
DC: Apprenticed in Glory

When Courtney Whitmore - known to the world as Stargirl - finally joins the Justice League, she can't be any happier! She's finally in the big leagues, and to make things even better, Wonder Woman herself is going to take this young lady under her wing! There's a lot that Diana Prince can teach Courtney, from the hard lessons that come with being a crimefighter to the more sensual, intimate studies of the pleasures an Amazon can bring to her tender protegee. (Futa/F, Grooming) Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review of what you like and any complaints you might have.

Mad_man13 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

This was how the Amazons celebrated after a victory, and yet Courtney Whitmore couldn't help but wonder if they all blushed quite this much. What was the poor girl to do, stepping into the lavish shower with her hand snugly fit within Wonder Woman's, stepping barefoot onto the smooth tile and feeling as exposed as she ever had in her life? She still hadn't even cautioned a look at Diana's lower half after the Amazon discarded her towel, still far, far too shy and keeping her head firmly lifted to take in the sights of the shower instead. Fortunately for her, there was plenty to see.

The personal shower of Diana Prince on the Justice League Watchtower was an indulgent affair, easily bigger than Courtney's bedroom back home and quite possibly the single most luxurious thing she'd ever witnessed. An opaque glass wall surrounded it on three sides with the master bedroom's wall sitting on the fourth, and worked into the framework were several showerheads all pointing into the center to provide a torrential downpour of water. In the center of it all there was a marble bench as smooth and comfortable-looking as one could be, easily big enough for three, maybe four different people while still leaving plenty of room on all sides for those that wished to stand. Within arm's reach of the bench was a marble podium with the same Greek-inspired design as the bench itself, holding an embarrassment of riches as far as lotions, shampoos, and loofahs went. The shower was downright scandalous in its shameless indulgence, but who would ever deny that Wonder Woman deserved it? Certainly not the fifteen-year-old Stargirl, who was simply honored to stand there alongside her mentor.

"...wow," Courtney whispered, her hand reflexively tightening within the older woman's grasp. For the briefest of moments she forgot her nervousness and the butterflies in her belly, distracted as she was by the glory of it all. It immediately invoked in her mind the image of a horde of Amazons - beautiful women fresh for a battle and revelling in their sisterhood - lounging about in a hidden grotto deep in Themyscira, helping one another unwind from the rigors of war. For Wonder Woman, it was a little slice of home. For Stargirl, it was the moment she realized that she'd finally, finally earned her place at Diana Prince's side. With her throat tight and her heart racing, Courtney finally turned her head to gaze at the pleased features of the older woman, nearly breathless as she spoke. "T...Thank you for sharing this with me, Diana."

"You have nothing to thank me for, Courtney," came the fond response. Courtney was still keeping her head tilted upwards, no doubt to make it clear that she wasn't staring at her mentor's body. Diana offered her no such courtesy, and when she took a step before the young woman she allowed her eyes to pass downward. From the top of that head of curly blonde hair down past her small but budding breasts, across a smooth and athletic belly and over a pair of thighs that were instinctively pressing together to hide what was nestled within. Wonder Woman studied the young woman up and down as Courtney could do little more than blush, though when she gazed back up at the girl's face Diana's look was calm and collected. Nurturing, as it so often was towards her young companion. "You're a warrior. My sister-in-arms. And I am proud to share this moment with you."

Everything Diana offered to Courtney - the kindness, the counsel, the spot at her side for so many months - had come from a place of support. She helped her learn the ropes, advised her in times of danger and dread, and lifted her up as a future true member of the Justice League. She treated her like an adult through and through, without any of the fussing and worrying over her well-being. Unlike her step-dad back home, unlike so many other heroes, in the eyes of Diana Prince, Courtney was more than just a girl. It was that trust and that bond Diana had worked so hard to nurture between them that Courtney relied on now, with butterflies in her belly and her head gently swimming, finally returning the gaze that Wonder Woman had offered her. A slow sweep from top to bottom, a glance across the figure of another warrior.

