
DC: Bounty Hunting

Who said bounty hunting was bad? There's a lot of sh*tty people that need to meet sh*tty endings. What's more sh*ttier than a bullet to the face? I am Nature. I am your end. I eat cupcakes.

Travo · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
10 Chs

Path to Magic

"Everyone, pass up your permission slips." Dr. Hollow, the Biology teacher, said before dismissing everyone from the period. Dr. Hollow had a serious approach to schooling and his credentials were good enough to teach in even more prestigious academies. Many were wondering why he stayed behind in Gotham of all places.

Price took out the piece of paper from one of his folders. He momentarily scanned the information on the slip as if he was hesitating turning it in. He focused on the words "full-day field trip". Was S.T.A.R. Labs important enough for him to not only sacrifice his bounty hunting but also his homework time?

'No.' He decided firmly.

Although he wished with all his heart to feel normal, the rational part of him wanted to get stronger quickly. There was a heavy weight on his chest that pushed him to work harder than he had in years. Being normal is a death wish.

Price quickly put the permission slip back into his folder and caught the attention of the teacher.

"Mr. Baxter, is that the permission slip?" Dr. Hollow reached out his hand for it.

"Yeah but I forgot to get it signed." Price lamented.

Dr. Hollow retracted his hand away from the paper and into Price's shoulder. He then turned to the class and said, "This is the importance of keeping a planner for everything! As you grow older and have more responsibilities to keep, you will realize that you can't memorize every single thing."

Dr. Hollow then went on a rant about how important the field trip was to understanding the implementations of Biology and how Price is going to miss out on a lot of things.

"Remember to take this as a lesson Price. I'll take pictures on what I can and show them to you later." Dr. Hollow finished speaking and went back to collecting the permission slips. Seeing that, everyone went back to talking to their friends.

"Thank you Dr. Hollow." Price said.

However, a certain red-haired girl next to Price was more interested in the situation. She whispered to him, "I saw that your paper was signed, why did you lie?"

And for the first time since the beginning of his life on this Earth, Price wanted to kill someone really bad. Why was she so nosy? Why couldn't she leave him alone?

"I don't want to go." Price said while putting his belongings into the bag.

Price made it clear that he didn't want to associate but he also feared that if he was too fierce, he would get her attention even more. Maybe she would expose him out of spite. He had to tread carefully.

Price put on his backpack and left the room. Since this was his last period, he had to head to his school bus. Price was particularly excited because he could now purchase the two items he had been saving up for.

He started about two years ago and hadn't made any big purchases ever since. Price chanced upon a Personal Gift labeled 'Interlude to Magic Manipulation' when he accidently hunted a de-powered fairy. He was originally excited to become a bonified wizard but was met with the problem of no talent.

All the magical effects he managed to pull of were there due to the system's manipulation. For example, Price had around four-hundred fire-ball cards in his inventory. He was able to do the same things as a normal magician but it was only do to the cards in the inventory.

The race he happened to be put in lacked the talents to manipulate energy. Infact, he didn't even have the right bodily systems to communicate with nature. But from what Price read on the interlude, humans could use magic but they couldn't produce it. They used words to communicate with energy that is outside their bodies.

Price could become a magician easily with the help of the system. However, Price would be extremely defenseless in places that didn't abide by the language of Magic. Therefore, Price focused on creating magic within his body and manipulating energy that gets produced in it. He would essentially be relying on only his body to save his life.

Price had scoured the System Hub for to accomplish these goals and he recently had enough credits to purchase the two things needed to do so.

Price was so excited, he quickly hoped on board the board. Now do to the limitations of money, Price could only roll for the first item. A Magic Core.

The magic cores supplied by the system were essentially ones dragons or other mythical beings had. The power contained in the cores enabled dragons to be one of the strongest apex predators in an Earth filled with gods and demons. It is an understatement to say that these cores would be crazy expensive.

Luckily for Price, the moment he picked up the 'Interlude to Magic Manipulation', the system brought not only a sale but also a raffle for a single core.


[Purchasing items on Wishlist - #1]

[Starting Spin] [ord Magic Core ↼ Eternal Remembrance Magic Core ↼ Lightest Ra]

[Congratulations, you've received [A] Magic Core: Eternal Remembrance]

[Purchasing items on Wishlist - #2]

[Balance: 788¤]

[Thank you for purchasing from the System Hub]


At times like this, Price wonders whether there are other bounty hunters out there. But at the same time, Price had a sneaking suspicion that he was alone in this world and that these kind messages were the last shred of sympathy shown to him by whoever dropped him on Earth.


Price felt the word fit him well. He didn't dread it as much as he used to in the past. There was a lot of things one can do alone. He could amass credits alone. He could save more money alone. He could live quietly alone.

Price turned his head back to the screen and touched the [Recently Purchased] tab.


[Magic Core: Eternal Remembrance] [A]

[Classification: Support]

[Attributes: Death, Ice]

[Description: Eternal slumber awaits those who oppose the praetor. With the soul of the Necropolis Lich King Arthas, the source of corruption, and the dedication of the nefarious, every move shall be remembered. When used, the presence of Frostmourne can be witnessed]

[Attribute 1: Increases Life-span by 10-20 years depending on compatibility. Effective immediately]

[Attribute 2: Blood won't flow out of cuts and slashes. Body is in a constant freezing state]

[Attribute 3: Compresses negative energy into droplets of usable energy. People might find this intimidating if core is not turned off.]

[Attribute 4: The aura of Death will be visible around anyone who takes a life. Killing these people will increase the death-force in the core]

[Daily Mana Production: 100,000 Units]

[Death Force Storage Capacity: 100,000 Souls]

[Usage Method: Take orally]

[Warning: This implant has extremely painful side-effects when used. If mental condition isn't stable, loss of self-control will be probable. On the upside, no noticeable side-effects will emerge when not active. The human body might collapse if used too often due to the dynamic temperature change. Too much Death-Force can cause a weak soul to be corrupted]

[Price: 10,100¤]


[Magic Extension: Magic Circuits] [N/A]

[Classification: Supplement]

[Attributes: Fluid]

[Description: Pseudo-nervous systems that allow mana to be carried in various ways. Normally, the Magic Circuits use Life-Force in exchange for phenomenas however, if there is an alternate source of power, it can be used as well. The pathway's quality and quantity determine the power output]

[Quantity: 10] [Quality: S]

[Attribute 1: Eliminates the need to chant words of power for spells lower than tier-two. Increase quality or quantity to higher the tier]

[Attribute 2: Magic rejuvenation increases almost one fold]

[Maximum Mana Output: 100 Units]

[Usage Method: Patch on Ushnisha]

[Warning: The use of magic circuits are unnatural to the body. Using these circuits increase the body temperature. Once broken, cannot be repaired]

[Price: 7,900¤][Sale: 50%]
