I faced that Ghost head-on and it's best to have a backup in the form of good and reliable allies."

He said this while glancing again at Cortana before quickly turning to leave.

"You scared him with your provocative appearance."

I concluded.

"I was preparing for you, Master."

Cortana embraced me intimately.

"Hmm. Anthony, Ares's plans are becoming increasingly problematic. Now we have more people, and we can definitely take him on."

Diana said this while approaching me very closely.

"He's your relative, considering you're Zeus's daughter."

I reminded her.

"Yes... my mother admitted it was true... and she was very angry with you... but I convinced her it wasn't your fault! That she shouldn't have kept that information from me in the first place."

She explained.

"However, I don't care that Ares is my relative. He has caused a lot of suffering to my sisters and must face justice especially if he wants to bring chaos to the world again."

"Let's beat up a god!"

Kara raised her hand.

"An alien just beat you and Clark recently, so you better be more cautious."

Lena said this with her hand running through her hair.

"And Tony... don't do anything foolish. I love you."

She simply said that and kissed me without caring about anyone else in the room.

It had been a day since I returned home and started re-engaging with LuthorCorp and the issues.

That "Ghost" turned out to be a pale imitation of Kryptonians because his bodies were somewhat similar but still far inferior.

Ghost's race lived on a planet in another sector with a yellow star, like our sun.

They were at war with a neighboring planet inhabited by their kind who had migrated there...

However, the war destroyed both planets, and the Green Lanterns arrived to intervene.

However, there was no peaceful resolution, and the survivors attacked the "Green Lantern Cops," leading to their near destruction.

This Ghost was one of the last of his kind.

He himself was not particularly fond of fighting but had no fear about bloodshed, as he demonstrated by following government orders when they dropped him like a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki.

He was a significant "asset" to the US Government and knew it, but he liked his situation.

He was given food and had full internet access... he was quite the internet troll.

I decided to slightly change his personality and release him to prevent the US from clinging to him out of fear of losing a creature capable of saving them in their darkest hour.



Zatanna appeared in our bedroom using teleportation while catching my "little Tony" exploring the depths of Lena…

"We're kind of busy here."

I said when glancing at Zatanna over Lena's shoulder, who was lying on me with her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

"... you know, I'm really jealous right now."

She pulled out her wand from somewhere.

"But… fine, I finally found a clue where that witch Alura is, so I'll be tolerant with what I'm seeing…"

She muttered.


Lena turned to her when she recovered and immediately got off me, causing my tool to exit her tight hole.

She covered herself with a blanket.

"She's already seen everything, and it's time to strengthen your relationships…"

I lifted Zatanna using magical telekinesis.

"Hey! I'm not going to…"

I kissed her sweet lips, causing her to beat me with her hands, but she calmed down and responded to the kiss after a few seconds.

Lena just rolled her eyes beside us, and I could almost feel her thinking.

"Brother-Casanova, what else did I expect from him."

Even though I sensed some jealousy, Lena loved me too much. She was already preparing to have a fun time with the aroused Zatanna.

"Alura… in Paracelsus's sword."

Zatanna said this before I entered her.

"Oh, fine… Let's talk about this later…"

She bit her lip and started riding my tool.

"I see you have sensitive nipples."

Lena said while pulling her nipple with her fingers, causing her inner muscles to tighten around me.


I leaned towards her for a kiss.

After I filled Zatanna, I resumed to satisfy Lena.

However, I noticed a mischievous Kara peeking at our lovemaking after a while.

I used a spell that allowed her to see for her while Clark wouldn't witness this debauchery.

"Rascals… without me!"

Shinoa burst into the room.

After that, Cortana joined us to receive the Master's love... thus, a passionate group session with my beloved girls ensued.

Lena even had no objections and somehow got into the "rhythm," caressing their sensitive areas.

Shinoa did this with desire.

However, the main attraction remained my member and the spell that could create a mini-portal capable of sending my tool into several cozy spots.

The only one missing was Rias, but I had thoroughly satisfied her in her world so she wouldn't be "starving" for at least a week.


It was now time to rest, and afterward...

As Talia had informed me, I needed to investigate in Athens where Ares was located.

Speaking of Talia, she saw the girls entering my room and was extremely jealous... as well as puzzled about what Lena was doing there.

 But soon, a very loud moan from Lena "accidentally" reached Talia... accidentally... yeah, right.

Moreover, there is also Zatanna's father who seems to be in another dimension or somewhere else.

I don't know for sure, and trusting the comics completely would be foolish.

There are plenty of matters to do, and I will have plenty to keep me busy after a bit of rest.



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