Courtney did so without any lewd intent. Her look along Diana's body was meant as an innocent gesture - a way to confirm that she, too, saw them both as warriors. As Amazons. As sisters-in-arms. And when she let her eyes dance across Wonder Woman's body from top to bottom, she bore witness to something that she truly did not expect.

Courtney's face likely gave it away just how surprised she was to see Wonder Woman was in possession of a fairly hefty length. It was hanging limp between her thighs but it was still scandalously large, certainly enough to make any of the boys back in high school jealous. The uncut, flaccid Amazonian member sat against a hilt that was shaved completely smooth, and beyond it was the by now long-familiar sight of Wonder Woman's mighty legs. Flawless muscle tone, powerful thighs that could vault her high over mountains, the legs that held up the strongest member of the Justice League. All in all, the entire package of Wonder Woman was genuinely stunning with or without that unexpected length that Courtney still couldn't tear her eyes away from, her throat tightening as she gave a nervous swallow with every breath she took.

"Stargirl? Is something wrong?" Diana asked casually, a hand on her hip as she judged the young woman's reaction. While still permitting her gaze to linger on the much younger girl's body, Diana stood simple and plain - her body posture almost bored, despite being the source of Courtney's sudden look of panic. "Do you wish to continue with our shower?"

"Y-Yes, nothing's...nothing's wrong!" Courtney's head snapped right back up, her soft, curly blonde locks bouncing around her head as she did so. Swiftly turning on a heel, the girl moved towards the nearest faucet, hands stretching out so they could get the shower underway. Her cheeks were a vibrant bright red and even now her eyes were left open wide in shock, teenage brain struggling to process just how...how hung Wonder Woman was. She even whispered to herself as she finally reached the faucet, marvelling in quiet shock as she did so. "How does she tuck that so neatly into her tights…?"

Moments later, the shower in Wonder Woman's bedroom was roaring with activity. Each showerhead was unleashing a downpour on the two women at full force, and a layer of steam had filled the room to the point that the glass doors were obscured and the air had a hot breath to it. Already it was filled with the heavy scent of a lilac body wash that was so enchantingly sweet that Courtney could've closed her eyes and breathed it for hours...or at least, she could have only if it wasn't actively being spread across her by the doting, powerful hands of her mentor.

"You're still so tense from the battle," Diana cooed from behind her young charge, hands hidden behind a blanket of suds that she drug across Courtney's shoulders in smooth, tender fashion. The two women were seated comfortably on the bench in the center of the shower, Diana perfectly positioned behind the girl so that she was blocking most of the water's spray. When she needed another dose of moisture to scrub Courtney clean she simply leaned to the side, but for now...she seemed more than content to be doing most of the work by hand. Seated firmly behind the teenager, Diana's hands moved with a certain deftness that few might guess her capable of. For a woman that could level a building in a single punch, she was astonishingly gentle when it came to spreading lilac-scented suds across the narrow shoulders of her sidekick. "You must relax with me, Courtney. There is no danger here, after all. Nothing that can hurt you. Simply your sister in arms, who wants nothing more than for you to be happy."

"Y...Yeah, I...I know…" Courtney didn't sound entirely convinced, but it wasn't for lack of trying. The girl was pushing herself back against Diana's hands, ever careful not to lean back so far that she felt her back tease over the older woman's bare breasts. Still, she was doing her part to show she was invested, rolling into Diana's grasp and giving a few noises of contentment. By that point, her back was practically coated and some of the suds had even begun dancing down the front of her chest, rolling across a pair of budding breasts and down along a flat tummy. She shuddered from the contact, and nibbled her bottom lip before confessing softly to Wonder Woman. "I just...I never showered like this with another girl. Even in gym class, we have our own little cubbies for the shower, and...and we definitely don't…"

"Another taboo of the modern world, one the Amazons wisely avoided," Diana Prince chuckled in response. She held aloft the bottle of body wash and gave Courtney another squirt of it at the top of her back, drawing a long, wet line as the lilac-scented shampoo splashed against her. Before long her hands were fully pressed to Courtney's back, scrubbing with intent fingers that were digging in against her with clear focus - she really was putting in the effort to make sure her sidekick received a good cleaning. While Diana's hands moved to graze down against Courtney's sides and Courtney in turn tensed and whimpered, the larger woman simply laughed, leaning forward to whisper to the girl over the sound of the roaring showerheads. "You have nothing to be afraid of, Courtney. Our friendship is stronger than a little awkward showering, is it not?"

