
Joining The Z Fighters

POV - Jamall

"Who are we?!? ... Who the hell are you!"

Vegeta's voice cut through the tension, still sounding fierce despite being tended to by Trunks. It was kind of amusing to see the proud Saiyan prince all injured like this. But hey, I couldn't blame him; I'd probably be a bit irritable too if I were in his shoes.

Before I could even think of a clever reply, I heard a groan nearby. My eyes flicked over to Piccolo, who was regrowing his missing arms. Oops. That one was on me.

"Oh, right. Sorry about your arms... but when I asked you to stop him, I didn't expect you to do something like that. Are you... alright?"

"Peachy. Who the hell are you anyway?"

I blinked, trying to gauge his reaction. It was almost comical how confused he looked.

"I'm Jamall, I thought you knew that already."

Silence followed. Then Piccolo broke it. "I'm not talking about your name! I meant, what are you!"

Of course, I knew he was asking about my true nature. I just had to keep my cool and distract these warriors from the looming threat I posed. Maybe if I played my cards right, I could keep them busy with meaningless banter.

"We have time for the story later; now, though, there are more pressing concerns... like your friends."

"They are not my friends," Piccolo replied flatly, his expression a mix of anger and disgust. It was almost too funny to see him so worked up. I struggled to suppress a laugh.

"Oh... well, they are nonetheless in need of assistance, so—"

"I don't need any assistance, you stupid overgrown bug—"

I tuned out Vegeta's tirade and focused on Tien, who seemed to have just woken up. I noticed he was eyeing me with suspicion, and Krillin, still dazed, echoed Tien's surprise.


I turned toward the bald guy. "I'm not a thing, I'm Jamall." I tried to sound as serious as possible, but it was hard not to chuckle. Then I turned back to Piccolo. "Are all your friends so rude?"

"I just said they are not my friends!" Piccolo's frustration was hilarious. I was having way too much fun.

I looked at Tien. "I'm sorry, mister... I don't think I know your name?"

He studied me warily. "My name is Tien, Tien Shinhan."

"Oh, what a lovely name!" I couldn't help it; I was on a roll. I then pointed at Krillin with my index finger. "Mister Tien-Tien Shinhan, I believe your son right there is in need of medical assistance."

"Wha—I'M NOT HIS SON!" Krillin exclaimed.

"He... he is not—That isn't my name—"

Oh man, this was pure gold.

"Ahahah. Oh, this is hilarious! I changed my mind, overgrown insect, you can stay!" Even Vegeta seemed to find this amusing. I was making progress here!

Turning to the Saiyans, I asked, "Oh, I'm glad you approve of my presence here. May I ask who you are?"

Vegeta responded promptly, "I'm Vegeta, prince of all Saiyans, the strongest warrior in the galaxy!"

Sure you are, Veggy.

I needed to move on to the second phase of my plan. "Oh, you are Vegeta, then! My mother spoke highly of you! Then you must be Trunks!"

Everyone froze. The stunned silence was palpable.

"Uh... do you know us?" Trunks finally asked, sounding genuinely bewildered. Just as I had planned.

Now it was time to weave my tale. I had thought long and hard about this story, discarding several ideas along the way. I needed a narrative that would make me seem like an ally from the start, not just some freak of science.

"Of course I know you! My mother, the one who created me, is also your biological mother, the wife of the prince of all Saiyans!" I tried to infuse pride into my voice.

Their expressions were priceless.

"Wait... your mother is Bulma?" Krillin asked, shock evident on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him, feigning incredulity. "Why so surprised? Can't you see the resemblance?"

"Oh, now that you say it—NO! YOU ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!"

It was Piccolo who interjected, cutting off any potential retort I had planned. "While this is all extremely entertaining, I think we need some context here."

"Very well, I'm going to tell you everything, but first, I need a confirmation from my mother about your identities. Only after she confirms that you are who you say you are will I tell you everything I know."

Then Krillin had to jump in, ruining my moment of brilliance. "Hey, hold on! How do we know you are telling the truth?"

Well played, baldy. "What reasons do I have to lie?"

His response didn't deter him. "I... I don't know! But Bulma would never create something so... creepy like you!"

Oh, if only you knew, Krillin.

I was about to retort when Piccolo surprisingly came to my defense. "I don't think he is lying..." he said, his sharp gaze trained on me. He turned to me and asked, "You came from the future, am I right?"

Once again, I found myself surrounded by stunned silence. Piccolo had already pieced together the basics of my story, which was both impressive and slightly nerve-wracking.

I smirked, impressed. "Everything you said is correct... I'm impressed, Piccolo. There is very little to add to the story. Still, as I said, I will not say anything more without a confirmation from my mother. And that is final."

Trunks spoke up, his demeanor shifting slightly. "I understand. I think it's better if we go back home then. I'm sure mother and the others are worried by now. They must have sensed that the fight ended, but the fact we are not coming back yet..."

I nodded, excited. "Of course, lead the way."

Vegeta seemed to be over it, blasting off without another word. Piccolo and Tien decided to follow, curiosity etched on their faces. I felt a surge of adrenaline as we sped off towards Kame House.

The flight back was silent, but my mind was racing. I could hardly believe I was flying alongside the heroes of Earth! What would it be like to hang out with them?

I couldn't wait to meet Bulma and reveal my true identity. I was one step closer to perfection—and who knows, maybe I'd get to train with the Z Fighters too.

What a world!