"Oh, it is! It...it definitely is!" Courtney nodded, gazing over her shoulder with red cheeks and wide eyes. It didn't quite strike her just how close Wonder Woman was until that moment, until she looked back to nearly bump her cheek against Diana's nose. When the weight of their proximity hit her she fumbled for her words, finally only managed to squeak out a tiny murmur as she settled back against her. "It's just...you're so...so strong, and so beautiful, and I'm...I'm n-"

If there was ever a time during their interactions together that Diana Prince drew a hard line in the sand, it was that moment. She lifted one suds-covered hand and stretched a finger outward, tapping Courtney square on the nose and leaving a soapy blob of body wash clinging to the tip of it. As she did so, Diana spoke in a firm and unyielding tone, one that triggered every last obedient instinct in Courtney's mind. Even if Diana had to order the girl into self-confidence, she would damn sure see that she found it!

"You are one of the most elegant young women I've ever encountered, in the world of man or Themyscira," Diana cut off the girl's teenage lamentations before she had a chance to let them escape, and swiftly went back to work. By now she was covering Courtney's belly with a heavy lather, which naturally made the girl...tense. Beyond the fingers on her belly, the powerful forearms squeezing her closer, and even the steady dripping of suds against her lap, Diana's words alone made the teenager's cheeks feel like they were burning hot. "This spectacular, lithe body of yours would drive Amazons mad back home. Your beautiful golden hair would be the beacon every woman searched for in a crowd, and no doubt the drinking hall would be filled with stories about how you kindly declined the advances of our finest warriors." She paused, with a tiny chuckle rising from the back of her throat. "After all, I could not imagine you rejecting well-intentioned affections with anything other than demure sweetness."

Diana painted quite the picture, and the entire time she listened Courtney found herself easing into a greater state of comfort. While powerful hands scrubbed her tummy and Diana praised her for her beauty and elegance, it was quite easy for the teenager to fall into the moment - to lose track of just how strange this situation was, to even forget that the woman pawing hands across her shower-soaked body was well more than double her age. Those thoughts didn't drift back into her mind until the next natural step of their intimate cleaning session, the moment that Diana's hands drifted upward to caress over Courtney's small, modest chest.

The young woman certainly squeaked when it happened, a heavy gasp rising from her chest as she practically squirmed right off of her seat. By that point, Diana had dipped to the side to allow the water's spray to strike against Courtney's back, but in the same fluid motion she allowed her lips to linger at the girl's ear. Her voice echoed out in a soft and sweet tone, offering a hush and a whisper, just as her soapy hands began to effectively worship her junior charge's breasts.

"There is no one here but us, my little Amazon," she cooed, reminding her yet again that there was nothing to fear in that room. No outside forces, benign or wicked, could penetrate the privacy of Wonder Woman and Stargirl's post-victory shower. Her powerful hands were surprisingly gentle as they caressed up and down Stargirl's breasts, ensuring that every angle was coated in suds. She even allowed her fingers to sweep across her nipples in delicate fashion, though from the slightly stiff pinch it at least seemed like the contact was meant to clean, rather than tease. With the presence of Diana against her from behind, with the force of the older woman's hands resting at her breasts, even Courtney was starting to lose track of what was what. "Now...stand up for me. I will continue with your legs."

"N-N-No! Not...uh...not yet!" Courtney suddenly squirmed, her cheeks going vibrant red and her heart practically leaping into her throat. She shifted within her seat to spin and face Wonder Woman again, and though she tried to keep her gaze levelled she couldn't help but steal just another small, brief glance at the other's body. Still glorious fit and well-toned, and with that flaccid, thick unit laying on the bench, idly pointed to her direction. With butterflies going wild in her belly, Courtney suddenly lunged out with a hand, moving to grasp one of the bottles of expensive shampoo that was waiting for their attention. "How...how about we do each other's hair? And then I can wash you some! Sound...sound good?"

Diana's brow gently lifted, with a tiny, smug smile playing on her lips. When she gave Courtney a nod it came along with the woman slowly rising up to her feet - in doing so, bringing Courtney's face within a mere foot of that thick, hanging, impressive member. The blonde's attention was interrupted by Diana stretching out a hand to her charge, smiling as she gestured to another side of the shower.

"Come, it'll be easier if we stand," she offered, and gently began to pull Courtney up as soon as the girl's fingers were snugly fit within her palm. "Or at least...if you stand."

This was turning into the evening of butterflies and nervous nibbles on her bottom lip. Courtney's hands were shaking - actually shaking - as Wonder Woman knelt down before her, face-to-face with the fifteen year old's belly as the shower rained down upon them. They had moved to stand just underneath the spray of one of the largest showerheads ensuring that they were both being blasted, Courtney's soaked blonde locks pulled back to lay flat against her neck and Diana's looking far more untamed and wild. Those dark tresses were practically hiding the Amazon's face as she knelt with hands on her knees and a pleasant, peaceful smile on her face, contently offering herself up before her young charge for the next step in their bonding experience. With those trembling hands Courtney brought forward the bottle of shampoo, and after offering Diana a long squirt of it across the top of her head placed it back on a nearby shelf.

"You...you really do have amazing hair, Diana," Stargirl spoke just barely above the noise of the shower, sinking her hands deep into the older woman's hair. For the moment, this was what she felt comfortable offering - even though "comfortable" could be considered a bit of a stretch. She was still wobbly-kneed and her head was spinning, but she could at least manage washing Wonder Woman's hair without fainting. "It's...it's so thick, luxurious, and it makes you look so…"

"Ferocious?" Diana asked from her position, a pleased smile still dancing on her face. Her hair was half-covered in suds by now as it served as the play place for a teen's fingers, with several long tresses obscuring her face. Courtney could still tell that her eyes were closed, and that much made her giggle - it looked like even heroes dreaded getting shampoo in their eyes. While the girl worked Diana continued her guessing game, chuckling all the while in a state of mature contentment. "Battle-ready? Indomitable?"

"...all of those things," Courtney had to admit, much to Diana's preening pride. And when she continued to speak, the butterflies returned, battering against her belly while fingers wiggled and waved in Diana's locks. "But...but mysterious, too. It makes you look intimidating. Even scary...but in a good way."

"Oh?" Diana's curiosity was piqued, and she dipped her head forward when it was time to wash her locks clean of the shampoo. Upon doing so, her forehead rested against Courtney's belly, and the girl took great care in lifting handfuls of raven black hair so they could meet the spray of the water. When the deed was finished Diana started to lift up to her feet, looming before her sidekick with a confident smile and freshly-cleaned hair, and as she plucked the shampoo bottle from Courtney's fingers she continued to press the issue. "And just how do I scare someone in a good way?"

"It's...it's hard to explain," the girl whispered, and made it a point to close her eyes. She might have left them open just a liiiiiiiittle bit, so she could steal glances of Diana's hanging length through the veil of her own lashes. When those powerful hands lowered delicately to her head, Courtney shuddered but managed to maintain - after having Wonder Woman fondle her breasts, she could handle just about anything about the waist. "When I first met you, I wanted so, so much to impress you. So much that it scared me. And when I'd go to bed at night thinking about the work we've been doing, I'd just...I'd picture your face, and how pretty and strong it is, framed with that absolutely gorgeous hair." She took a deep breath, murmuring softly as she felt the shampoo sink against her blonde locks. "I was scared, but...I knew you'd never do anything to hurt me. The only thing that'd hurt was if I let you down."

Wonder Woman remained respectfully silent while Courtney spoke, rambling on like only a teenager could about the insecurities that dwelled within her, and how she was lended strength by a trusted role model. Though Wonder Woman might not have seen exactly how her hair fit into that idyllic perspective of the young woman, she didn't mind it one bit. Her hands were working as delicately in Courtney's blonde locks as the girl had done for her, fingers wiggling and rubbing the shampoo against her scalp, taking great, doting care to make sure her hair was washed clean afterwards. Courtney was left to sit on her confession for a long and lingering moment, so much so that she started to squirm back and forth, desperate for Diana to say something further. But as if she was reading the young woman's mind, the Amazon finally acted just before Courtney started to speak, stealing from her the opportunity to second guess herself.

"You…" the word filled the air between them with an affectionate authority. The voice of a mother, a teacher, an employer, and a friend all in the same breath. Powerful hands nestled against Courtney's cheeks just as a pair of thumbs slid forward, smoothing across the young woman's closed eyes to make sure she was free of shampoo. Tilting Courtney's head upward, Wonder Woman didn't finish her thought until Courtney's eyes were open - at which point, her words hit the girl with such an impact that she nearly collapsed into Diana's arms right then and there. "Have never come close to letting me down, little Amazon. I fill with pride every second I look at you...even if you think I'm scary."

Courtney, with clean hair and goosebumps dancing across her arms and legs with a renewed vigor, could only barely manage to squeak out a thought from the back of her trembling throat.

"Can...can I clean you, now?"


Washing Wonder Woman - an actual Amazonian princess - was like scaling a mountain. The veteran hero's body was, quite simply, perfect. From those powerful arms that Courtney had witnessed performing feats of heroic justice to a visibly muscled abdomen, to...to all the other parts that Courtney was trying, and failing, to not stare at. With one hand bunched up within a loofah and the other holding a fresh bottle of body wash, the girl was going forward with her part of the bargain, admittedly much more nervously than Wonder Woman did.

The two were back on the bench in the center of the shower, though this time facing each other as they straddled it. Courtney had hoped that sitting in such a fashion would lead to a less intimate position, as the notion of wrapping her arms around Diana from behind was enough to give the girl a panic attack, but the sad truth was there simply didn't exist a way to scrub down an Amazonian princess in a way that didn't make her heart race. If anything, this position was even worse, considering the entire time she worked Diana's eyes were upon her...and a certain length was laying flat against the bench, pointed straight towards Courtney's virginal entrance.

When she thought about it like that, this position was waaaaaaay worse, but it was too late now.

"How's...how's that?" Courtney asked, digging the loofah against Diana's flesh as she scrubbed over one of her shoulders. The other one was receiving the more delicate treatment of Courtney's suds-covered hand, smearing it back and forth in preparation for the more intense cleaning. The way Diana rolled her shoulders at the attention and practically purred in satisfaction was enough to make the girl tremble, but she kept up with her motions even after the older woman idly stretched out her hands, resting them in friendly fashion upon the girl's knees. It wasn't a particularly intimate contact considering everything they'd already done, but it still made goosebumps reassert themselves on Courtney's flesh, and forced the butterflies to return with a vengeance.

"It's lovely, Courtney, please continue," Diana cooed, and allowed her eyes to finally drift close. A small comfort for the teenager, knowing that while she worked she wouldn't be under the other woman's watchful gaze. As she continued, Diana encouraged her forward with a supportive voice - the same mature, kind tone that had been bolstering the girl through these long months as her sidekick. "Every inch of me is available to you. Please...clean everything that you feel comfortable with."

Weighted words, but Courtney was already so lost in the moment that she didn't think about them for now. Instead, she was starting to focus on her task with renewed vigor, one hand holding the loofah while the other steadily continued covering Diana's body with lather. To a certain point, it was relaxing - taking one powerful bicep in her grasp and scrubbing it nice and clean reminded her of just how strong Wonder Woman was, and how protected she was when in her shadow. She took her time cleaning the older woman's arms, and then drifted naturally to her belly, purposely avoiding those large, beautiful breasts. But as her fingers teased over the noticeable abs of her teacher, as the soap and lather clung to her body, Courtney couldn't help but let her eyes wander. From the peaceful look on Diana's raven-framed face to that spectacular shelf of flesh at her chest, to that long, soft unit that was draped casually on the bench where Diana's thighs spread. Still held neatly in its sheath, it was clearly behaving itself - intruding on nothing more than Courtney's vision when she so often stole glances.

Before long, the girl moved to clean Diana's breasts, and she didn't even realize she was doing it until her hands were there. So focused she was on that hefty length draped before her that she briefly lost track of herself, and as soon as it dawned on her what she was doing it was far too late to stop now. As Diana murmured contently with a satisfied look, Courtney lathered each perfect breast up before dragging the loofah over her, nibbling her bottom lip in a nervous state while she did so. The young blonde's heart was racing as she could feel herself sweating underneath the shower's spray, something was surging inside of her that she couldn't quite wrap her head around. More and more, a thought was slipping into her mind - a building impulse, a desire, an instinct, one that finally made itself known with a quiet voice that Courtney herself never thought would leave her lips.

"I'm...I'm going to clean your...your thing, now," she gave Diana a warning, just before her hands slipped down. In truth, she knew that if she opted out, Diana would have understood. At least that certainly held true to her earlier statement about cleaning what was comfortable. Still, now that she was there, now that she had that opportunity to take care of Diana in such an intimate way...could she really say no? Her young fingers stretched low, curling underneath the weight of that flaccid shaft and pulling it upward for a few inches. Already, she was shocked by the weight of it, and as if her heart wasn't already pounding in rapid, unceasing beats the thing started to flex against her. There was a tension in its movements, squeezing back against her palm, even pulsing within her grasp, and within just a few seconds she could feel Diana's length noticeable tense within her delicate hand. "Is...is this okay?"

"Of course," Diana cooed, still with eyes closed to keep the girl relaxed. She removed her hands from Courtney's legs so she could lean back on her palms, giving her as much room to work with as she needed. Refusing to even acknowledge how her member was responding to the teenager's touch, Diana seemed more than happy to let Courtney work at her own pace. Whatever happened in that moment was firmly the fifteen year old's responsibility. "You're doing splendidly, little Amazon."

The nickname was starting to grow on Courtney, and she offered Diana an affection true to the title. If she really was becoming an Amazon like the women of Themyscira, then she'd see to it that she tended to her princess as she deserved. Though Courtney's hands didn't descend upon Wonder Woman's member with any lewd intent, it was still undeniably intimate - and something the girl wouldn't have done without the bond they had. Diana had taken her time in cultivating trust and affection, fondness and authority with her young charge, and now? Now, she was reaping the benefits that came with such a connection. Courtney left the loofah behind for now, bringing her other hand down across Diana's member with both of her palms absolutely covered in lather.

Courtney never imagined that this was where her heroic life would lead, and yet? She relished it. Her suds-covered hands slowly worked up and down Diana's member as innocently as she possibly could, stroking from the tip to the base, moving over the shaved part of her lap, even spooning underneath the older woman's uncarriage to make sure her sack was neatly cleaned. The entire time, Diana's length was...receptive to the contact, to say the absolute least. It continued to flex within the teenager's grip, tensing and pulsing, even twitching from side to side so that the girl had to pinch her fingers to the sides and keep it in place. Though Diana's eyes were delicately closed Courtney's were wide open in a constant state of awe and shock, and her mouth soon mirrored that gasping state when the older woman's length stiffened to the point that her sheathe naturally pulled back. It revealed the sight of a flawless tip - pink and thick, perfectly smooth, with a dollop of something that wasn't body wash clinging to the slit at the top.

And Courtney, acting purely on impulse and relying on the trust she had with the older woman, swept a soapy hand across it. With her palm pressed against the tip and the other hand graciously caressing Wonder Woman's shaft down to the base, it was becoming rapidly clear to Stargirl that what she was doing wasn't...wasn't all that innocent, after all. Even if Wonder Woman was tolerating it, the teenager finally allowed a certain self-consciousness to snake into her mind. Was the way Wonder Woman throbbing within her grasp inappropriate? Was she out of line in cleaning her so tentatively? Diana did give her permission, after all, but was it okay to be cleaning her for this long?! Courtney's heart started to race and she found herself gazing down once more, now looking at Diana's rod peeking through the lather that she had so thoroughly coated it with. With those delicate fingers scrubbing back and forth, with that hefty slab of Amazonian meat pointing straight towards her belly, Courtney should have expected what the end result would be...and yet she was still completely shocked when it finally happened.

"Hnnng…!" Diana gave a sudden grunt, taking Courtney by surprise as her length tensed within the girl's soapy grip. Shortly thereafter, that thick unit pulsed, so fiercely that the girl could feel it tenting against her fingers, reminding her of just how strong this woman was. There was a sudden blast of white as Wonder Woman was cleaned straight into an orgasm, her member throbbing and thrashing, unleashing a brief torrent of squirts straight over Courtney's exposed, trembling belly. Courtney was so shocked from the impact and the heated sting across her flesh that she didn't respond immediately, simply staring down with the largest her eyes had ever been, watching as her flesh was painted in streaks of cream. Her flat tummy was left layered in the spunk of an Amazonian princess, with a total of five streaks plastered against her flesh and allowed to ooze down along the rest of her body. It clung to her thighs, rolled past the slope of her belly button, and even seeped down into the tiny patch of blonde hair resting just above her slit.

Only once Wonder Woman's length stopped trembling in her hand did Courtney finally have a chance to process it...and naturally fall into an appropriate state of panic and apology.

"Oh my god, Diana, I am so, so, so sorry!" Courtney looked up, her face pale and tears almost immediately welling in her eyes. She didn't quite know what to do with her hands and so they remained in the same space as before, one hand cradling Diana's sack while the other clutched her still sensitive rod. She swallowed nervously and tried to fight back the welling emotions - the guilt, the embarrassment, the nibbling concern that she let her friend down by making her climax without intent. "I just...I never cleaned one of these before, and...and I didn't...I had no idea they...they were such a hair trigger!"

Hair trigger. She'd been lathering up her mentor's prick for nearly ten minutes.

"Courtney, it's quite alright," Diana cooed, and allowed one hand to stretch forward, tucking her fingers underneath Courtney's chin. She lifted the girl's head so their eyes could meet, and pursed her lips with a soft, consoling noise before gently shaking her head. "I'm not upset. I forgive you, it was an honest mistake."

Her words were carefully chosen. Any outside observer would most likely see it - this young woman had been baited into that climax, coerced into stroking that thick Amazonian length until it exploded all over her. But the whole situation read entirely different to the terrified young teenager still holding Wonder Woman's twitching member, a girl that wanted only the approval of her mentor. To make her happy. To satisfy her as a friend and a student. Courtney's insecurities ate up Diana's forgiveness even though the older woman held the guilt, just as the blonde was all too eager to press her cheek against Diana's palm as her fingers uncurled and it was offered. With the Amazon's thumb sliding over Courtney's cheek, Diana cooed to her in a pleased voice - gazing into those young, naive eyes and speaking with a nurturing, comforting voice.

"As I said earlier, any Amazon would find themselves...weak before you," she cooed, and drifted a little closer. Courtney, whose worries paled in comparison to the awed admiration she held for Diana, leaned forward on pure impulse and instinct. When the older woman spoke again, her voice was laced with affection - leaving her intentions fully exposed, yet still hoisting the responsibility onto the teenager's delicate shoulders. "I'm no different, little Amazon. You hold me helpless in your hands."

Courtney Whitmore, the fifteen year old from the suburbs, practically melted as Diana closed the rest of the distance between them.

End of Chapter Two.